◇ 2024年12月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #16
◇ 2024年12月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #16
-English Version-
2024 Dec 14th Saturday
Popping up in your inbox again!
I hope you have been well for the past 2 months.
I have had a bit of a hard time finding the energy to reflect and put together my thoughts. But now that DIS’s fall semester is officially over, my friends leaving Denmark, and slowing down. I will miss my passionate professors and my fellow DIS people. They have impacted me so much. I feel calmer and freer, despite the sadness that comes with goodbyes.
How do you say goodbyes to somebody that you are not sure when you will see them again?
As I reflected on this semester with my friends, I have made some discoveries about myself. I tend to prioritize socializing too much sometimes?I need to learn how to make time for myself. Sometimes doing nothing means so much. Something on my mind recently is the definition of “being yourself.” Is what I think are my personal traits (things I like to wear, eat, do) affected by the media/world? Is it really my true desire? Are we trying to be like somebody? Maybe because society expects you to be something, or your family expects you to achieve something, or you want to get approval from somebody (professor, partner, boss…) But then, who are you? What do you want to do?
I would rather be the one people feel comfortable being goofy with, than being the goofy one. When I can naturally be goofy with someone though, it’s a measurement of how much I can trust that person. Also, comparing things between people is not my thing. There’s no need to fight about who’s the tallest. There’s no need to say “I got the best present” or “I think my order was the best” Why do we need to compare? Why do we value the feeling of superiority over someone else’s feeling of inferiority?
Returning to the wrap-up of the semester, I realize how much has happened in the past 2 months. But it flew by, possibly because I got into my routines. Still, I went to see a free local soccer and basketball game, did a day trip to Malmo, Sweden with my host family, went to the Netherlands (Nov 3th-8th) with my Graphic class, ate Takoyaki with the Japanese community, enjoyed the light up of Copenhagen, screamed at Tivoli (most famous amusement park in Denmark), had multiple dinner-cooking sessions, had an independent week when my host family went to Spain, met new friends through dance and sunday jazz bars, jumped on trampolines at 10pm, and hugged professors.
Despite filling up our schedules with events, why is it that we still feel lonely?
Are adults more lonely these days compared to the old days?
How do we feel connected to each other?
Some factors that contributed to my numbness recently include: Reading the NY Times daily emails is informative but depressing. Topics about killings, bombings, severe natural disasters, political scandals… It makes me so hopeless. How easily distracted I am is also concerning.
Due to the spread of social media, I feel like young people nowadays have even shorter attention spans…
Now, I am listing things that made me happy in the past 2 months (inspired by my fellow Smithie):
The concrete on the side of the road looked like a peace sign. My friend living in the UK told me that whenever they take a moment to pause and appreciate before eating meals, she thinks of me. The rain started pouring just as I entered my house. A person said she loves rain because it’s water coming down, not anything else. When I saw a shop called “Dansko” and realized on my own that it is a combination of Dansk (Danish in Danish) and sko (shoe in Danish). Hugged my Sustainable by Design professor for 20 seconds. She also baked homemade cookies for our class. We’re living in an era where rappers rap about therapy. And that’s considered cool. My Danish friend invited me to a birthday party. My friends have some exciting relationship stories to tell. I have started to enjoy reading every night (only a few pages, but baby steps.) A friend reached out to me and said we should hang out. We hung out, simply talking, and felt inspired. Kind staff at a salad shop let me taste 3 different dips (chickpeas, beetroot, and chili pesto… the last 2 were chosen.) Holiday music blasted in the kitchen on the morning of November 1st (as soon as Halloween is over?even though Danes don’t really celebrate Halloween that seriously unless you’re young). A friend far away sent me a voice message. Or tried calling me. Or maybe thought of me. The tangerine was a good one. A cute baby looked at me. I found one of the gloves I lost. There was an opportunity to talk to freshly-met people over zoom about important topics where we valued silence. (What makes a stranger qualify as a friend?) This makes me think of a quote from the Exodus in Hebrew scripture ”You must welcome the stranger, for you were strangers once…” which stuck with me.
So many little happy moments make up my life. I am grateful for all.
Many of the moments come from homestay. I get to see Kobenhavn from a local perspective. I got to know about the little habits they have, such as scraping off the waters from the shower stalls. I get to know what authentic Danish food is like. And, as an added bonus, the community of homestay people (similar-minded, open people) was so comforting.
Some other Danish facts that I found out by living here as a “local”:
- Denmark doesn’t have apostrophes (’).
- Many Danes don’t wear backpacks (fashionable tote bags instead)
- Curtains: they are wide open, even at night. It’s common that you can see their whole dining room or living room at night. And they don’t really mind. A very interesting phenomenon.
- Parking timers: they don’t have parking meters. They have an electronic sticker on their front window and an app that operates as a parking meter. It first shocked me but it seems very convenient. Less metal, more digital, probably easier to extend time etc.
- I see more people in wheelchairs and canes on the street than in any other city I have been to
- It’s not a shame to walk around in public with santa hats on (even as an adult) if it’s December (Danes are very serious about their Christmas traditions) For more about food or Christmas-related topics, please visit my recent blog
Other thoughts:
- What kind of mentality should I have when visiting a developing country? I don’t want to be rude. I want to respect them. If there is a gap between how we live, is it already rude to offer to help in some kind of way?
- We don’t have to “get over” a loss. Why should we forget about it?
- What is the difference between shame and guilt?
- Climate change: are we treating symptoms or root causes?
- There’s no braille in museums. Does it mean that blind people can’t enjoy art?
- Chatgpt seems to be helping so many students. This is a real, dangerous trend. I also have asked it to proofread my writings, generate catchphrases based on my ideas, and so on. I haven’t used it that intensively to write a whole essay for me or anything, but I know people use it for that too. Some people are really “good” at using AI within their lives, (for example converting cooking recipes into different measuring scales or portions) but I am not sure if I ever felt jealous of those skills. It makes me think, how do we face the next decades when we fight with AI for creativity? I am scared of losing my originality against computers. This blog comes 100% from my head, and I don’t
fact-check or grammar-check ? I like it that way.
So, things may be all over the place. But, that’s okay.
That’s life.
I appreciate and value the connections I have.
And the ones I will have.
Next is an excerpt from me when I looked back on the day, November 7th, when we got the news at our hotel in Amsterdam.
[And then the election results came during the trip. I checked my phone as soon as I woke up, like I would check below the tree on Christmas morning. It was not a good present. People cried during breakfast. Some said they barely got any sleep. During the day, we talked about how this happened. How this could be real.
It was such an extraordinary experience, actually.
Talking with them made me wonder even more, how could he win when there are so many young people like them?
I was surprised when I expressed my anger about how many Americans don’t realize how much impact this result has on the world and yet they think about themselves. It makes sense that only Americans can vote, but it’s so unfair. It’s so unfair how much power politics and politicians have.
Simultaneously, being with liberal, politically engaged (people who sent out voting ballots beforehand from Copenhagen), opinionated students has made me hopeful too. They knew so much that I didn’t.]
It made me realize how divided the world was. Oh, politics.
On another day, I was filled with confusion.
[I’ve realized how too much of a perfectionist I am. Recently, this update has been something I tried to not think about. I still write some memos down, but it has been slightly more dreadful to sit down to put my messy thoughts together and form a legible email that I send out. Even though I know that not everyone will be reading it, being vulnerable and transparent often scares me. And showing how not-perfect I am.
Some people may have experienced this too. When I receive a text, I usually read the contents but think for a good while before replying?which leads to a slow reply. In my head, that’s less rude than replying right away with a half-processed thought. But, it depends. I have been learning how to reply quicker and not overthink it.
You realize how valuable something is when that is scarce or far away or gone. A daily example would be waking up in a warm duvet in a cold room. Or losing water for one day. Or being away from your family and friends for months or even years.]
With the goodbye season, I have been thinking about connections. And communities.
I have this turquoise notebook that I call the “Communal Journal.” It is basically my treasure now. The concept is, I ask people I met to write a page in it. They can write anything they want.
It counted 77 people participating up until now. Just, wow. It has been going all over the world since August 2022. I am actually so, so glad I started this 2 years ago. Having a physical journal full of unique handwriting, written about the thoughts and feelings of people I care about, is just magical. I still have about 140 pages left?I wonder when I will finish passing this journal around. It took me 2.3 years to have 77 pages filled. Assuming that the frequency of meeting new people will slow down, I might be 30 when I finish. Maybe even 35. We’ll see. I currently have English entries only, but I am thinking of including more diversity. I would love to have my Japanese friends take part in it as well.
My Smithie friend has a book that gets passed around where people can write thoughts on it?I love that idea too. I love being connected to people in unique ways. I just joined a zoom call with mostly people I don’t know, and we talked about meaningful questions?some guidelines we had set were not multi-tasking, staying for the whole time, unmuting ourselves so we feel connected, listening to each other, and thanking them after they share. I appreciate my friend from my heart for coming up with this idea.
Who do I want to be with? How do I want to be seen?
What am I interested in? What do I want to do? Who do I want to be?
Wherever you are in this world, I am sending you love and power. If you need someone to talk to, please know that I am here.
I believe that the world still has space for peace and happiness. Please stay strong and hopeful,
Joan Kobayashi
2024 Dec 14th
P.S. Some media I was inspired by:
- “Sightseeing Japan”
(A podcast summarizing Japanese culture in a simple and introductory way, but still backed up with much research. Very interesting to listen to it as a Japanese person. Some favorite episodes are Japanese Architecture and Food.) https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/sightseeing-japan/id1479350394?i=1000465135871 https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/food/id1479350394?i=1000449983219
- “Immigration” by Yuval Noah Harari ? chapter 9.
(A reading for my Danish class.) It talks about immigration in a very accessible and familiar way by breaking it into parts and taking in multiple standpoints. It made me think a lot.
- “We (as the collective global whole) must shift our priorities by embracing the existing ? caring for what we already have created, while celebrating its beauty as it ages and evolves.” is a quote from an article I stumbled upon about Being Care-Full.
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Remediate, Reinterpret. These impactful words are written down easily, they inspire; and yet each one in its content asks for creativity, solution finding and perseverance ? and time.” was another quote.
