2021-2022 Columbia MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 Columbia MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました

August 2022 Entry Application Deadlines

Early Decision October 6, 2021
Merit Fellowship January 5, 2022
Regular Decision April 8, 2022

January 2022 Entry Application Deadline

Regular Decision October 6, 2021



Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:

  • “Work in business development for a media company.”
  • “Join a strategy consulting firm.”
  • “Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay 1

Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2 and 3: Please respond to two (2) of the three (3) essay questions listed below:

  • The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a new co-curricular program designed to ensure that every CBS student develops the skills to become an ethical and inclusive leader. Through PPIL, students attend programming focused on give essential diversity, equity, and inclusion skills: Creating an Inclusive Environment, Mitigating Bias, Communicating Across Identities, Addressing Systemic Inequality, and Managing Difficult Conversations. Tell us about a time you were challenged around one of these five skills.  Describe the situation, the actions you took, and the outcome. (250 words)
  • Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you? (250 words)
  • Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you? (250 words)

Optional Essay

Is there any further information that you wish to provide the Admissions Committee? If so, use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)


Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 UCLA MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 UCLA MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表が発表されました

All applicants must apply to the MBA program online. Applications will be accepted for Fall 2022 starting August 1, 2021.

Deadlines & Decisions
Application Deadline Decision release date
Roud 1 2021/10/5 2021/12/14
Roud 2 2022/1/4 2022/3/22
Roud 3 2022/4/12 2022/5/17

We look forward to learning about your perspectives and plans via your essay responses. Essays complement the answers you provide throughout the application to show us your whole profile. The best applications are introspective, genuine and succinct in directly answering our questions and showing clear plans for the future.

A) Essay: For the 2021-2022 application year, we have one essay question that is required for first-time applicants and optional for re-applicants:

How have recent events influenced the impact you would like to make in your community, career, or both? (250 words maximum)

We welcome reflection on any events that influenced you in your personal or professional lives, or in society in general, and look forward to learning about specific ways you want to leave your mark.

B) Optional Essay: No preference is given in the evaluation process to those who choose to respond to this optional essay, so please use your best judgment:

Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions committee should be aware? (250 words maximum)


Reapplicants are those who applied to the MBA program within the last two application years, so those who applied three or more years ago are considered new applicants.

Reapplicants may answer one or both of the essay questions above as options, and they must provide additional updates within text boxes given in the application for any new test scores, career developments, or other changes since their last application.


Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 Kellogg MBA 出願締切日発表

2021-2022 Kellogg MBA 出願締切日が発表されました。Early Julyにオンラインアプリケーションがアップされる予定です。

Application deadlines

Round 1: September 15, 2021
Round 2: January 5, 2022
Round 3: April 6, 2022

Decision deadlines

Round 1: December 8, 2021
Round 2: March 23, 2022
Round 3: May 11, 2022

Kellogg’s 2022 Full-Time MBA Application: What You Need to Know

Chizuko Okada

Harvard Kennedy School 2021-2022出願向けオンライン学校説明会開始

Harvard Kennedy Schoolの2021-2022出願向けオンライン学校説明会開始しました。いよいよ本格的な学校調査の開始の時期です。

※時間は東部時間(Eastern Time)表記です。日本時間ではありませんので、ご注意ください
Admissions and Financial Aid Information Session: One-year Mid-Career MPA Program (including Mason Fellows)
June 3 | 4 p.m. ET

Admissions and Financial Aid Information Session: Two-Year Master’s Programs
June 15 | 10 a.m. ET

Master’s Programs Information Session
June 8 | 10 a.m. ET

June 24 | 12 p.m. ET


Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 Wharton MBA 出願締切日発表

Wharton MBAの2021-2022 Application Timeline & Deadlinesが発表されました

Application Deadline Interview Invitations Decisions
Round 1 September 8 , 2021 October 27, 2021 December 15, 2021
Round 2 January 5, 2022 February 14, 2022 March 23, 2022
Round 3 March 30, 2022 April 14, 2022 May 10, 2022



Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 Michigan MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

Michigan Ross Full Time MBAの出願締め切り日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました!2021-2022シーズンの出願を目指す方、特に、round1を目指す方は本格的な出願準備開始ですね。



Application Due Decisions Released
Round 1 Sept. 20, 2021 Dec. 8, 2021
Round 2 Jan. 10, 2022 Mar. 18, 2022
Round 3 Apr. 4, 2022 May 11, 2022


Part 1: Short-answer questions

Select one prompt from each group of the two groups below. Respond to each selected prompt in 100 words or less .

Group 1
I want people to know that I:
I made a difference when I:
I was aware that I was different when:

Group 2
I am out of my comfort zone when:
I was humbled when:
I was challenged when:

Part 2: Career Goal Essay
What is your short-term career goal and why? (200 words)





Chizuko Okada

IEフルタイムMBAプログラムにBusiness Extension Moduleが新設

IE日本オフィスの方から、IE Full-time MBAプログラムに新たなモジュール設立の案内をいただきました。

通常12ヶ月で修了するFull-time MBAプログラムに加えて、5-6ヶ月のBEM(Business Extension Module)を履修することで、追加でコンサルプロジェクトやスタートアップ等を経験しトータルで最長17か月のプログラムとすることが可能になりました。


Business Extension Module

Further extend your personalized learning through the optional Business Extension Module (BEM). This five- to six-month module, undertaken after completing the International MBA, is designed to help you focus your career goals as part of your MBA journey.

