TOEFL Essentialsテスト(ETSの新しい英語能力評価テスト)が始まりました

掲題について、TOEFLテスト日本事務局のETS Japan、TOEFL事業部から下記のご連絡を頂きました:

米国の非営利教育団体であるETS(本社:米国ニュージャージー州プリンストン)は、2021年8月21日に新しい英語能力評価テストであるTOEFL Essentialsテストの実施を開始いたしました。

ETS Japanでは、日本国内の英語学習者の皆様を対象にした日本語のWebサイトを公開しております。

TOEFL Essentialsテスト受験者向け日本語Webサイト トップページ


既に公開されている英語のTest Takersサイトに加え母語での情報収集により、テスト詳細の理解促進にお役立ていただければ幸いです。

TOEFL Essentialsテスト 受験者向け日本語Webサイト公開のリリース


A Wider Range of Grammar in IELTS

Hi everyone, and welcome to the instructor blog! I hope your studies at AGOS are going well.


I’m Mark, and today, I’m going to be talking about the importance of using a wider range of grammar, and how this can help you to improve your score in the IELTS speaking test. A lot of test takers in Japan struggle to use a wide range of grammar in the IELTS speaking interview, especially tenses which can be harder to use, such as the Past Perfect, Past Continuous, or Conditional sentences using ‘If’. However, using these structures can help you to achieve higher scores in this test.  Take the following example.


Here is part of a typical IELTS Speaking Part 2 question:


‘Describe an electronic device you use every day’.


A typical answer might begin as follows:


‘I’m going to talk about a useful electronic device I use. This is my smartphone. Actually, I bought a new smartphone last year and I use it every day. I bought my new smartphone because my previous smartphone was old and I accidently sat on my phone and cracked the screen, so I needed to buy a replacement. I take the train to work every day, so I use my smartphone to check the news, listen to music and send text messages to my friends, and …. er’.


The problem with this answer is that the speaker only uses a limited range of grammar, especially tenses. In this part of the answer, apart from ‘going to’, the speaker only uses the Present Simple and Past Simple tenses.

A much better answer to this type of question might be something like:

‘I’m going to talk about a useful electronic device I use, which is my brand-new smartphone that I bought last year. Actually, I’d wanted to buy a new one for a long time, but I was always working overtime and could never find time to go to the shop and buy a new one because it always takes ages. However, last year, while I was commuting to work on the train, I accidentally sat on my phone and cracked the screen. You see, I’d been standing for a long time, and because I was tired, I slipped my phone into my back trouser pocket and forgot about it until after I’d sat down. It’s very important to me so I was crushed. 

I take the train to work every day, so I use my phone to catch up on the news, listen to the latest tunes I’ve downloaded and send text messages to my friends. If I didn’t have my smartphone, I wouldn’t know what I’d do to pass the time.  Anyway I was very happy to get a new one.’


This is a much better answer to this question, and in my next blog, I will analyze why.

スピーキング攻略 (TOEFL iBT®/IELTS):徹底的に準備をしよう! — 柳澤洋美

Speaking Sectionでは、聞かれたことに自由に答えられて、相手に納得してもらうこと…それが理想です。大した準備もせずにTOEFL iBT®で20点、あるいはIELTSで6.5以上を取れるような帰国生の方などは別として、純ジャパにとって、自由に意見を言って高得点を狙えるまでには、かなりの道のりがあります。






○ピカッと光る単語を2,3個を書き入れる。例えば、高齢化社会についての問題で、barrier-free(バリアフリーの)、 feel isolated from society(社会から孤独していると感じる)、average lifespan(平均寿命)などを入れて、採点官に語彙力のアピールをします。


※河合出版:『かなり詳しく学べるTOEFL iBT®テスト スピーキング・ライティング 演習編』より

IELTS Listeningの語数制限 ― by 土橋

IELTS Listeningの空欄補充問題には、解答に対する語数制限が設けられています。例えば問題文に以下のような指示があった場合、解答として何単語まで書いてよいか、分かりますか?

Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


IELTS初学者の中には、この“NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS”という表現に、一瞬戸惑われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。ちなみに、英和辞典で意味を調べると、“no more than ~”は「(数量が)~しかない、たった、わずか」といった定義が出てきます。


例えば、ある問題の正解が“leather boots”(革のブーツ)だったとしましょう。これを“boots made of leather”と書くと不正解です。どちらの表現も意味するものは同じですが、後者は語数制限違反となります。


A new type of TOEFL Task 2 campus conversation (Part 2): How to answer it

In a previous post, I introduced a new type of Task 2 campus conversation in which the student agreed with the basic idea of the plan to close down the computer lab because students had their own laptops, but she didn’t like the idea of adding more books to the library. If you haven’t seen the first post, please go back and look at this new type of Task 2.

How should we organize our answer? It could look something like this:

The university is planning to get rid of the computer lab in the multimedia department because they argue that most students have their own laptops, and it will give them more space to expand the book section.

The woman mostly agreed with this plan. First of all, she said that most students in the multimedia department had their own laptops because they were quite inexpensive and everyone needed them for homework. As a result, the computer lab was hardly ever used these days.