(from top) Risengrod (xmas porridge), lunch at Copenhagen Uni, homemade rice noodles
(from top) National dish stegt flask, homemade curry, Danish dessert ableskiver (sweet)
(from top) Final outcome from Graphic Design class, lego session in another class, snow day
(from top) A view from Kornborg Castle, a beautiful public library nearby, lit up market in the city
(from top) Ice skating Scene, Decorated house, Lazy Luna
私は最近、自分の考えをまとめたり振り返ったりするエネルギーを見つけるのに少し苦労していた。 DISの秋学期が正式に終わり、友人達がデンマークを去ってしまう中、徐々にゆっくりとした時間が流れ、やっと精神が整い、今こうやって日記を書けている。 情熱的な先生達やDISを通じて知り合った仲間と離れるのは想像していたよりも寂しい。皆多くの影響を与えてくれた。
他にも、様々な出来事が気分の浮き沈みに影響した。自分も他人も、注意が散漫しやすいと感じることがある。SNSのせいで、最近の若者の注意力はさらに低下している気がする。授業中に他のタス クをしている人が何人いることか。そしてそれによって二次的に被害を受けることが何回あることか。また、NYタイムズの毎日配信されるメールは、ためにはなるが憂鬱にもなる。殺人、テロ、深刻な自然災害、政治スキャンダル。大変な世の中に生きていると毎日リマインドされる。
道路脇のコンクリートがピースサインに似ていて、イギリスに住む友が食事の前に一瞬間を置いて感謝する時に私のことを思い出してくれて、家に帰った瞬間に雨が降り出した。でも雨はただ水が降ってくるだけで他のものが降ってくるより良いだろうという考え方を知って、“Dansko”という店を見て、それがDansk(デーニッシュ)とsko(靴)を組み合わせたものだと自分で気づけて、サステナブルデザインの先生と20秒間ハグして、彼女がクラスのために焼いてくれたクッキーが美味しくて、ラッパーがセラピーについてラップする時代に生きていて、それがクールだと思えることに感謝。デンマーク人の 友が誕生日パーティーに呼んでくれて、踊って、友たちから恋愛話を聞けて、ベイビーステップだけど読書を楽しむようになって、サラダ屋さんの親切な店員さんが3種類のディップ(ひよこ豆、ビーツ、チリペスト)を味見させてくれて、会いたいと行ってくれた韓国人の友とただ話して、インスピレーションを感じた。ハロウィンが終わった瞬間にクリスマス音楽が本格的に流れ始め、パリにいる友人からボイスメッセージがいきなり届いて、遠くでも私のことを考えてくれた人がいることを知って、取ったミカンがおいしくて、かわいい赤ちゃんが私をじっと見てくれて、時を忘れることができた。失くした手袋の片方を路上で見つけ、ズーム越しに出会ったばかりの人たちと人生について話す機会があって、ヘブライ語聖典の出エジプト記にある「見知らぬ人を歓迎しなければならない、あなたもかつて見知らぬ人だったのだから...」(訳)という言葉が心に残った。
その他 “ローカルなの人”として気づいたデンマークの特徴:
● デンマーク語にはアポストロフィ(')がない
● 多くの人はリュックを背負わない(代わりにおしゃれな斜めがけトートバッグ)
● カーテンは夜でも開けっ放し。ダイニングやリビングルームがよく丸見え。本当に気にしないみたい。とても不思議
● デンマークにはパーキングメーターがない。代わりに車の窓に電子ステッカーを貼り、パーキングメーターとして作動するアプリを持っている。最初は驚いたけど便利みたい。金属を節約できるし、デジタル化され、時間延長なども簡単にできる
● 車椅子や杖をついている人をこれまで行ったどの都市よりも多く見かける
● 12月なら(大人でも)サンタ帽をかぶって街を歩いてもよい(デンマーク人はクリスマスを真剣に祝う。)食べ物やさらに詳しいクリスマス関連の話題については、私の最新のブログを是非チェック
● 途上国を訪問する際、どのようなメンタリティを持つべきか?失礼なことはしたくない。敬意を払いたい。生き方に隔たりがあるのなら、何らかの形で手助けをしようと思うは、すでに失礼なことなのだろうか
● 失ったもの・人の事実を「乗り越える」必要はない。乗り越えて忘れなければならないと思うのは違う
● 恥shameと罪悪感guiltの違いは?
● 気候変動:我々は症状を治療しているのか、根本原因を治療しているのか。
● 美術館には点字がない。目の見えない人はアートを楽しめないのか?
● Chatgptは非常に多くの生徒を助けているようだ。危険な傾向だ。実際私も自分の書いた文章を校正してもらったり、自分のアイデアからキャッチコピーの案を出してもらったりしているが、エッセイを丸ごと書いたり、そこまで集中的に使ったことはない。生活の中でAIを使うのが「上手」な人もいる(料理のレシピを異なる計量スケールや分量に変換したり)。創造性を求めてAIと戦う次の数十年を、どのように迎えるのだろう。コンピューターに自分のオリジナリティを奪われるのが怖い。この日記は100%私の頭から生まれたもので、日本語に訳す時は人生を楽にするために翻訳機を少し使うが、その後大幅に修正するし、事実確認などはしていない。だから、誇りに思える。
Smithの友人の1人は、人々が自由に感想を書き込める本を持っている。色んなユニークな方法で人々とつながることができる。なんと素晴らしいのだろう。他にも、最近、友達がズームで開いた、Sharing Circleという名の話し合う会に参加した。自分たちが決めたガイドラインは、マルチタスクをしないこと、1時間丸々いること、繋がりを感じるようにミュートをオフにすること、お互いの話を聞くこと、そして相手がシェアした後にお礼を言うことだ。自分にとって何が大切なのか、など、質問に答えながら、話し合い、聞き合った。このアイデアを思いついた友人に感謝だ。
P.S. 最近刺激を受けたメディア:
- “Sightseeing Japan”
外国人2人が日本文化を簡潔に紹介するポッドキャスト。入門的で、多くのデータに裏打ちされた形でまとめてあり、日本人でも色々と学べてとても面白い。今の所、好きなエピソードは ArchitectureとFood。
https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/sightseeing-japan/id1479350394?i=1000465135871 https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/food/id1479350394?i=1000449983219
- “Immigration” by Yuval Noah Harari ? chapter 9
- “We (as the collective global whole) must shift our priorities by embracing the existing ? caring for what we already have created, while celebrating its beauty as it ages and evolves.” (訳:私たちは(地球全体が集合体として)既存のものを受け入れることを優先し、既に築いたものを大切にし、年月を重ねて現れる美しさや変化を祝わなければならない。) Being Care-Fullというブログをたまたま見つけ、そこに書いてあったもっともな考え。
同じところからの抜粋:“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Remediate, Reinterpret. These impactful words are written down easily, they inspire; and yet each one in its content asks for creativity, solution finding and perseverance ? and time.” (訳:Reduce、Reuse、 Recycle、Remediate、Reinterpret。これらのインパクトのある言葉は、簡単に書き記すことができ、インスピレーションを与えてくれる。しかし、その内容のひとつひとつが、創造性、解決策の発見、忍耐、そして時間を求めている。)
◇ 2024年10月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #15
◇ 2024年10月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #15
-English Version-
“Find comfort in contemplation”
This is a quote that I have resonated with recently.
I spotted it in the Design Museum in Copenhagen last month and forgot about it after taking note of it. Now, many of my thoughts circle back to this concept of slowing down and prioritizing values that will benefit my well-being.
Have you had anything that made you stop and observe for a while?
These updates are part of the practice. Every time I write, I go through a process where I reflect, organize, and expand my thoughts. Starting with a messy list scrabbled throughout the month, I reread them, connect bullet points to form a paragraph, fill in the connecting storylines, search for more ideas, and seek an overall theme (+intro and final thoughts) that could wrap up the update in a nice way. It takes time, but in the end, I have a mini overview of my past month and get refreshed.
For this update, I will mainly cover 2 themes: emotions during the second month in Copenhagen and a summary of my 9-day-long trip.
Looking back at the past month in Copenhagen, describing it with a few adjectives is difficult. It felt shorter than the first, but there were still many new encounters and obstacles on the road. I got accustomed to the Danish way of living and my appreciation for wonderful features like biking and the buildings faded.
Emotionally, it was tough at times.
If grief might be triggering, I recommend skipping to the [Travel Week] section.
In the last update, I mentioned how something unforgettable had happened. It was a text I received that morning ? it said that my grandmother on my mother’s side had suddenly passed away.
This was something I didn’t know how to face. I reread the text over and over, wondering if I was still asleep. Then it hit me. I can’t see her again. I didn’t care about my freshly washed pillowcase getting wet from my tears. I called my parents and saw their faces through the tiny screen. I couldn’t even hug them. I cried.
That day, everything I did felt numb and not fun. I found it hard to even smile. I couldn’t tell anyone about how I was feeling. Although there were few friends here who I felt comfortable talking to if we had the right mood, I thought it would be too heavy if I suddenly talked about death. I wish this world was more open to talking about grief.
That week, our graphic design course had a 3-day overnight trip to Aarhus, western Denmark. As much as I appreciated all the art and architecture, artworks about family or home or even seeing a happy family on the streets brought me back to the empty feeling of grief. Especially when I video-called my parents at the Jorn Museum, I had to hide from everyone and cry in the bathroom while everyone else was sketching.
Now that a month has passed, I have more control over my feelings. I was able to tell my host mother and sister and they helped me grieve. I told some of my friends here and in Japan. I appreciate everyone’s support and I want everyone to know that I am here if anybody wants support as well.
Other than grieving, I had some other feelings that made me just want to do nothing for a few days at the end of September. Something that made it hard to smile. Felt like a thick cloud was covering the sun within my head ? I think I wanted to let something out (tears? screams? sweat?) but I didn’t know how. It felt like a mixture of homesickness, a loneliness that comes from a comparison with my friends, maybe a cultural difference that puts me off, anxiety about my long-term future, and being less confident in my personality…
Negative things kept revealing themselves. Even though I had a warm home party with 10 people I felt comfortable with, I still felt somehow empty on Monday. That similar emptiness was relevant on other occasions too. Like when I walk around the city with only my phone. Like when I finish homework for the next few days and still feel like I’m forgetting something.
I have yet to figure out how to cope with this feeling. Should I have more alone time? Should I force myself to go out and talk to more people? Should I just blank out? Sleeping more is probably a good idea… If anyone has any good ideas, I would love to know. At that time, I tended to be attracted to third spaces that were not my home or school. Compared to Denmark, there aren’t enough third spaces in the US or Japan.
