Minimal Pairs for Japanese Speakers

How to use minimal pairs to improve your pronunciation.

by John Grant

In a previous blog post, I mentioned a good way to check your pronunciation is to use a note taking app that has a microphone and read some sentences into your phone to see if your phone can pick up each word accurately. I also touched on using minimal pairs to work on individual sounds.

Minimal pairs are words that are very similar but have one sound that is different. In this blog post, I will give you examples of sentences that focus on sounds that Japanese people find difficult.

Try reading these sentences into your phone using a note taking app to see how accurate your pronunciation is. As you read these sentences, pay attention to where your tongue is in your mouth and your mouth shape.

  1. æ / ʌ

i. It’s beside the cap . It’s beside the cup .

ii. She sang in front of people. She’s sung in front of people.

iii. It’s fan art. It’s fun art.

2. ɑː / eə

i. It’s not far . It’s not fair .

ii. It’s under the stars . It’s under the stairs .

iii. It’s under your car . It’s under your care .

iv. I don’t like to go near the bar . I don’t like to go near the bear .

3. ʌ / ɑː

i. I don’t like much . I don’t like March .

ii. Don’t get dirt in the cut . Don’t get dirt in the cart .

iii. I damaged his hut . I damaged his heart .

4. ɜː / ɪə

i. He has a blue bird . He has a blue beard .

ii. It’s not really fur . It’s not really fear .

iii. Is it actually her ? Is it actually here ?

5. ɜː / ɑː

i. Is it fur ? Is it fair ?

ii. How much further ? How much, father ?

iii. I used to own a firm . I used to own a farm .

iv. She’s used to be heard . She used to be hard .

6. b / v

i. It’s the best . It’s the vest .

ii. It’s a bet . It’s a vet .

iii. It’s a cupboard table. It’s a covered table.

7. s / ʃ

i. They didn’t suit the man. They didn’t shoot the man.

ii. Please clean the seat . Please clean the sheet .

iii. He saved your head. He shaved your head.

iv. It’s a sign . It’s a shine .

8. s / θ

i. Are you sinking ? Are you thinking ?

ii. I can see her mouse . I can see her mouth .

iii. It could be worse sitting here. It could be worth sitting here.

9. h / f

i. It isn’t hair . It isn’t fair .

ii. I can feel the horse . I can feel the force .

iii. The company wants to hire me. The company wants to fire me.

10. n / ŋ

i. She’s sinner . She’s a singer .

ii. We were sinking in the water. We were singing in the water.

11. l / r

i. You said it was long . You said it was wrong .

ii. Can you collect it and send it to me? Can you correct it and send it to me?

iii. I said I did not want flies in my meal. I said I did not want fries in my meal.

Good luck and keep practicing!



Note Taking Apps for Pronunciation


Hello, I’m John Grant and I would like to show you a great way to practice and check your pronunciation.

A common question I’m asked by my students is how they can check their pronunciation of certain words or sentences by themselves. If you don’t have English speaking friends, this may seem quite difficult. Luckily, technology has an answer.

Have you ever heard of note taking apps on your smartphone?

These are applications that you can use to jot down memos to yourself. On iPhones, the app Notes (メモin Japanese) is already installed on the phone. If you’re an Android user or have a different phone, you can download Evernote or a similar app. I use my note-taking app for shopping lists and things to do.

So how do we use it to help with our pronunciation? With these apps, you can click on the microphone to record your voice and it will transcribe your words into the app.

First of all, make sure your keyboard is switched to English.

Now try to read a few sentences into your phone. You can choose a model answer from a textbook or a script from a TOEFL or IELTS listening task. Your phone should pick up the same words that are in the script. Make a note of any words that your phone misunderstood and practice those words. You can use Google pronunciation to practice those words.  I have discussed this in a previous blog post.

This is a great way to check your pronunciation by yourself, especially those that will take the TOEFL test. As you may know, the TOEFL test is now graded, or rated, by a person and a computer program called Speech Rater®. So you have to speak clearly or the Speech Rater® will not understand what you are saying. This can adversely affect not only your Delivery mark, but also your grammar and vocabulary rating.   By using the above study tip, you can check if a computer AI can understand you.

This method is particularly useful for working with minimal pairs. A minimal pair is a pair of similar words with just one sound different, typically a sound that is difficult for students to produce. An example of a minimal pair would be light/right or sink/think.  I’m sure many of you have struggled with these sounds, and now you have a way to check if you are saying them correctly and practice them until you get them right.

In my next post, we will go through these pairs, focusing on ones that Japanese speakers find challenging.