However, she didn’t think it was a good idea to expand the number of books as published books in the multimedia field are typically soon out-of-date.  She suggested that the space would be better utilized as a meeting area for groups working on projects.

So, it’s not widely different from what we are used to. We can add ‘mostly’ to ‘agreed’ and use a contrasting linking word to introduce the second point, such as ‘However’.

In conclusion, you are still more likely to see the old pattern, but please be aware that this new pattern above is possible.

夏休み期間限定! 夕方から受験できるコンピューター版IELTS

■英検協会 IELTS事務局より以下のお知らせを頂きました。

□■ 1、夏休み期間限定!夕方から受験できるCD IELTS ■□
CD IELTSでは、夏休み期間中の受験時間枠として以下の日程で「夕方から受験できるCD IELTS」を実施しております。
是非この機会にCD IELTSをご受験ください!!

8月8日(日) 8月15日(日) 8月28日(土)

スピーキングテスト → PC受験の順で受験いただきます。

 1、16:00集合 試験時間 16:20~16:40
 2、16:20集合 試験時間 16:40~17:00
 3、17:00集合 試験時間 17:00~17:20
◆PC受験(WRL試験) 17:20~20:30 頃、終了予定


CD IELTSのお申し込みはこちらから


CD IELTSの詳しい情報はこちら


Writingセクション攻略のために(その1):日本語で思いついたことを整理し直す — by 米田

TOEFLにしてもIELTSにしても、高スコア獲得のためには作文力即ちWriting力を高めなければいけませんよね。高得点につながるWriting力には幾つもの要素があります。語彙力や文法力、説得力のある論理展開、IELTSであれば図表の正確な解釈(Task1)、TOEFLであれば高精度なListening理解力(Integrated Task)などなど・・・。





It is very difficult to see green places because there aren’t many in the city.


New TOEFL Speaking Task 2 (Part 1) by John Grant

Recently, TOEFL has modified the pattern that TOEFL Task 2 campus conversations typically take. In this blog post, I will examine what this new type of task looks like. In an upcoming post, I will show you how you can answer it.

We are all familiar with the usual pattern as follows.

In the reading, there is a proposal to improve things around campus or an announcement from the university of a plan to change something. Then, we hear a conversation between a man and a woman about the change.

In this pattern, the person has either completely agreed or completely disagreed with the plan or proposal. Our job is to summarize the plan or proposal, the person’s opinion, and both reasons.

While we still usually see this pattern on the TOEFL test, ETS has added a third way the conversation could develop. In this new pattern, the man or the woman agrees with the main change and agrees with the first reason that is explained in the reading.  However, they disagree with the second reason. Let’s look at an example.

Read this announcement from the university.


Changes to the Multimedia Department’s Library

The university board has decided to close the computer lab in the multimedia department’s library. This decision was taken because, according to a recent survey, a majority of students in this department own their own laptop and use it exclusively for their work. The library will continue to lend out laptops to students that do not have them.

In addition, the space that the computer lab currently occupies can be used to increase the number of books about multimedia that the library has to offer.


To summarize, we can say the reading makes these points:


Type: Announcement from multimedia college.
Plan:  They want to close the computer lab in the library.
Reason 1: Most students have their own laptops.
Reason 2: It will free up space so they can add more books.


Now, let’s look at a transcript of a conversation between a man and a woman discussing the announcement.

Male student Have you heard about the computer lab?


Female student I sure have, and I think it’s about time.


Male student Why’s that?


Female student Well, they’re right that most students have their own laptops these days. Every year they’re getting cheaper and cheaper. Also, in our field, you need your own laptop so you can do the homework. Those old computers in the lab just weren’t being used.


Male student So you must be happy that they’re getting new books.
Female student That is one thing that bothers me.


Male student What do you mean?


Female student Multimedia is such a changing field that by the time books are published, they’re already out of date. I mean, if you’re going to write a paper, you’d head to the Internet first for the latest information.


Male student I see what you mean.


Female student I think that extra space would be better used as a meeting room for group projects.


As you can see, the woman agrees with the change and the first reason for the change. However, she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to buy more books, and she offered an alternative on how to use the extra space.

In my next post, I will show you how to answer this question.


IELTS Reading & Listeningの「大文字 or 小文字」問題 ― by 土橋

「IELTS ReadingとListeningの空欄補充問題は、解答内容やスペルが正しくても、すべて小文字で書くと不正解になりますか?」



このご質問に対する答えは、「IELTS ReadingとListeningの空欄補充問題では、解答内容とスペルに誤りがなければ、すべて大文字もしくは小文字で書いても正解となります」です。つまり、ある問題の答えが「Angela」だったとして、以下はすべて正解です。




これから留学準備をしたいという皆さんへ。「いきなり長文はダメ!」の話 — by 柳澤洋美


まず1つ目は「英単語の暗記」です。まずは1カ月かけて、とにかく単語集を1冊それだけやる。文法は? 長文読解は?と焦る気持ちを抑えて、単語の暗記に専念しましょう。