Like many others, I am still figuring out my future. And I am not ashamed to admit that. If my visa allowed, I might have tried to take a gap year or a semester. A quiet time (possibly away from technology) would be nice. I would rather have neat handwriting than be able to type faster.
[Travel Week]
In my program, we have a week off when we can travel on our own. My friends, Lulu and Walter, and I decided to go on a trip together (they only met in person 2 days before departure, but it worked out:)) We stayed in Vienna, Austria for 5 nights (we did day trips to Bratislava, Slovakia, and Budapest, Hungary) and moved to Venice, Italy to stay for 4 nights.
We did do some touristy things, but we all favored taking it slow and not packing our schedules too much. In every city, we had times when we just laid down at a park or sat down on a staircase. We just slept, did nothing, or observed our surroundings in silence. I really appreciated how we all found that valuable.
It turns out that when you travel, you have many hours to talk. We found out that we were all people pleasers. We tend to agree on other people’s opinions rather than advocating for our own. When deciding what to do next, we often had to pause to have a “what do YOU want to do” time so we don’t get influenced by each other.
Our dining table conversations included topics that I had never thought of before.
Do you think you have autism?
Are your friends people who are similar to you or different from you?
How are green onions different from chives?
What’s one strong opinion you have?
What’s love like?
Why does this water taste sweet?
What’s on your life bucket list?
One big one was “What does it feel like to be in love?”
What does it feel like to have someone who you want to bring into your family and share everything with? I’ve never felt that connection (or at least I think so) and so I don’t know what I’m looking for. Should I even look for it? Or wait until destiny just brings me to this person (or not.)
There were many other factors I noticed during the trip. For example, the bathrooms are not free in general. Growing up in Tokyo, this was something to get used to. Having to pay ?0.5 in a McDonalds in Vienna, seeing a person sitting at the entrance of the bathroom in Bratislava, and paying 200HUF in Budapest just to use a bathroom at a cafe. Realizing that hygiene is something necessary for humans and is a method of making money.
The food was great. Some of my favorites were a croissant sandwich we had in Venice, at a bakery called Majer, where the croissant and the prosciutto melted in my mouth, and Bryndzove Pirohy in Bratislava, which is a potato dumpling with cheese and bacon (photos attached.) It was worth spending the minimum amount of money on planes and accommodation and instead more money on food. (And the food was way cheaper than Copenhagen.)
The more we spent time together and shared food, the more we were able to laugh naturally, tease each other, and reveal ourselves. The trip was a valuable opportunity to reflect on my personality.
Some other random thoughts that came to mind:
Danes love their Danish flags (I see it often in the US too) but I don’t see many in Japan. Only on buses on national holidays. Do we not have that much patriotism? Or nationalism? Is it because it reminds us of the war?
I saw rain from afar for the first time. It looked so interesting. Surprised that I’ve never seen rain from afar.
Going to Asian markets and realizing that I DO miss Asian products?it’s tough when you see affordable little things from home priced 4 or 5 times more but it’s even harder when they’re simply not sold
Americans carry their water bottles everywhere (I do too)
In Denmark, normal supermarkets can’t sell plastic cups and plates due to sustainability rules (and it is famous for having good can/bin recycling because you get some money back if you return them to supermarkets.) It’s also a good way for poor people to collect money (they ask for your bottle in parks)
I have been back in Copenhagen for a few days now, and I appreciate the environment here more. Leaving is a great way to realize what you have had. I was reminded that wide pants are not meant to be worn when you’re biking…
Next week, I want to prioritize my own mental and physical health. I hope you will too.
Additionally, I apologize if I am bad at communicating. I hope you don’t feel offended ? I care so much about the people who receive these updates, and I am so eager to hear about your lives. I am just still figuring out how to balance my life and technology. I hope we can catch up in person soon.
My brain doesn’t want to process that it’s the second week of September already. Wait up, 2024…
Yesterday, I saw a flyer that said,
“Everyone dies. But not everyone really lives.”
It reminded me to live my own life, in the way that I want.
With a nice tight hug, Joan Kobayashi 2024 Oct 16th
P.S. Recommendations
10 years to transform the future of humanity -- or destabilize the planet | Johan Rockstrom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sl28fkrozE
A documentary 'The Human Scale' featuring Jan Gehl (a Danish architect and professor)
“How we can eat our landscapes” by Pam Warhurst
Video about Grevy’s Zebra Trust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruzL_yg2bPw
“Find comfort in contemplation”
書くたびに自分の最近の考えたちを振り返り、整理し、ただの考えで終わらないために発展させていく。まずは一ヶ月の間にかき集めた雑然としたリストと向かい合い、読み直し、箇条書きをつなげて段落を作り、中継ぎするエピソードを挟み、さらに関連するアイデアを足し、全体をまとめられるような テーマ(+思いつけば最初と最後の考え)を模索する。時間はかかるが、自分の約1ヶ月を客観視してリフレッシュするきっかけとなるため、意義のあるプロセスだと思っている。
感情面的には、特につらかった時期があった。哀しみが何かの引き金になるかもしれない人は、[旅行] のセクションまで読み飛ばすことをお勧めする。
そ してある瞬間にふと、気がついた。もうばばに会えないんだ、と。
お葬式から1 か月半が過ぎた今、気持ちは以前よりもコントロールできている。直後にはホストママと娘にも話し、心の負担も減った。弔うのを手伝ってくれたことを凄く感謝している。コペンハーゲンにいる人に限らず日本の友人にも話せた。皆のサポートに感謝している。もしサポートが必要な人がいたら、私はいつでもここにいることを知ってほしい。
私のプログラム(DIS)では、毎学期1週間の休みがあり、その期間は個人旅行ができる。友人の LuluとWalterと一緒に旅行に行くことにした。2人は出発の2日前に初めて会ったのだが、結果的に仲良く過ごせたのでよかった。AustriaのViennaに5泊し、そこからSlovakiaの首都Bratislavaと Hungaryの首都Budapestにそれぞれ日帰り旅行をし、ItalyのVeniceに移動して4泊した。
旅行中の気付きは他にもある。例えば、トイレは一般的に無料ではない。東京で育った私にとって、これは慣れるべきことだった。Viennaのマクドナルドでは客でない場合は0.5ユーロを支払い、 Bratislavaではトイレの入り口におそらく1日中座っている人を見かけ、Budapestではカフェのトイレを使うために200HUF(81円)を支払った。トイレは人間にとって必要なものであり、モラルのある人が大半のため、金儲けの手段であることを目の当たりにした。
旅中の食べ物は素晴らしかった。お気に入りは、Veniceで食べたMajerというパン屋のクロワッサンサンドで、クロワッサンと生ハムが口の中でとろけた。BratislavaのBryndzove Pirohyというチーズとベーコンの入ったジャガイモの団子(写真あり)もインパクトが強かった。飛行機と宿泊費に最低限のお金を使い、その代わりに食事にお金を使った価値があった。しかも食事はコペンハーゲンよりずっと安かったのも印象的だ。
それでは、しっかりとしたハグを添えて、小林如晏 2024年10月27日
◇ 2024年9月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #14
◇ 2024年9月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #14
-English Version-
A time smoothie consisting of frozen memories, chopped biases, and 2 tablespoons of anticipation
Let’s take a moment to pause, and appreciate our surroundings.
It might be the leaves whispering with the wind, the sunlight on your skin,
the food you just had,
or the person you just spoke to…
It might be the new changing environment around you, some in a foreign country, or the daily routine that you are used to doing.
Life is not eternal, so why not enjoy it? Why not try new things while we can?
For me, I have spent my first 3 weeks in Copenhagen, Denmark and will be briefly reflecting on the journey until now. I will try to keep it short and condensed.
Interested in a more detailed update with more pictures? You can find a shorter weekly post on my tentative website’s blog page. https://joankobayashi.wordpress.com/
This update is supported by: unconditional love from my family, long-lasting energizing friendships, acquaintances that have educated me in different ways, and new connections that have expanded my perceptions.
Today, I had my first shift at a student cafe, where I’m volunteering.
“How do you like Copenhagen so far?” asked my coworker. I found it hard to answer. Of course, I don’t hate it at all. I’m not having a depressing time or anything. It’s quite the opposite. It just seems like I’m still in the transitioning phase; I haven’t gotten the chance to sit down and reflect.
The feeling of being surprised by a different culture is so addictive. I love it.
It makes me want to see the world more. It brings out my curiosity, just like a little kid.
Some things that I noticed in Denmark:
- Super easy to bike around anywhere. (62% of citizens commute to work or school by bicycle!)
- Food (and anything else) is SO expensive. Eating lunch out = 100-150 DKK ($15-23 / \2200-3150) even a sandwich at 7Eleven is like 60 DKK ($9 / \1260)
- But you can work from 13 years old and do limited jobs like mail delivery, which is apparently 50 DKK ($7.5 / \1050) but the average is 130 DKK ($19.5 / \2730) There’s no minimum wage in Denmark!
- Feels like 90% of the citizens speak English
- People say “make homework” instead of “do homework”
- Quick showers (15 mins would be long)
- Potatoes and coffee are popular
- The hottest it could get is 26 °C (78°F)
- Gets soup before water when washing hands
- Many Kimonos in thrift stores (appropriation or appreciation?)
- Many times, the microwave is hidden in the kitchen (aesthetic reasons?)
I have gotten used to living with my host family ? they are a sweet family with a mother, a 16-year-old daughter, and a fluffy cat named Luna. Every day, I climb up 4 floors, admire their plants, wake up to the bright white room, ask “How was your day?”, and see the cat hair in the sink.
I have several people that I can trust. I appreciate that.
No need to rush, I tell myself. Things will fall into place naturally.
And my courses? They are so invigorating.
In Graphic Design Foundations, we’re designing a book cover and all the homework has been so creative and exciting. I can feel that I am eager to learn ? learn from others and myself. My Sustainable by Design course opens me up to see the city/world through a new perspective,
and my Inclusive Design course adds an inclusive lens to that. I notice how the world is created based on biases. The Danish course is less stimulating because that’s how language classes are, but I am getting better. Being able to test it at home is such a nice privilege.
Planning some trips out of the country, exploring with new friends, and maybe meeting up with old friends. (Wow, traveling is not cheap… But it’s an incomparable present that you can treasure forever.)
Time flies. It flew. Are we flying too?
My brain doesn’t want to process that it’s the second week of September already. Wait up, 2024…
How are your brains doing?