GMAT Online vs 会場試験: 平均スコアが高いのは? ー GMAT Test Prep Summit レポート 1

本日(2021年9月29日)、リモート開催された GMAT Test Prep Summit – East Asia に参加しました。

GMAT Online試験の最新(裏)情報、受験者のトレンド、CAT 開発責任者による質疑応答も含めた採点アルゴリズム解説など、いろいろ貴重な情報を得ることができましたので、データや情報に関する私自身の見解とともにブログ記事にしていきたいと思います。

今回は第1回目のレポート記事として、「GMAT Online vs 会場試験のスコアの差」について紹介します。

自宅受験 vs 会場試験: 平均スコアが高いのは?

Test Prep Summit では、CAT開発責任者がいくつか試験や受験者に関するトレンドを紹介する中で、GMAT Online(自宅受験)と会場試験とのスコアの違いに関する統計を示してくれました。



トータルスコアが会場試験の方が高くなっている原因は、Math スコアの差によるものです。Verbalでは両試験にほとんど差がありません。

2020年6月以前は、GMAT Onlineでは物理ホワイトボードが許されず、画面上のホワイトボードを使う必要がありましたが、上記のデータは2020年8月から2021年7月までの統計です。


現時点では、自宅受験の方が Math スコアが低くなる大きな原因として、下記が挙げられるかもしれません。

  • ホワイトボードやマーカーを自分で用意する必要があるため、マーカーが太すぎて計算するには不便だったりするケースが多い
  • 試験会場と違って何度もイレイサーで計算結果を消す必要がある
  • しばらくの間カメラから顔が離れると試験官がすぐに注意するため、集中力が乱される
  • WiFi 接続の切断や不安定により、画面の遷移に時間がかかったりフリーズしたりするケースもある



アゴスや G-Prep の授業では、GMAT試験に関する最新情報を踏まえて、最先端の試験戦略を紹介しています。

アゴス GMAT コースの特徴

MBA 試験対策 G-Prep


英語リスニングの壁:リエゾン(その1) – by 加藤



分かりやすい例で言えば、Let it go.(懐かしい!ですね)が「レリゴー」のように発音されることですね。この場合は、letの最後の子音である「t」の音と、itの最初の母音である「i」が結合し「ティ」のような音に変化します。「レティ(ト)ゴー」でも良いのですが、米音の場合は、さらにtの音が日本語でいえばラ行に近い音になりますので、結局「レリゴー」に近い発音となります。

Let it go.「レリゴー」のように、非常になじみのある言葉なら良いのですが、そうでない場合、このリエゾンという現象は、ネイティブが話す英語を我々日本人が聞き取る上でしばしば壁となり得ます。




I should have stayed out of trouble.


まず、ネイティブはhの音を弱化または無音化させる傾向にあるので、should haveの部分はまるでshould ofであるかのように発音します。さらに、このshouldの「d」とofの「o」がリエゾンを起こし、「ド」か「(米音では)ダ」のように発音します。
stayed out はステイダウドのようになります。out ofの部分も同様に、「t」と「o」がくっついて「ト」か「ド」に近い音になります。

これらの法則は、アゴス・ジャパンのTOEFLやIELTSの特にリスニング初級(Foundation / Base)クラスで学習します。また、Dictationと音マネをすることによって、時間はかかりますが、これをマスターすることができます。

TOEFL Essentialsテスト、無料受験キャンペーン!

掲題について、TOEFLテスト日本事務局のETS Japan、TOEFL事業部から先程下記のご連絡を頂きました。“特典内容”を青字に、皆さんに関係する部分を赤字にしています。関心をお持ちの方にとってはなかなか魅力的な機会ですね。「一度受けてみようかな」とお考えの方は是非、お早めに!


本日は、TOEFL Essentialsテスト無料受験キャンペーン(第一回)開催について、ご案内させていただきます。

2021年にETSからリリースされた自宅受験型の新しい英語4技能テスト「TOEFL Essentialsテスト」は、多段階アダプティブ方式(受験者の正答率によって後に続く設問の難易度が自動調整される技術)を用いた、即答式タスクが特徴です。
TOEFLテストに馴染みがある方にとっては「アカデミック英語のみ出題」「試験時間が長い」「受験料が高額」等のイメージが強いかと思いますが、TOEFL Essentialsテストは「アカデミック英語+一般英語が約50%ずつ出題」「試験時間90分」「日本国内での受験料は$110」です。また、CEFR A1からC2まで、あらゆるレベルの英語力を測定することができ、海外留学の出願においては、すでに利用が開始されています。