The BEM is included in the MBA for students beginning their program in the September 2021 and January 2022 intakes. With it, you will remain an IE Business School student, continuing on to boost your employability and career prospects by gaining an extra certification in a track of your choice.

Above all, this extension gives those students who need it even more time to fine-tune their skills. You’ll be able to focus your career search, put your skills to the test through corporate projects or internships, complete a High-Impact Online Program (HIOP) or even take part in an international exchange. And for any startup founders, the extended Venture Lab could be the defining period to ensure a successful market launch.

The Business Extension Module allows students to choose one of the four specializations offered:

Consulting Track: Corporate Project, HIOP and Electives
Enterprise Track: Internship, Electives and optional HIOP
International Track: Internship or Corporate Project + HIOP Long Exchange
Entrepreneurial Track: Extended Venture Lab, Electives and optional HIOP

All four tracks feature language learning, personalized coaching and one-on-one Career Booster sessions.

このほかにも、Short exchange week/Social innovation treks/International long exchangeといったオプションもあります。さらに、dual degree programもありますので、皆さんのニーズにあわせて最適なプログラムを選ぶことが可能です。

Chizuko Okada

2022年入学向け:Berkeley LLM 締め切り日発表!

先日ご案内したHarvard LL.M.に続き、Berkeleyにおいても締め切り日が発表されました。

The deadline to apply for the LL.M. traditional or thesis track in fall 2022 is December 18, 2021.

Harvard、Berkeleyも昨シーズンと同様の締め切り日となっております。この状況から、今シーズンも主要校の締め切り日は12月に集中することが予想されます。出願締め切りを想定し、残り半年間の出願スケジュール、そして、テスト対策以外の”やらなければならないことリスト“(THINGS TO DO LIST)を作っていきましょう。

1) LSACサービスの確認
2) LSACサービスの登録
3) サービスの申し込み
4) 成績表の送付手配(LSAC宛)
5) レジュメの作成
6) パーソナルステートメントの作成
7) 推薦者の選定
8) 推薦者との打ち合わせ(作業の進め方)
9) 各校の願書入力
10) 出願校の調査

Eiki Satori

2021-2022 Harvard MBAエッセイ課題発表 Top MBAゼミシリーズでその対策をおさえる

先日の出願締切日発表に続き、2021-2022シーズンのエッセイ課題は2020-2021シーズンと変更なしであることが発表されました。正式な出願用のアプリケーションは6月中旬にアップされる予定ですが、現時点では、 Application Guideをダウンロードすることをお勧めします。

Harvard MBA Essay 

“As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA Program?” (no word limit)

2022年MBA留学に向けて 書類作成戦略と学校調査の開始の重要性


Top MBAゼミシリーズ

M7(US) Europe Top MBAに特化した出願傾向とその対策を理解するために、この度新設いたしました。


Harvard /Stanford       5月16日 Sun 15:00-16:30
Wharton/Columbia     5月22日 Sat 15:00-16:30
Kellogg /Chicago/MIT     5月29日 Sat 13:00-14:30
INSEAD/LBS                                5月29日 Sat 15:00-16:30



Chizuko Okada

出願書類対策:Harvard Law School編 Part-1 推薦状の重要性

みなさん、こんにちは。前回はHarvard Law Schoolの出願締切日についてご案内いたしました。また、同校HPからは2020-21 Application Sample(昨シーズンのもの)をダウンロードすることができますので、本日はこちらの情報を用いて今後の準備を一緒に考えていきたいと思います。



You will need to upload your Personal Statement and CV/résumé and pay your application fee in order to submit the online application form. Please follow the instructions below regarding submission of your transcripts and diplomas, LSAC report (if you are using this optional service), recommendations, and official TOEFL report. You are responsible for assembling and submitting all of the credentials necessary for evaluating your application, and for making sure that all materials are received by the deadline.

同スクールへ出願する際は、大学独自の出願サイト経由で書類を受け付けていることから、Law School Admissions Council (LSAC※)の出願代行サービスは“オプション“となります。他校は、LSAC経由での出願で対応するケースが大多数を占めております。

Please note: We do not accept recommendations through this service.

これは、推薦状以外の書類はLSAC経由で受領するという意味です。LSACから提出する推薦状はGeneral Type (LSACのサービス内で左記のように定義済)で、推薦文には具体的な校名にも言及せず、全校共通のものを使いまわすタイプです。そうした性質を理解した上で上記の見解を発表していることを考えますと、Harvardの出願書類における推薦状は大切な役割を担うことが想像できます。




【Zoomにて開催】2022年トップLLM入学希望者対象  出願戦略コンサルティング個別クイックアドバイス~5月の出願戦略について~

Eiki Satori