Hopefully, you can take a break from these addictive devices soon, Joan Kobayashi
September 10th, 2024
- We should stop relying on our sight, just like the feeling of relying on the feeling of touch when searching for something in a bag
- Nowadays, some kids get phones from 6 years old. Instagram from 7. Wow. So scary.
- The announcement sound of trains in Denmark reminds me of the Shinkansen ones
- How would the rest of your day change if you smile and think things more positively?
- What if we could see smell? You could avoid farts.
As I was getting ready to send this, something unforgettable happened. I need to process it, but I also feel like I need to be distracted. What is the difference between running away, avoiding something, and dealing with it half-heartedly?
● どこでも自転車で移動できる(国民の6割以上が自転車で通勤・通学)
● 食べ物(を含めた基本的に何でも)本当に高い。外食=100~150DKK(15~23ドル/2200~3150円が安い方)セブンイレブンのサンドイッチでさえ60DKK(9ドル/1260円)ほどすることもある
● その分13歳から働くことができ、郵便配達のような簡単な仕事は50DKK(7.5ドル/1050円)らしいが、平均は130DKK(19.5ドル/2730円)と高い!面白いことにデンマークには最低賃金はないらしい
● 国民の9割が英語を話せる印象
● 「宿題をする」ではなく「宿題を作る」(make homework)と言う
● シャワーが素早い(15分は長いほうらしい)
● ポテトとコーヒーが人気
● 最高気温は26℃(78°F)で暑い暑いと行ってビーチに行く
● 手を洗うとき、水より先に石鹸を使う人を多く見かける
● 古着屋に着物が多い(日本人としてどう受け止めたらいいのか困った)
● 電子レンジがキッチンに隠されていることが多い(綺麗に見せるためか?)
Time flies.
- バッグの中のものを見ずに探すときに触覚に頼る感覚のように、視覚に頼りすぎず、他の感覚を大事にしてみては?
- 今では6歳から携帯を持つ子供もいる。インスタを7歳から。怖い、、
- デンマークの電車のアナウンス音は新幹線を思い出させる
- 今笑顔ですか?笑顔で前向きに物事を考えたら、一日はどう変わるだろう?
- もし匂いが見えたら?オナラを避けられるかもしれない
◇ 2024年8月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #13
◇ 2024年8月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #13
-English Version-
In this update, I will reflect on my experience in London, UK, and Torino, Italy as well as my own realizations through traveling.
(When I was writing this part) I was getting ready to fly to London from a rather empty airport in Torino. My flight’s company suddenly changed yesterday and the McDonald’s next to me only opens at 11 am. I think this shows how different Italy is from Japan if you know what I mean.
It is my first time to fly around (sort of) alone, but it surely will not be the last. Before I get into reactions, I will list some observations in both countries in categories (*this is based only on my few weeks, so it does not guarantee accuracy.) E: = London, I: = Torino
E: Cool in July!? (Around 20 Celsius, 70 Fahrenheit!) Cloudy as imagined, but the weather changes frequently. No mosquitoes.
I: Hotter (23-33 Celsius, 75-93 Fahrenheit) but not humid, unlike Japan. One day, it suddenly started raining and hailing (my host’s car got bumps because of it.) Many mosquitoes at night:( Sensu (hand fans) were popular and this was interesting because many Asians use electronic fans.
E: Taxi seats flipped and facing each other!? Personal cars seem clean and new (maybe because it suddenly rains sometimes?) Simple number plates that are white in the front and yellow in the back. Double-decker buses are cool but sitting in the front of the second deck was quite scary because they squeeze in between buildings (felt like a real-life roller coaster so would recommend it if you like that)
I: Roads are pretty bumpy. Unfinished road constructions remain for months (unlike in Japan.)
Not many taxis?people drive their own cars or take the bus/train. The bus can be ridden for free because nobody really checks. But they rarely come on time (London too…) Sometimes they arrive 20 minutes early which is shocking for someone from Tokyo. People honk. And call/smoke while driving. In both countries, j-walking is normal.
E: Expensive. A mix of different ethnic food. Many Japanese/Korean takeout shops and the names are always interesting: Wasabi(山葵), Wagamama(わがまま), Oseyo(いらっしゃいませ), etc.
American chain shops (Chipotle, Burger King) were present and somewhat used. Chain shops like Pret and Leon were often seen in the city. M&S is a nice supermarket that is like Trader Joe’s and has its own products. Street shops are affordable and yummy! (Lots of Mediterranean food.) Zucchini is called courgette.
I: Simple yet SO delicious. Ah, I would love to live in Italy someday. The price is way lower than in London and way more buono (=yummy.) Starbucks is not popular (because the coffee in town is just really good quality) but to my surprise, people do go to McDonald’s and Burger King. They eat one dish at a time (Primi, Secondi, etc) and they gasped when I put a main dish next to my pasta. Typically, light breakfast+lunch and a big dinner at around 8 pm. Eggplant is called melanzane.
E: People standing and drinking on the street! In suits! People drink on weekdays too.
I: Don’t drink to get drunk. Drink a bit of good wine to taste the meal better. Treats wine with care. Drink coffee VERY often. Cappuccino 1 very affordable for a very good coffee. I didn’t see anyone walking around with to-go coffee; they always stood at a bar counter or sat outside (where there are shades and nice seating) to drink. Drinks a digestive after a meal. Aperitivo is very popular?spritz (light sparkling alcohol) and often bits of focaccia or other small assortments of food.
E: Lots of runners like Boston. Many ethnicities are mixed within the city. It felt so diverse coming back from Torino. People look occupied?headphones on, give you a cold look rather than a smile, and walk very fast.
I: Very close to other people. Warm. (I can confirm that kisses for greetings were real.) Values family and friends A LOT. They call often. Couples hold hands and show love, even when they get old. Says a lot of Ciao many, many times. (Maybe 20 in one call!) Men look younger when they get old.
E: More greens in the city (compared to Tokyo). A lot of cool dark blue designs are vivid on white beautiful buildings that look similar and uniform. People living on ships on the canal rivers!
That was shocking. Floors could be dirty sometimes (people spat, cigarettes on the ground.)
Parts of the city are places for homeless people. Bustling with cars.
I: More smokers/vapers than London. Numerous trash cans all around the city. They work as ashtrays but still, countless cigarettes are on the ground. Public water fountains with a bull’s head all around the city. Cold and fresh! (This was nice because at a restaurant you have to buy water)
E: Accents are real. Felt weird to speak with an American accent. Some words were different (trash=rubbish)
I: Not many people spoke English in Torino. Hard to articulate how much, but if there were 10 people, perhaps 2 may be able to have a normal daily conversation with me, 3 may be able to say several sentences, and the rest would be communicating in gestures. Some tours of palaces were only in Italian so I only understood a few words. Italian has more vowels than English so it might be easier to pronounce for Japanese people (and apparently easier to hear than English because it has less frequency of consonants.)
E: Many museums are free (consequences: bathrooms there were not so clean, very crowded with tourists) Some galleries in the city but they seem very commercial so kind of hard to enter just to look.
I: Lots of museums within Torino. I went to about 18, excluding small art galleries and churches. If you pay ?32, you get a great museum card which allows you to visit museums in Piemonte (the region) for free for a whole year!! That has saved me a lot of money. Not so many tourists (compared to London especially)
E: Mainly no ties on suits. Business casual but way more fashionable than Japan; more vivid colors combined. People look good in beards.
I: Super colorful! Women wore many beautiful dresses and vivid makeup (I saw several blue eyeliners.) Many men wore linen shirts. Glasses were part of the fashion (of course sunglasses, but normal glasses too!)
E: I didn’t live in a British house so I don’t know it well, but my impression: expensive. Many apartments. Some rich neighborhoods (those with High Streets) have super large houses. I heard that many people don’t like to cook so they eat out a lot.
I: At home, there are bidet bathrooms next to normal toilets. At the place I was staying, they didn’t have a microwave, a toaster, a dishwasher, or air conditioning. No tv during meals. When invited to a home party, you bring a dish, a bottle of alcohol, or other gifts such as a flower bouquet. Felt like people used more androids than in the US or Japan. Many people live at the same address as their family members.
Next, I will briefly share some thoughts that came to mind as I spent time in these two places and reflected on them.
Being in a foreign country made me think a ton about language and communication. When do you know when you were actually able to communicate with someone?
When you understand a language, it enters from your ears regardless of your will to listen (this is how a meal at a restaurant ends up with the memory of the conversations of the neighboring customers who probably met for their first date.) But because I didn’t understand most of Italian, I was able to tune out if I wished. Simultaneously, it forced me to observe their expressions and actions instead.
It was not rare that my question/request was interpreted differently and I received an unexpected answer or outcome. That was part of the experience. It reminded me that this planet has soooo many different cultures and languages and that it requires some effort to communicate sometimes. But it is worth trying. The satisfaction of when we both understand what we were both trying to convey is hard to explain. Maybe because both of us know that there is an obvious barrier between us but also having this common goal of overcoming it together makes it a quest. I am reminded that communication is not a one-way street.
Knowing some words helps. Living and getting immersed in the place and hearing what the locals use in real life?words often used such as “va bene” (it’s well) and “allora” (oh well)?is much more helpful than words I learned on Duolingo. My 3 top-used Italian words were: “Inglese?” (English?) “Grazie” (thank you) and “Bagno?” (Bathroom?)
I think I was homesick in Italy.
It felt more like a foreign country compared to the US, especially since I don’t understand their language. Now that I think about it, I have never been to a non-English-speaking country alone for 3 weeks. The fact that Italians speak Italian most of the time (yes, even when they can speak English and yes, even when they know that I am there) contributed to the loneliness. At age 20, it’s not as easy to learn a new language. Additionally, Torino was rather monoethnic?less diverse in race. I sometimes felt like people were looking at me because I looked different. In the last few days, it felt like this heavy invisible wall was pushing me. I still loved the place and the experience, but I was sure that I was not “home” and something in my heart was missing.
Because I had to observe more than usual to pass the time, I paid attention to things that never occurred to me before.
Roundabouts are an innovation?no tech needed, simple for multiple roads. Dams are a representation of how much humans desperately try to control nature.
Three things in every country that tell us about its culture indirectly are supermarkets, bookstores, and cemeteries. I visited them many times and got a glimpse of their lives (+deaths.)