日本国内ではまだ実態を知る人が少ない今、TOEFL Essentialsテストの魅力をいち早く体感してみませんか。

特典① TOEFL Essentialsテストの無料受験(通常申込の受験料 US $110分が実質無料)
特典② 当選者限定!受験前オンライン説明会への無料参加
特典③ 受験いただいた方限定!The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test Volume 1 (DVD-ROM版) を無償提供



当選人数: 10名

・9月28日(火) 〜30日(木)の間にETSアカウント新規作成(TOEFLテスト未受験の場合のみ)、受験申込、受験料 US $110の立替支払いを行えること 
・TOEFL Essentialsテストは「自宅/個室」で受験するテストです(会場受験はできません)。受験に必要な機器・環境はご自身でご用意いただきます。

9月21日(火)〜27日(月) 正午まで

9月27日(月) 18:00  ※当選者のメールアドレス宛にご連絡いたします。




Free Apps for Improving your English

Free apps to improve your English for the TOEFL and IELTS speaking exams.

by John Grant

I’m often asked by students which online resources they can use to improve their speaking skills in preparation for taking either the IELTS or TOEFL exam.

I base my recommendations on three criteria:

  1. Motivating
  2. Easy to use
  3. Free (mostly)


  1. Google pronunciation

This completely free (amazing !!) function in the Google search engine allows you to hear and see how a word is pronounced in both British and American accents. Also, it has a practice button allowing you to try to pronounce it with feedback to see what you are doing wrong. This is a real game changer! Just type the word and type pronunciation. For example, try to type ‘wonderful pronunciation‘ into your search engine. Try it now!

Note: This works best with Google Chrome.



The free version of this app is a must-have for mobile phone owners. Practice small discrete lessons based on topics to expand your vocabulary and improve your grammatical accuracy. The daily reminders and point system keep you motivated and you can finish a lesson in less than 10 minutes. Perfect for the commute!

Note: There is a paid version that eliminates the ads.

3 Drops

This beautifully designed app builds your vocabulary in a wide variety of topics with a clean interface. The constant repetition of vocabulary ensures that you won’t forget new vocabulary.

Note: The free version has a time limit for how long you can use it, but it is more than enough for daily use.


4 Busuu

A variety of lessons on common topics will keep you motivated with very natural conversations. This app uses cutting-edge AI machine learning to constantly improve the app! Also, it has a feature that connects speakers of other languages ​​to grade each other’s progress . This is a great source if you would like to move beyond textbook English.

Note: The free version limits access to the whole lesson so you may want to pay for the full version.


5 Ted Talks

This is a huge resource of lectures and talks on almost any subject imaginable. Use these lectures to practice summarizing skills that are so vital for the academic lectures you encounter in both the IELTS and TOEFL. Each lecture has subtitles in many languages ​​so you read along with the lecture in both English and Japanese! This feature also allows you to navigate the lecture easily so you can repeat sentences and phrases.

I will be back soon with more tips and suggestions!


More Fully Explaining Ideas in IELTS Writing Task 2

More Fully Explaining Ideas in IELTS Writing Task 2 – by Mark Feeley

Hi everyone, and welcome to my latest instructor blog! I hope your studies at AGOS are going well.

I’m Mark, and today, I’m going to be talking about the importance of more fully explaining your ideas in Task 2 essays, and how this can help you to improve your score.

In IELTS writing Task 2, candidates have to write an opinion essay. For example, describing the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. Although the actual ideas of candidates are not being evaluated, to get a higher score, you have to fully and clearly explain your ideas. Here is a typical part of an answer to a Task 2 question:

‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation?’

A typical answer might be:

‘One of the disadvantages is connected with food safety. These days, as a result of the globalization of trade, it is much easier to eat food from different countries. However, according to research conducted by Harvard University, over 99% of people are worried about the safety of food produced in different countries. Therefore, the safety of food is a major issue.’

A much better answer to this type of question might be something like:

‘One of the disadvantages is connected with food safety. These days, as a result of the globalization of trade, it is much easier to eat food from different countries. However, according to research conducted by Harvard University, over 60% of people are worried about the safety of food produced in different countries. Concerns that consumers can have include different regulations regarding the use of pesticides or artificial ingredients in the production of food, which can cause problems such as food poisoning or allergic reactions . Therefore, the safety of food is a major issue.’

As you can see from this example, not only is the answer more clearly explained, but the writer has used some examples of specific vocabulary (highlighted in bold). By more fully answering questions, you will also therefore be able to demonstrate to the examiner or grader the range of more specific vocabulary that you are able to use.

