TOEFL® Retake Policyの変更 – by教務部

cieeのホームページによりますと、TOEFL iBT®本試験を再度受験する際に空けなければならない日数が中12日から中3日へと変更になりました。



TOEFL iBT®新フォーマット対応のTPO発売開始!

皆さん、CIEEのサイト(Online Shop)から8/1以降のTOEFL iBT®新フォーマットに対応したTPO=TOEFL® Practice Onlineが既に販売されていることはご存知ですか?




2019年8月よりTOEFL iBT®本試験が変更されることがETSから公式発表されました


  • Reading – 各パッセージの設問数が減少
  • Listening – 講義の本数が減少
  • Speaking – タスクの数が減少
  • Writing – 変更なし





Reading パッセージ3–4本
Listening 講義4–6本、各6設問
Speaking タスク6問
Writing タスク2問



Before After
タスク1(Ind) (削除)
タスク2(Ind) タスク1(Ind)
タスク3(Int) タスク2(Int)
タスク4(Int) タスク3(Int)
タスク5(Int) (削除)
タスク6(Int) タスク4(Int)



  • リーディングとリスニングのquestionタイプに変更なし
  • ライティングとスピーキングの新しいタイプのタスクはなし
  • ライティングとスピーキングの採点基準に変更なし
  • ライティングとスピーキングの採点方法に変更なし
  • 試験全体のスコアに変更なし(満点120点。各セクション30点満点)
  • 問題の難易度に変更なし
  • 測られるスキルに変更なし



アゴス・ジャパンでは、クラス内で配布するハンドアウト類で若干の工夫が加わることもありますが、基本的に、これまで使用してきたアゴス・オリジナルのマニュアル類とETSの出版物(Official Guideなど)を継続使用して、試験対策のご指導をいたします。







アゴスのウェブサイト内のブログ ”Instruction News” (TOEFL News);



The shorter TOEFL iBT ® TestのReading Passagesの長さは変わるの?― by 岡田徹也

本年8月1日より、TOEFL iBT® Testの試験時間が短縮されること、Reading SectionとListening Sectionの問題数が減ることがETSより発表されました。
そこで、Reading SectionのPassageの長さ、Listening SectionのLectureとConversationの長さに変更があるのかどうかをETSに問い合わせてみました。
ETSのGlobal Client RelationsのAssociate Directorという方から以下の回答を頂きましたので、共有します。

1. There is no change to the length of the Reading passages. The only change in this section is that there will be fewer questions (10 rather than 12-14) per passage.

2. There is no change in the length of the lectures in Listening. The only change in this
section is that test takers will listen to fewer lectures (3-4 rather than 4-6).

3. There is no change in the length of conversations in Listening.

Reading SectionのPassageの長さ、Listening SectionのLectureとConversationの長さに変更はないそうです。

また、8月の受験前にOfficial GuideなどでThe shorter TOEFL iBT ® Testの対策をしたい、と伝えたところ、

We don’t have a date yet for the publication of a new Official Guide. However, all existing test preparation materials can continue to be used as the shortened test has no new item types and the additional length of the practice tests can provide useful practice for test takers.

残念ながら、8月までにOfficial Guideが改訂されることはなさそうですが、現在のOGで対策はできそうです。

TOEFL iBT® Listeningセクションの変更点(′19年8月以降)





3–4 lectures, 6 questions each
2–3 conversations, 5 questions each
41–57 minutes


ETSのGlobal Education DivisionのGlobal Client Relations担当の方から回答を頂きましたので、以下に共有します。


With the new shortened, there are five possible order combinations that a test taker might see in the Listening section:


①Conversation + lecture / conversation + lecture + lecture

②Conversation + lecture + lecture / conversation + lecture

③Conversation + lecture / conversation + lecture / conversation + lecture + lecture

④Conversation + lecture / conversation + lecture + lecture / conversation + lecture

⑤Conversation + lecture + lecture / conversation + lecture / conversation + lecture


In all cases, the test taker will only get one conversation that is followed by two lectures.  All other conversations will be matched with one lecture.