Facts about me that I have realized/reacknowledged:
- Bad at: remembering names and song titles, playing Mario Cart (so I’m scared of driving)
- Good at: remembering faces, enjoying alone time in museums (especially contemporary art), eating slowly, sleeping anywhere anytime
- Feels good when: having a delicious meal, buying something meaningful, having a good conversation, enjoying little simple games, browsing books in the cooking section
- I translate things to both Japanese and English to see if they make sense and also put them in the context of the countries to see if the representations are local or commercial (ex: the ethnicity of the models of a product, places mentioned on tour guide books)
Overall, traveling makes me more curious about the world. I like that.
I hope this allowed you to experience a little bit of the place and/or made you want to travel somewhere.
Other than the touristy things, what do you like to do when you visit somewhere you’ve never been before?
Why do we take more pictures when traveling?
How do we balance being in the moment and capturing those moments? Does the amount of photos correlate with the importance of the memory?
August 8th, 2024 Joan Kobayashi
Some thoughts/recommendations:
- How many Olympic athletes have the logo tattooed on their bodies?
- If there’s a baby or a portrait, does any background become worth it (or it seems like it but doesn’t actually matter because the subject takes most of the attention?)
- There was a family in the airplane in front of me. Being a parent of 2 young boys must be so hard… especially when they weep the whole time… and people will look at you, the parent (often the mother which is questionable), not at them. But I like kids. I think sometime in the future, I want to raise my own kid(s).
- Started watching “Young Sheldon” (Netflix) and it is pretty addictive.
- I tried Gozleme (Turkish savory crepes) for the first time today and it was SO delicious
- Walking 10,000 steps a day feels very good for my body
- Trying to sleep at 10 pm (not really happening but I will try)
Photos from London:
Photos from Torino:
一人で国境間をこんなに飛び回るのは初めてでドキドキだったが、本当に刺激的だった。これからもっと世界を知っていきたい。旅を通した個人的なリアクションにいく前に、両国で観察したことをカテゴリー別に紹介する。※あくまで数週間の個人の体験に基づくものである。 E: = ロンドン、 I: = トリノ
E: 7月なのに20°C前後と涼しい!!そして想像した通り曇りの時が多い。でも天気はよく変わる。蚊はいない。最後の数日だけ30°C超え。
I: 日本ほど暑くはないが、ロンドンと比べると暑い。普通の日は23-33°Cだが、日本と違って湿度は高くない。多くのイタリア人が扇子を持っていたのが驚きで、アジア人は今や電動扇風機を持っていることが多いため、興味深かった。暑いをcardoと言うので、coldと似ていてわかりにくい。ある日は突然雨と雹が降り、ホストの車は所々凹んでしまった。夜は蚊が多く、嫌なほど刺された。日本の蚊よりも痒い気がする。
E: タクシーの座席が反転して向かい合っている!個人の車はきれいで新しい印象(頻繁に軽い雨が降ることがあるから?)シンプルなデザインのナンバープレートは前が白、後ろが黄色。2階建ての赤いバスはかっこいいけど、2階の一番前の席に座ると、ビルとビルの間をスレスレで通るのでかなりハラハラする。
I: 道路はかなり凸凹。タクシーはあまり使われておらず、自家用車かバスや電車で移動する。バスは特に誰もチェックしないためタダ乗りもできちゃう。ただ(ロンドンもだが)バスが時間通りに来ることはほとんどなく20分も早く到着することもあり、東京から来た人間にとっては大ショック。そして人々はクラクションをよく鳴らす。運転中に電話したりタバコを吸ったり、結構なんでもし放題。流行りのスクーターも多く見た。
E: 値段が高い。様々なエスニック料理が混在している。日韓テイクアウトの店も多く、店名が面白い。Wasabi(山葵)、Wagamama(わがまま)、Oseyo(いらしゃいませ)など。アメリカのチェーン店のChipotleやバーガーキングなどはあり、ある程度利用されていた。Pret A Mangerというイギリスのチェーン店がそこら中に。M&SはアメリカのTrader Joe’sのような自社の商品を売っている素敵なスーパー。路面店は手頃でおいしい!ファラフェルが多い。ズッキーニはcourgetteと言うみたい。
I: 流石イタリア。シンプルだけど実に美味しい。あぁーいつかはイタリアに住んでみたい。街のコーヒーのクオリティが高いからスターバックスは人気ないが、驚いたことにマクドナルドやバーガーキングには案外みんな行く。 料理は1つずつ食べるのが基本で、一度私がパスタの隣にメインディッシュを置いたらホスト達は悲鳴をあげた。通常、朝食+昼食は軽めで、夜8時頃に大きな夕食。
E: 路上で立ち飲みする人々が多い!しかもスーツ姿で。平日も飲んでる。
I: 酔うために飲むわけではない。食事をおいしく食べるために、ちょっとずつ、良いワインを飲む。 ワインは大切に扱う。コーヒーもよく飲む。カプチーノ1つ1ユーロと、美味しいかつお手頃。To goの コーヒーを持って歩く人はいなく、バーのカウンターで立って飲むか、外の日除けのある素敵な席に座って飲むのが普通。食後にも消化の良い飲み物を。アペリティーボはとても人気な文化で、早めの時間にスプリッツという軽いアルコールと、フォカッチャなどの小さな盛り合わせを食すことが多い。
E: ボストンのようにランニングをする人が多い。街を歩くと色んな人種の人が混在している(見た目ではなく話している言語で判断している。)トリノから帰ってきて、特に多様性を感じた。ただ、基本的にヘッドホンをしていたり、笑顔ではなく冷たい視線を送ってきたり、歩くスピードが速かったりする印象。
I: 他人との距離がとても近い。暖かい。家族や友人をとても大切にする。頻繁に電話をかけていて、チャオを何度も何度も言う(一回の電話で20回くらい!)イタリアの男性は年を取っても若く見える。年を取っても手をつないでお互いに感謝を伝えていた。なんと素敵なのだろう。
E: 東京に比べて、街に緑が多い。揃った外装の白い美しい建物に、濃い紺色などのデザインが映える。市内を走る運河沿いに浮かぶ船に住む人々がいるのは衝撃的だった。街は床が汚れていることがあり(ゴミやタバコが落ちている)ホームレスの人も頻繁に見かける。
I: ロンドンより喫煙者の割合が高いかもしれない。街中にゴミ箱がたくさんあり金属製なので灰皿としても使えるが、それでも無数のタバコが落ちている。そして街のあちこちに牛の頭のついた水飲み場がある!これが冷たくて新鮮。レストランでは水すら買わなければならないので、とても助かる。
E: アクセントは本物だったと再確認。アメリカ訛りで話すのはなんだか不思議な感じ、、、言い方が違う単語もある(trashがrubbish、bathroomがlooと呼ばれていたり)
I: トリノで英語を話す人は想像より少ない。どの程度か数値化させるのは難しいが、10人いたら、大体2人は私と普通に会話ができ、他に3人はいくつか日常で使われるフレーズが言え、残りは身振り手振りでコミュニケーションをとるくらいだろうか。いくつかの宮殿見学ツアーはイタリア語でしか案内がなかった。イタリア語は英語よりも子音(音が高く聞き取りにくい音)が少ないので、英語よりも皆聞き取りやすいらしい。母音が多いため日本人には発音しやすいかもしれない。バンビーニが子供達という意味なのは可愛くて早々に覚えた。
E: 多くの美術館が入館無料だが、トイレがあまり清潔ではなく、観光客で混雑していたのがデメリット。市内に小さいギャラリーはあるが、商業的な印象が強くて少し入りにくい。
I: トリノ市内にはたっくさんの美術館がある。小さなギャラリーや教会を除いても18箇所ほど訪れた。市役所で32ユーロ払うと、トリノを含むピエモンテ地方内の美術館を1年間無料で回れるお得なカードがもらえる!これがとても便利で、かなりの節約になった。ロンドンに比べ観光客が少ないのも利点。
E: 主にスーツにノーネクタイ。ビジネスカジュアルだが、日本よりずっとお洒落。カラフルなフォーマルウェアを着こなしている。ヒゲが似合う人が多い。
I: さらにカラフル!女性は綺麗なドレスをよく着る。夏だなぁと思わせられた。お歳が上の方でもブルーのアイライナーなどのビビッドなメイクをする。メガネもファッションの一部で、サングラスはもちろんだが普通のメガネも皆さんオシャレ!
E: イギリス人の家に住んではないので印象になるが、賃金は高くアパートが多い。ハイストリートのあるような裕福な地域には超大邸宅がある。料理が嫌いな人が多いため外食が多いというコメントもあった。
I: 一般的なお家には普通のトイレの横にビデ用のトイレがある。驚いた。(だからウォシュレットは世界的に革命的だったのだろうか、、)滞在していたお家には電子レンジ、トースター、食洗機、エアコンがなかった。食事中テレビはオフ。日本のように長生きするご老人が多いこともあり3世帯などで家族と同じ住所に住む人が多い。ホームパーティに招待されることが多いらしく、招かれるとホストの希望に沿って料理やワイン、花束などのプレゼントを持参するのがマナー。スマホはアメリカや日本よりもアンドロイドを使う人が多い印象。
ただ、いくつか単語を知っていると助けになる。その土地に住み、環境にどっぷり浸かり、現地の人が実際に使う言葉、例えば「va bene(大丈夫)」や「allora(それでは?)」といった単語は、Duolingoで学んだ言葉よりもずっと役立つ。よく使ったイタリア語トップ3: "Inglese?"(英語?)"Grazie"(ありがとう)そして "Bagno?"(トイレ?)
・Young Sheldon(Netflix)を見始めたが結構面白い。
◇ 2024年7月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #12
◇ 2024年7月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #12
-English Version-
mourning, yearning, yawning
Dear missed ones,
This is the update mainly about June and the first week of July 2024.
I am writing this section on a steaming night in my Tokyo room which has become a “temporary placement” for too many items.
Do I currently qualify as one of those? Where is my home now?
We can have more than one home, right?
[Warning: in the next section I will be grieving if that is something that might trigger you. The next section starts with the (yearning) if you would like to skip this section.]
I came back to my Tokyo house at 4 pm on June 5th. I said hi to my parents, cats, and my grandparents who live upstairs. I was happy to see them and be able to report that I’m safely back.
A month or two. That’s the number my father told me how long my grandfather was probably going to last. Wow, I really need to cherish my time with him. That’s what I thought.
Although he didn’t open his eyes the first time, he later did, and I think he got to see me.