In addition, the writer has used a more realistic statistic of 60% rather than 99% to support their argument. This helps to provide a more logical and believable argument.

I hope you find this useful. Good luck with your studies at AGOS!






————– 以下 案内文———————————-




1 何時でも何処でも簡単に提示できる
 2 スマートフォンで携帯可能
 3 お申し込みから2営業日以内に電子署名されたデータがEメールおよびショートメールで届く
 4 海外製のワクチンを接種された方のご利用も可能です



TEL:03-3212-0105(受付平日9:00~13:00/14:30~18:00 土曜10:00~13:00)



Writingセクション攻略のために(その2):英“借”文を意識して書いていく— by 米田

皆さんは“英作文”を学校の授業などで習ったことがありますか? 日本語で〇〇という内容が指定されていて、それを習った文法に基づいて、与えられている英単語を使って順序正しい英文にしなさい、的な問題を通して学習してきたと思います。お手本となる英文があって、そして部品となる十分な英単語が与えられていれば、練習を積んでコツを掴めば書きやすくなったのではないでしょうか。つまり、TOEFLにしてもIELTSにしても、自分の中で思い浮かんだ内容を自在に英文にしていけるようになる前段階として、「書きたい内容」を自然な英文に落とし込むためには、“パーツ”である単語の知識に加えて、“フレーム”とも言える自然な英語構文を十分自分の中に蓄えておく必要がある、ということです。その為に、アゴスの受講生の皆さんが熱心に取り組むのが“英借”です。

例えば、TOEFLのIndependent Taskではよく自分の体験談を用いて理由を説明する、ということがありますね。そういう時には場面設定の文から書き始めることが多いかもしれません。

・サンプル元;During my freshman year at Osaka University in 2012, I took an English literature class.


・英借文の例;During my junior year at Nagoya University in 2009, I took a Japanese art history class. 




・サンプル元;How much and how deeply you can sleep differs depending on your age.


・例;How much money you are able to earn differs depending on your job title.


How Can I Improve My Speaking Part 2

How Can I Improve My Speaking Part 2

by Mark Feeley



Hi everyone, and welcome to the instructor blog! I hope your studies at AGOS are going well.

I’m Mark, and in my previous blog, I discussed the importance of using a wider range of tenses, and how this can help you to achieve higher scores in the IELTS speaking tests. In this blog, I provided an example of a good Speaking Part 2 answer. The reason why this answer was better is that the speaker has added more background details to the talk, which has given them an opportunity to use a wider range of grammar (marked in bold in the example). This includes:


Relative Clauses

–‘which is my smartphone’.


Present Perfect

–‘listen to the latest tunes I’ve downloaded’.


Past Perfect

――’I’d wanted to buy…’.

–‘I’d sat down…’.


Past Perfect Continuous

–‘I’d been standing…’.


Past Modal Verbs



Conditional Tenses

–If I didn’t have a smartphone, I wouldn’t know what I’d do to pass the time.’


When you are taking the IELTS speaking test, therefore, try to use a wider range of tenses. A lot of students however, ask me how they can improve their speaking. In this blog, I will give you some ideas of activities that you can do outside of the classroom to help you improve the range and accuracy of the tenses you use when you are speaking:



To help improve your ability to use different tenses, practice writing sentences using verb tenses such as the Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Conditionals. This will help you to become more confident when you use these tenses.

In addition, try to write a regular diary about your daily life. When you are writing your diary, try to use a variety of tenses.


–Recording your speaking

In addition, try recording your speaking when you are answering questions, and try to use some of the verb tenses. After you have finished, listen to your speaking and make a note of the tenses that you have used. Then, record yourself speaking again and try to improve.

When you listen to the recording of your speaking, you can also write down exactly what you said. This will give you extra listening practice, and provide an opportunity for you to examine more closely the accuracy of the grammar that you have used. In particular Develop a bank of answers so you can detect your common errors such as `missing articles, prepositions’ or the` s’on plural nouns’.


–Ask a classmate or friend to help you

You can also ask a classmate or a friend to listen to the recordings, as they may be able to notice mistakes that you can’t.

Alternatively, try to describe a picture to your friend and see if they recreate it. Tell a story to your classmate and see how many details they can remember!


–Don’t be afraid to take risks

One final piece of advice is to come out of your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to take risks. Even if you do make mistakes, simply trying to use a wider range of grammar can help you to achieve a higher score.


I hope you find this useful. Good luck with your studies at AGOS!