TOEFL iBT® SpeakingセクションではTask 1と5がなくなります(本年8月から)- by 加藤正人


先日教務部からのお知らせとして、本年8月1日以降に、TOEFL iBT®本試験の試験時間と問題数が削減されることをお知らせいたしました。

そこで、Speakingセクションに関して「Task 1と5がなくなる」という噂が関係者の間で飛び交っていたため、私から直接ETSにこの件を問い合わせてみました。
そうすると、ETSのGlobal Client RelationsのAssociate Directorという方から、「確かに、削除するのはTask 1と5である」という明確な返答が来ました。


TOEFL iBT®️本試験が変わります – by 教務部

本年8月1日より、TOEFL iBT®️本試験が以下の点で変わることが、ETSから公式発表されました:







Reading Section: 全部で3~4パッセージ出題される点は変わりませんが、1パッセージにつき12~14設問だったところが10設問になります。セクション全体の解答時間は54〜72分です。

Listening Section: 会話1本につき5設問、講義1本につき6設問の点は変わりませんが、講義が4~6本だったところが3~4本になります。(会話は2~3本のままです。)

Speaking Section: 全部で6タスクだったところが4タスクになります。その内訳は、Independent taskが2本から1本へ、Integrated taskは4本から3本へと減少します。

Writing Section: 変更なし。






Why background knowledge is vital for TOEFL®/IELTS success

Do you ever feel that your performance on the TOEFL® or IELTS test ‘depends on the topic’? If topics you know about and are interested in come up, you get a higher score, but when you get unfamiliar or boring topics, your score goes down.

Well, a lot of students complain about this, so it seems that having some knowledge about the common TOEFL®/IELTS topics can affect your score. Of course, the makers of TOEFL®and the makers of IELTS would argue that you don’t need any specialist knowledge of any topic to perform  well in the tests. However, it certainly makes things quicker and easier and gives you more confidence if you know something about the topics in the test you’re taking.

In some cases, you can even answer questions without reading or listening. Here are a couple of examples of reading questions from the TOEFL® Official Guide (5th Edition) that I answered correctly without reading a word of the texts. Take a look at this one – can you get the correct answer?

Topic: Politics/History (from Practice Test 1, The Official Guide to the TOEFL® Test, Fifth Edition, p. 226)

3. The author mentions “bankers and investors” in the passage as an example of which of the following?

A. The Democratic Party’s main source of support

B. The people the Democrats claimed were unfairly becoming rich

C. The people most interested in a return to a simple agrarian republic

D. One of the groups in favor of Andrew Jackson’s presidency

If you know anything about US politics, and the history of the Democratic and Republican parties, you can assume that “bankers and investors” are unlikely to support the Democratic party. I don’t know anything about Andrew Jackson (I’m not American, so have never studied American presidents!), but I assume he’s a Democrat because it seems this question is focusing on the Democratic party. So this means A and D are unlikely to be correct. Using common sense, it’s pretty obvious that bankers would not support a return to a ‘simple agrarian republic’, so the correct answer must be B.

Now try this one:

Topic: Geography (from Practice Test 1, The Official Guide to the TOEFL® Test, Fifth Edition, p. 240)

6. According to paragraph 3, one cause of mountain formation is the

A. effect of climatic change on sea level

B. slowing down of volcanic activity

C. force of Earth’s crustal plates hitting each other

D. replacement of sedimentary rock with volcanic rock

I haven’t studied geography since I was 15, but I’m pretty sure that the only option that makes any sense is C.

Now of course, answering questions without reading/listening is not always possible, and you shouldn’t imagine that becoming an expert in a wide range of subject areas is guaranteed to get you a high score in TOEFL and IELTS. Your English study and test preparation are still absolutely essential.

However, increasing your background knowledge about the common TOEFL and IELTS topics can really help you to answer questions more quickly and give you more confidence. In the Speaking and Writing sections, you’ll be able to think of ideas and opinions much more quickly and easily to give better answers.

This is why our new Essential English course is topic-based – to help you  improve your English study and test skills while increasing your background knowledge. If you’d like more information, why not come to a free demonstration lesson of the Essential English course? I’d be happy to let you experience a lesson, and to answer any questions you have about English or test preparation.