Because I was continuously talking to him for over 10 minutes and he seemed tired, I told him “また明日来ますね” which meant I would come back again tomorrow.
Past midnight that day, I was shaken up by my father.
By the time I got upstairs, my grandfather was not breathing.
He was 95 years old.
It was too sudden - my mind was not ready to process anything yet. It was like the first kick of a soccer match going into the goal. It was like the server asking for your order the moment you entered the restaurant.
I cannot speak for how other people felt, but I send special love to my mother who was devoted to looking after him intensively for 2+ years. And my grandmother who was beside him for many many decades.
20 days have passed. We have done the funeral services and we have received many beautiful flowers. Side note: it was my responsibility to take care of the flowers and as I watered them every day, I wondered if there were alternative arrangements because flowers are not eternal. It hurt to throw them away. I understand that dried flowers are not appropriate, but I wondered what other gifts are. I looked up online and the first phrase that came up was “sympathy basket $99.99.” Wow, the world really is capitalistic. I learned that it depends on the person’s religion.
“Food for the family is appropriate but avoid flowers” in one and “Flowers are acceptable but food should not be sent” in another. Interesting.
Back to the topic. I have talked to many people about my returning episode and I cannot help but agree with the responses that he was waiting for me to come back. I got to see him one last time. It scares me to imagine the world where he passed away a day earlier.
For people who sent kind messages to our family, we truly appreciate it?I’m sure he appreciates it very very much too. If you have also experienced grief recently, I am sending you my love. Please know that I am here if you ever need somebody to hear, help, and/or hug you.
Before summer began, I knew that I wanted to create a space where people could gather, eat food together, and talk about life.
Inspired by SSS (Soup Salad and Soul,) I named it PPP (Potluck and Ponder Party) and invited about 20 of my friends for experimentation. For 4 days in June, I stayed in a room in Daikanyama and waited for people to come. 6 people came for one day and another time it was a playdate between me and a friend. Seeing my friends from different times get to know each other was magical. For sharing, I made dishes like quiche and spanakopita and enjoyed buying groceries in a Japanese supermarket and cooking with small-portioned ingredients. Some questions that came up were: “What is a thought you had recently?” “Why do we do Shu-katsu (the process of getting a post-graduation job for university students)” “How should the ones with foreign experiences encourage others in Japan without being pushy and arrogant?”
It was a wonderful experience, being able to set aside our phones and talk about things that mattered in life. I hope to do this more often, opening it up to more people, and I wish for you to be there someday!
Also, I was craving some family time when I got home.
How ironic we had to preschedule months before to go away from home for a night and enjoy some time with the three of us. We drove to Hayama, listened to Fujii Kaze and watched men’s basketball, walked along the ocean, went to a nice local cafe, ate soba, slept on Futon, and chatted. Very much needed.
I departed Tokyo at 15:45 on July 2nd and arrived in Washington DC at 15:50 on the same day.
So basically I flew over the Pacific Ocean in 5 minutes. Timezones are crazy. How this planet works is crazy.
And entering the US is always so tedious. Exiting is easy though.
Airports are interesting places.
People come and go. There is a hint of safety with all the security but always a sense of insecurity.
After landing in Boston, I visited a friend from Smith, Eloise, in Vermont for 4 days. We haven’t seen each other for about a month and I’ve been looking forward to visiting their hometown! We “celebrated” the Fourth of July together (I slept through half of the fireworks because of jetlag) and we cooked together (hand-ripped baguette for the first time) and talked about life more with Phoebe (who drove from her place) under a bridge while dipping our feet into the cold steam of water. I kept waking up around 4 am.
Meeting their family was so heartwarming. And getting to know the place was so meaningful.
Vermont was/is/hopefully will be FULL of nature. It makes me realize that I truly grew up in a city. Because the amount of natural nature ? not artificial nature ? I saw in those 3 full days was probably more than the amount I saw in a year in Tokyo.
I told the Vermonters this already, but Vermont might be in my top 3 favorite states. (Other candidates are California and Massachusetts.) We’ll see how this evolves through time.
By the way, I am still yawning because now I am in London, jetlagged from my flight from Boston. Being able to explore the cloudy city is fresh and exciting. Today, I’m going to see the Aga Khan Centre that my grandfather designed.
Thank you again for reading.
What are your 3 adjectives for your recent life?
Joan Kobayashi
July 10th, 2024 (Sent from London)
P.S. Sharing some media I consumed recently (inspired by Wesley!)
good songs I listened to on the plane to London:
- Up Granville by Peach Pit
- Never Been In Love by Lauren Spencer Smith
- Oscar Winning Tears. by RAYE
- Drunk On A Flight by Eloise
- The Album Sway by Tove Styrke
good book I read recently:
“Wait, What?: And Life’s Other Essential Questions” by James E. Ryan
good documentary:
David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived (trailer)
It talks about the stuntman David Holmes who lived an extraordinary life, partially
because he was the stuntman for Harry Potter.
P.P.S. The Virgin Atlantic meal was surprisingly good (Picture attached)
mourning, yearning, yawning
Smithで開催されていたSSS(Soup Salad and Soul)にヒントを得て、PPP(Potluck and Ponder Party)と名付け、実験的に20人ほどの友人を招待した。6月中の4日間、ある一室にいて人が来るのを待った。誰が何時に来てくれるかは、連絡をくれた場合を除き全く分からなかった。ある日は6人、ある日は1人来てくれた。私の違う界隈の友人達がその場で知り合うのを見るのは不思議で神秘的な感じだった。ポットラック用にキッシュやスパナコピタなどの料理を作った。日本のスーパーで小分けされた食材を買い、料理するのを楽しんだ。
良き友なので、故郷を訪れるのを楽しみにしていた。私たちは7月4日を一緒に "お祝い" し(私は時差ぼけのせいで花火の半分を寝過ごし、)一緒に料理をし(初めてバゲットをちぎって食べ、)橋の下で冷たい川水に足を浸しながらドライブして来てくれたPhoebeとさらに人生について語り合った。朝4時頃に常に目が覚めた。
P.S. 最近の素敵だったメディアを勝手にシェアします!ロンドン行きの飛行機で聴いて良かった曲:
- Up Granville by Peach Pit
- Never Been In Love by Lauren Spencer Smith
- Oscar Winning Tears. by RAYE
- Drunk On A Flight by Eloise
- The Album Sway by Tove Styrke
“Wait, What?: And Life’s Other Essential Questions” by James E. Ryan
David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived (trailer)
◇ 2024年5月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #11
◇ 2024年5月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #11
-English Version-
Hello dearest friends, family, and meaningful acquaintances, how is life?
I hope you are enjoying the weather wherever you are right now. Here in Northampton, it’s
finally the time of year when it’s warm and sunny, stress-free, time being slow, and my skin
smelling like sunscreen, itchy with bug bites.
For the past 2 months, I have been immersing myself in schoolwork, clubs, and spending time
with friends who I’m not going to see in a long time. Sob. Goodbyes have to happen, but it is
tough to let go of the environment where we can see each other in less than 5 minutes. I have
been trying to say “see you” rather than “bye” in the belief that we will somehow see each other
again, somewhere on the planet.
School is over. I am done with academics for this year. (!!!) It still doesn’t feel real yet. On May
10th, I turned in my final art history essay. Oh, how stressful that was. Writing ten pages about
an Italian city, Turin, in the 16th and 17th centuries may not sound like the most stressful
assignment for some, but it sure was an interesting and arduous time. Partially because
procrastination has become a friend of mine. I need to keep some distance from them.
This is my notes from May 5th (during reading period which is for preparing for finals period):
“I am kind of stressed. It’s during the reading period and I have SO many things to do. I also
want to spend time with my friends when I can. And enjoy the nice weather outside. And still do
the work I want to do. But I know how well I do it doesn’t really matter in the long run. It’s
stressing me right now, but I know I shouldn’t be.
I want to focus on the calls I have with my parents, but I am distracted by the surrounding
community which feels more temporary at the moment. I think in my head that my family is
eternal, trying to convince myself that. I think I’m running away from the fact that it’s not.
I remember crying in front of people twice last week.
I didn’t mean to.
The first time was during Soup Salad and Soul?a weekly meeting where we talked about
various topics about life?when we talked about transitions and changes. While people were
referring to their summer breaks and after-graduation plans, I thought about my family.
Especially my grandparents. I remember talking about how I fear imagining life without them.
And after the session, tears just came out of my eyes. It made me realize that I hadn’t cried in a
long time. I let the tears come out. I was grateful for the people who sat next to me and listened
to me weep.
The second time was when I went out on a walk with Lou and Eloise that night. We each had
thoughts on our minds that were making us feel certain emotions. We walked and talked. We
processed. We listened and kind of danced to the saxophone player on the street. We said
everyone needs to have a t-shirt of the big fluffy dog, Jackson.”
I had been thinking a lot about family. It’s not simply homesickness, but I miss them and I am
craving for some quality time with them. When I go back to Japan in June, I want to relax and
cook and chat.
After finals finished, my mental health became a bit more stable. I have time to sort my room,
enjoy food without looking at a screen, walk more in nature… You can see how many feelings I
am encountering here.
“Today is May 11th. A beautiful day and I have no assignments. It feels wonderful. Yesterday I
submitted my last essay and wrapped up my second semester of my sophomore year. Now that
I type it out, that’s crazy. Halfway through Smith. Technically 2/3 because I will be abroad.
I am packing, having to decide what to bring back to Japan and then to Copenhagen. If I leave it
in the trunk room, I will be seeing it next in my senior year. Wow.
Now that I have time, I want to do so many things I haven’t been able to prioritize when I had
schoolwork. Cook, read for pleasure, sew, catch up with friends far away, resume my food
Instagram, plan events for the summer, go free-bin shopping even though I need to get rid of
clothes, go on nature walks, dance, and the informal list goes on. I still have the habit of
over-scheduling tattooed on me. I need to unlearn that.”
It has been an eventful week/semester/year. But, to clarify, I REALLLLLY enjoyed all of the
courses I took this semester. No regrets. I loved all of my 5 professors I had and I am grateful
for my classmates.
And of course, the wonderful friends I’ve made along the way. Especially seniors.
Today is May 19th 2024, a Sunday. Graduation of the amazing class of 2024. People were in
their gowns and caps, dressed up with their family and friends. I sadly did not make it to
commencement because of my dishwashing shift in nogi, but I got to see a snippet of the
celebratory and emotional vibes on campus.
