Columbia LLMの出願締切のポリシーの変更が発表されました。コロナウィルスの影響を受けての変更とみられます。
以前に設定されていたEarly review option の設定を行わずに、Regular roundのみの締め切りの設定に変更
The application for the 2021-2022 LL.M. Program is now available, and the deadline to submit an application is December 18, 2020.
出願結果についてのregular roundとして以下の日程での発表予定となります
Admission decisions for the 2021-2022 LL.M. Program will be sent by mid-March.
Thank you for your email. Due to the unique structure of this year’s program, there will not be an early review option for applicants to the 2021-2022 LL.M. Program. Instead, all admission decisions will be sent by March 15. There is no advantage to submitting applications early, other than giving LSAC more time for document processing.