You can register for a free demonstration lesson here on these dates in April:

Saturday 6th April, 14:30-16:00

Saturday 13th April, 15:00-16:30

Saturday 27th April, 15:00-16:30

*Before coming to the demonstration lesson, take a look at the following sentence – it has some common Japanese learner mistakes. Can you spot them?

‘Overtime working can have a bad effect to workers’ mental.’

After the demonstration lesson, I’ll explain what the mistakes are, and how to express this idea using natural, high level English.

See you soon!

Mike Thundercliffe, Manager Curriculum and Instruction, Agos Japan

For more information about English study, please visit the Essential English home page here.

Why improving your English is key to increasingTOEFL and IELTS scores

Hi, this is Mike, and in this blog post I’m going to explain why improving your English is probably the key to improving your TOEFL or IELTS test scores, and to introduce a new course we’re developing to help you achieve your goals.

If you’re taking TOEFL or IELTS, you may have experience of ‘hitting a plateau’. This is when your score stops going up for an extended period of time. You keep practicing and taking the test, but your score just doesn’t change. It’s a very common problem, but why does it happen?

Basically, when this occurs it’s usually because you’ve reached your limit in terms of your English. It’s important to remember that TOEFL and IELTS are (very accurate) measures of your English level. So if your knowledge of English and ability to use it are too low, you’re not going to increase your test scores beyond your limit, even if your strategy is really good.

To help students overcome this issue, the Curriculum and Instruction team at Agos is currently developing and piloting a new course called ‘Essential English‘, which you can join from April 6th 2019.

We’re designing the course specially for TOEFL and IELTS students who are currently scoring 70-89 (TOEFL), or 5.5-6.0 (IELTS) who need to improve their English.

If this sounds like you, then check out the first in our series of videos about the course here. For more information, please visit the Essential English home page here. You can also register for a free demonstration lesson here on these dates:

Saturday 16th March, 14:30-16:00

Saturday 30th March, 15:00-16:30

Saturday 6th April, 14:30-16:00

Hope to see you soon!

Mike Thundercliffe, Manager Curriculum and Instruction, Agos Japan


‘Coffee Chat’ Event – Speed Chatting: a great chance to practice speaking – by Mike Thundercliffe

Hi everyone, Mike here. I hope you’re not suffering too much from the summer heat, and found some time to relax during obon!

On August 06, we had our first student ‘coffee chat’ event based on the concept of ‘speed chatting’. This was a free event, and was designed to give Agos students some extra speaking practice in a relaxed environment. It was great to see everyone chatting confidently and having fun, and the teachers enjoyed it too!

What’s ‘speed chatting’?

Basically, the speed chatting format allows students to speak as much as possible, and to work with different students and teachers. It went like this:

  • We had three groups of four/five students, each with a native speaker teacher in the group (me, Danny Robinson and Jim Giguere joined this event).
  • A question (similar to TOEFL Independent Task 1 and 2, or IELTS Part 1 questions) was put up on the screen.
  • First of all, the students had a chance to listen to the teacher answering the question.
  • Then, each student spoke in turn.
  • After each student spoke, the teacher gave some detailed feedback.
  • Each student had the opportunity to talk about the same topic twice.
  • Then we mixed everyone up into new groups, and changed the topic.
  • We had tea, coffee and snacks throughout the two-hour event.

What did the students think?

Here’s some of the feedback from the participants:

  • “It was very helpful to get lots of feedback, and there were a lot of chances to listen as well. It was a very productive time!”
  • “It was a good chance to practice as I don’t have much opportunity to speak to native English speakers and get feedback.”
  • “This session helped me to find some things I didn’t know about, such as linking words and phrases together.”
  • “It was great! I hope this event takes place more frequently. The open, relaxed environment enabled me to join the conversation, and it helped me to build up my confidence.”
  • “By having this opportunity to speak casually, I was pleased that I could find my weakness. Now I know what I need to study more.”



Are we going to do it again?

Definitely! We are going to run the event on Friday 08 September at 19:00-21:00. The event is open to anyone who has already taken or is currently studying on a TOEFL Speaking Strategy/23 Toppa course, or IELTS Speaking Core/Advanced course. The maximum number of participants will be 16, so please register soon if you’re planning to attend. You can do that here:

Hope to see you there!