I got to know and got close to so many wonderful seniors this semester. It seemed to me that
they knew what they were doing. Maybe because they spent more time at Smith. Maybe
because they simply lived more years than me.
They were ambitious, inspiring, reliable explorers who were so good at balancing work and play
and other essential life tasks. But they were also so frank and approachable. I don’t want them
to leave, but I also want the world to see what an amazing class year they are. If you are a
senior reading this, congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I am honored to have met you
at Smith and I am proud of you for everything you’ve done and will do.
Especially in America, I feel like there is this huge invisible pressure of knowing what you will be
doing two years from now and preparing yourself for it. I say you live your life. Because nobody
else can.
Nothing’s ever too late. You can start doing new things at any point. After meeting 72-year-old
alums grooving on the dance floor last night, I received so much energy and hope for our lives
ahead. You will have a one-and-only experience.
Some may tend to think that pausing and being sidetracked (for example a gap semester) is a
waste of time. I disagree. I think it’s important, perhaps even more important than going forward
nonstop. It allows you to reflect. It allows you to feel. It allows you to appreciate.
So, take your time.
Enjoy life.
Laugh. Cry. Fear.
Feel them all.
Thank you for reading.
I would love to know one thing you’ve been exploring/loving recently.
Joan Kobayashi
May 19th 2024
P.S. I have attached some beautiful moments that I have captured.
うなら(bye)」ではなく「またね(see you)」と言うようにしています。
1回目は、Soup Salad and Soul(人生についての様々な話題について食を囲んで話し合う週1回の
P.S. 最近学校周辺で目にした興味深い写真たちを上に添付してあります。
◇ 2024年3月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #10
◇ 2024年3月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #10
-English Version-
2024 March 10th
On a windy Sunday afternoon, I finally settled to write to let people know that I am alive and
First, I would like to share some random thoughts and recommendations.
Something I wondered is, why does Japanese food taste so unique? Even compared with other Asian countries, I feel like it has a lot of dishes that play with sourness, sweetness, and spiciness whereas Japanese dishes value saltiness on top of umami flavor. Perhaps, it also pulls out the flavor that the ingredients hold. Anyway, I really enjoy trying new dishes from many different countries and I think I have tried less than 0.1% of the world’s dishes. This is random, but I recently discovered that Spanakopita, tiramisu, and banana bread hype me up. I will update again if I make them.
Another thought. When somebody is being asked, “How was ___?” I have noticed that many people tend to underrate it or give a negative response, including myself. I do this unconsciously and I wonder why it is. It seems like it has something to do with the fact that people likely bond over criticism. Please let me know if you have any opinions about this.
2 recommendations:
For my Art history class that focuses on 15th-20th century European cities and gardens, I read this interesting paper about benches in Italy, called “Seats of Power: The Outdoor Benches of Early Modern Florence” by Yvonne Elet. It explores why outside benches are worthy of examination and why it is an interesting way of seeing the social, economic, and gender situations in the city. I was particularly interested in the question, what qualifies as a bench?
My good friend Lou taught me this idea of making a NOT-TO-DO list. I found this useful to let go of things and learn about the ways I think. One thing I wrote: “NOT stay up until 1 am to do homework.” What would be on your list?
If you are curious about how my classes/clubs/friendships are going, please read the next part!
Overall, I am really happy with the choice of my classes, because they all challenge me and require stepping out of my comfort zone. What my peers are thinking is very stimulating, of course including the professors. I am lucky to take a class again with Lynne, my studio art professor, where I am creating socially engaging art. I recently did a hug project where I stood in an academic building blindfolded, offering free hugs. That was something I have always wanted to do, and I finally did it. It was such an extraordinary and eerie experience. Hugs are magical.
My other studio art class, a sculpture class with Lee, is my current favorite. I get to do crazy things like welding and playing with wires and plaster with another good friend Eloise every week. I get to be creative in any kind of way. I appreciate the freedom we have. I welded a bowl titled “For holding your craziest dreams” and a picture is attached below. My landscape class with Steve opened up my attention to the little details in life. I observe more when I walk around. I made connections with some of my classmates. Especially the classes we have in the museum before it opens where we observe and talk about photographs are always intriguing.
Some memorable photographs we saw were:
- Ana Mendieta’s “Untitled (Image from Yagul) from Silueta Series in Mexico 1973 August”
(original slide; 1991 posthumous print)
- Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe’s “An Afternoon with Aunt Tootie, Daufuskie Island, South Carolina” (1979.)
My Art history professor, Professor Moore, is very intelligent and knowledgeable. I cried in the first discussion because I was very overwhelmed by the speed and everyone’s engagement level. However, I became stronger because of that because I felt so ashamed. Now, I can participate and express my opinions about the 4 academic papers we read for it. We fail and we grow.
Frisbee is going well. First semester captaining for Sola, which is the b-team. We have been going over the basics but also learning how to do advanced structures such as zone defense. It is nice to see people get better at frisbee. I feel more responsible, and I think it is a great opportunity to practice leading and taking care of people.
For dancing, my friends and I performed on a stage, and oh how fun it was. Hearing people cheer for you is an amazing feeling so hard to verbalize. AND, having fun on stage with those you value is more fun. If you would like to see a video, please let me know. Additionally, the Japanese club has restarted and I’m feeling comfortable being able to connect with the other Japanese-identifying people. We all agree that we miss good white rice.
I am taking this moment to appreciate my friends. I have been having meaningful conversations with those close to me, and I am grateful for that. Drifting away from Instagram has been helpful. Texting and calling have not been my way of communicating, but for now, I am focusing on the time I can spend in person. I am meeting new friends ? it’s hard to balance comfortable relationships with fresh unpredictable ones. This might be a life-long task for me. Relationships require mutual effort, and I am thankful for the ones I have and the ones I will be having in the future.
“Am I Being a Good Enough Friend to Myself?”
Green grass revealing itself.
Unread books fill up my bookshelf.
Looking up cafes in foreign a country,
trying to save up some money.
Ambiguity and certainty.
Ephemerality and eternity.
Me, sometimes sure,
other times blank on the floor.
I hope your week is filled with excitement. It also doesn’t have to be.
With lots of love,
Joan Kobayashi
P.S. I have attached some moments in my recent life that were beautiful.
今学期は、全体的に選択した授業にとても満足しています。もちろん教授陣も含めて、仲間の考えはいつもとても刺激的です。美術の教授であるLynneの授業を再び取ることができ、Socially Engaged Art について学んでいます。最近はハグプロジェクトというものをしました。目隠しをして授業を受ける建物の入り口に立ち、無料でハグを提供しました。ずっとやりたいと思っていたので、ついに実現したのですが、非日常的で不気味な体験でした。ハグには不思議な力があります。日本人ももっとするべきだと思います。
もうひとつのアートのLeeの彫刻のクラスが今一番お気に入りです。週合計6時間弱、良き友のEloiseと一緒に溶接したり、ワイヤーや石膏で遊んだり、クレイジーなことをしています。どんなことでもクリエイティブになれる、この自由さに感謝です。少し前に“For holding your craziest dreams”という溶接の作品を作りました。写真も添付しました。Steveのランドスケープの授業を受けている影響で、日々の中の小さなディテールに目を向けるようになりました。歩いている時や信号を待っている時、より多くのことを観察している気がします。クラスメートたちとのつながりも少しずつできています。開館前の美術館にクラスで行き、写真を観察し考えを共有する時にいつも沢山吸収します。特に印象に残った写真2つをシェアします:
- Ana Mendieta’s “Untitled (Image from Yagul) from Silueta Series in Mexico 1973 August”
(original slide; 1991 posthumous print)
- Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe’s “An Afternoon with Aunt Tootie, Daufuskie Island, South Carolina” (1979.)
“Am I Being a Good Enough Friend to Myself?”
Green grass revealing itself.
Unread books fill up my bookshelf.
Looking up cafes in foreign a country,
trying to save up some money.
Ambiguity and certainty.
Ephemerality and eternity.
Me, sometimes sure,
other times blank on the floor.
◇ 2024年1月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #9
◇ 2024年1月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #9
-English Version-
2024 January 15th
Hello, I hope you’ve had a nice week! This is Joan reporting from Northampton, MA on a sunny cold (-7°C) day. Happy New Year! I hope 2024 will be a meaningful year for you. Please take this as a belated New Year's card from me. I am currently back on campus for a short poetry class before the semester actually begins on January 25th.
For those who are new to this, this is a kind-of-monthly update that I post mainly to let them know that I am enjoying my life and to update them on what I have been up to recently. Oops, two months have passed since the previous update, but that’s okay. A lot has happened since then. Here we go, please bear with me.
Today, I would like to write mainly about 4 topics: (1) school finishing in December 2023, (2) trying new things, (3) going back to Japan, and (4) the other traveling I did.
(1) Wrapping up my third semester at Smith
Time flew by. The end of my fall semester as a sophomore has been really tough and I didn’t have time to relax. I couldn’t make time for myself to just lie down and do nothing. I have been meaning to write this update all of December but I couldn’t make time to sit down and reflect until now. I was occupied and stressed, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t like my courses. I truly enjoyed taking them and they taught me so many valuable lessons. Now, I would like to introduce some memorable classes in detail.
My Installation Art course with Lynne (12 students) enabled me to explore what putting art in an existing space is like, and I was able to simply have fun with art with my fellow classmates. We played with mud, we ran up and down the stairs, and we also gave each other thoughtful critiques. I felt like I was challenged and respected at the same time. Everyone is unique and because we make art together in different ways and with different thought processes, it makes it so much more interesting. That’s what I value in art courses and that’s why I can’t stop taking them.
The other courses were intriguing as well. The film and media class gave me a chance to speak up in a large class (about 50 students) and express my opinions in the fast-moving discussions during class. That gave me a lot of anxiety but with the inclusiveness and support of our wonderful professor Jen, it felt like the more I tried hard, the more I gained confidence. Computer science class was one of the most depressing classes. Half of the time, I couldn’t fully understand what was being taught. (I think the fact that it was right after lunchtime was not helping?I seriously get sleepy after eating, I think it’s a natural habit and I cannot do anything about it… Please let me know if there is a solution to this.) But in the end, I worked together with three other students to create a sophisticated game and that was rewarding. I’m never taking another CS class but I’m glad I took this one and finished it. The landscape class and hip hop class were rather fun because they were both things that I knew I liked. I communicated a lot with the professors and that created a comfortable environment for learning. Interestingly, both of the classes gave me opportunities to move around and feel what I was feeling at the moment. I recommend taking the intro hip hop class for sure because you can learn about yourself a lot.
Overall, it was a packed semester along with frisbee, other clubs like the yearbook club, and keeping up with friends. I was relieved that it was over on December 20th.
(2) Getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things
I had my first official hip hop performance (for the hip hop club) at Hampshire College on December 10th. Performing in front of other talented dancers (and being seen from every direction) was a little intimidating but I could see/feel that people weren’t judging others; they were simply having fun. And so, I was able to have fun dancing. Hip hop taught me that dancing is not for comparison but is for your joy. I also participated in an art sale for the first time. It felt weird to see my art for sale. It was rewarding when somebody was interested in them, but most of the time I felt judged and rejected which was a big learning moment. I also ran to be a co-captain for my frisbee b-team SOLA and got elected. Next semester will definitely be a challenging time for me, but I believe that this experience will make me a stronger person.
Additionally, I applied to a coop housing (a special house where residents are not included in the meal plan so they cook on their own) because I am intrigued by the community built around food there. I don’t think I got accepted but even then, I have several friends who live there so I am planning on visiting them and learning more about what community means. I also applied for a job at the DTI, which is a place at Smith where students can use materials/tools for free to create whatever they wish. Isn’t it an awesome place? I would love to be a part of it and I hope I can find a place of belonging there as well. (I have an interview in 2 days…!)
Another big decision I have made in the past 2 months is that I have decided to go abroad to Copenhagen, Denmark for a full academic year for my third year at Smith. I have applied to the program called DIS and they accepted my application. Now I just need to submit some documents and get approval from Smith. I am super excited about studying Graphic Design and Furniture Design in Copenhagen and also getting to travel around Europe. However, it was tough to say goodbye to the people who are going abroad for this upcoming semester because it meant that the last semester was our last semester together. If you are abroad, I will miss you. But I will cherish the time we spent together. I think it was some kind of a miracle that we got to know each other at Smith and I hope that we can still see each other somewhere in the future. If you are ever visiting Denmark, please send me a message and I would love to see you!!
(3) Going back to Japan for a big chunk of the winter break
From December 25th, I was back in Japan and I was able to stay for almost 3 weeks. To reflect in 3 words, it was comfortable, traditional, and nerve-racking. Being home and seeing my family members every day made me happy from the bottom of my heart. Just doing nothing right next to my cats felt so refreshing. Family power is a power like nothing else. We enjoyed the end-of-year TV programs and the beginning-of-year programs that made me feel like a new year had actually started. I got to meet many of my family members on both my father’s side and my mother’s side. I want to cherish this traditional Japanese culture for new years including Nengajo which is a tradition to send out postcards to people who you value and wish them a happy new year. I got to eat Osechi and Ozouni, a set of special Japanese food that we eat on January 1st and a few days after that. We put the food that we either made or bought in a nice square Japanese box. It was SO good (I have attached a picture.)
Another big event I had was the turning-of-age ceremony (a once-in-a-lifetime event where we celebrate turning 20 years old because 20 was the age when a person would be considered an adult in Japan) which miraculously happened on my 20th birthday, January 8th. At the reunion events, I got to meet almost all of my elementary to high school friends, their parents, and some teachers who gave me life lessons. It was a wonderful experience to all gather together wearing a traditional Japanese Kimono called Furisode (picture attached.) It was also nerve-racking because I hadn’t seen some of them for 8 years. We reunited with our former classmates and appreciated our parents for taking care of us until now. It felt nice to be able to talk to my classmates as adults and as an individual.
The next time I will be back will be from June 5th to July 2nd, before I head to Europe. If you are in Japan at that time, please let me know, I would love to meet up. Hopefully, it won’t be too hot.
(4) Other traveling stories
I visited New York right before flying to Tokyo. 4 days were not enough to go to all of the places (mainly museums) I wanted to go. However, I did go to the MET, MoMA, and Guggenheim and I got to meet some friends (AC and Kyoka) there. Special thank you to Yaz and Yaz’s family who let me stay. I traveled mainly alone?next time, I would love to travel somewhere with Alyssa. Walking around town alone and visiting places I wanted to visit at my own pace was really interesting and calming. There were some scary moments, but I felt very independent. New York and Tokyo felt similar but different at the same time. I will write out how so when I get the chance to analyze it more.
I did some more traveling when I flew out from Tokyo, but unexpectedly. My original plan was to fly into Toronto, wait for 3 hours, and fly to Boston. My first flight was fine, but the second one got delayed for an hour and eventually got canceled because of the weather. I was told that my luggage wouldn’t come out that night and I was left there at the airport at 10 pm. They could only rebook flights for the next day. Very luckily, I was able to find a family friend who lives in Toronto and was able to stay at their place. I arrived at their place at 1 am and borrowed their clothes and toothbrush because they were all in my suitcase. Thank you so much Galloway family. The next day, I took this opportunity to go around town and visit the Art Gallery of Ontario with their daughter. I think this all was meant to happen. I was very stressed, but it made me realize that I enjoy being in crisis because not only does it make me stronger it but also forces me to think outside the box. In the end, I was able to fly out of Toronto the next night (even though it got delayed by 2 hours) and arrived at my friend’s place in Cambridge around 2 am.
Thank you Mark for letting me stay as always. I safely arrived at Smith on January 14th and reunited with my roommates. It felt good to be home. (Do you think there can be more than one home? I think there can be.)
Lastly, this year’s goals for myself are: to take care of myself, to read for pleasure, and to live in the moment.
Thank you for reading the update. I would love to know what you are up to these days too! What is your new year’s resolution? If the area you live in is cold, please stay warm.
With lots of love,
Joan Kobayashi
An afternoon in NYC. It was really chilly.
A turkey avocado bagel for breakfast in NYC:)
Huge bacon pancake @stardust diner
Found this cute store with humorous bags
2024年 1月15日
また、Coop House(食事が提供されない特別な寮で、居住者は自炊をする所)に応募しました。多分入居はできないのですが、そこに住んでいる友人らを訪ねてコミュニティとはどういうものかをもっと学ぼうと思っています。学校にあるDTIという場所のアルバイトにも応募しました。DTIとは、学生が好きなものを作るために材料や道具を無料で使える場所です。素晴らしい場所ではないでしょうか。私もぜひその場所を管理する一員になりたいと思っています。明後日インタビューがあるので、うまく行くことを願っています。
◇ 2023年11月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #8
◇ 2023年11月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #8
今日は年に一度のCromwell Dayという日で、深夜以外の授業はキャンセルされ、一日中色んなアクティビティが行われる日です。Cromwell Dayとは、Smith初の黒人卒業生である1900年卒のOtelia Cromwellと、Smith初の黒人教員であり姪である1940年卒のAdelaide Cromwellを称える日で、多様性、人種、Inclusion(良い日本語訳が見つからないです、、包括性?)について考え、学び、話し合う日です。
その後、午前10時からのワークショップに行き、学生達がキャンパスにおける社会的/気候的正義(Social/climate justice)と、どう改善できるかについて話し合いました。駐車場をすべて緑の遊び場に変えるなど、”非現実的” なアイデアを想像しました。今まで話したこともなかった人と、学校に関する真面目でありくだらない話ができたのは貴重な体験でした。
洗濯をして、Elianaとお昼を食べに行き、お互いの夏と今学期について話しました。その後、JMG(学校で一番大きなホール)に行き、Brittney Cooperの講演を聞きました。黒人学生で結成されたアカペラグループの演奏も感動的でした。音楽は、ダンス、笑い、芸術と並んで、国際的に通じる一種の言語だと思います。Cooper教授の話に戻ると、彼女はJoyがHappinessとは違い、Justiceのために戦うことがいかにJoyをもたらすかなどについて話して下さいました。私自身有色人種であるため、大半が白人の会場で彼女の力強いスピーチを聞くのはとても興味深かったです。表現しにくい多くの感情を抱きました。
寮に帰ってきて時間を持て余していた時に、大学2年生の秋学期前半を振り返れていないことに気づきました。9月は学校の雰囲気に落ち着きながら、授業に慣れるのに必死で、10月は少し落ち着いたからか、あっという間に過ぎました。10月は思い出に残るような休日やフリスビーの遠征もあり楽しかったですが、授業や課題でとてもストレスフルでした。徐々にクラスメートとの距離が縮まってきているのは嬉しいです。ルームメイトのことももっと理解できるようになり、いい関係が築けています。一緒に部屋の掃除もします。また、Smithの伝統である、1年生1人と上級生1人(または2人)をマッチングさせ、上級生が数日間こっそりプレゼントを贈り、つながりを作る“Sib week” にも2回参加しました。まだよく知らない人のためにプレゼントを作ったり贈ったりするのは楽しいです。
最後に、NYに日帰りで美術館(ニューミュージアム)に行った時の写真を添付します。久しぶりのNYで、わくわくした反面、忙しさに圧倒もされました。いつか、一週間かけてNYのすべての美術館を回りたいです。食べ物の写真は、毎週開催される「Soup Salad and Soul」という人生の様々なトピックについて話し合う会のために、友人と一緒に作ったランチです。味付け卵を作りました。みんなが料理を味わっているのを見て、やりがいを感じました。動物の写真は、ハロウィーンの昼休みにあった「Pet-a-pet Day」という学生や教授が仮装した動物達と触れ合えるイベントの写真です。癒されました。
Joan’s Update #8
Happy November!
I, Joan, am writing this 8th update on a crisp fall (winter!?) day from my dorm living room in Northampton.
Today is Cromwell Day and classes (except for the night classes) are cancelled and we have various activities happening all day. Cromwell Day is when we “honor Otelia Cromwell, class of 1900, Smith’s first Black graduate, and Adelaide Cromwell ’40, Smith’s first Black faculty member” (Otelia Cromwell is the aunt of Adelaide Cromwell) and dedicate time and space for reflection and education about diversity, racism, and inclusion.
I will talk about my day so far.
I got up at 7:45 a.m. and walked to a dining hall house called Dawes (which is specifically for people allergic to gluten and other specific ingredients) and got breakfast with 4 other friends: Grace (gluten-free), Alyssa (gluten-tolerant), Lou (gluten-tolerant), Eloise (gluten-tolerant but lactose-intolerant). We talked about random things, and it was such a peaceful time. I loved the raspberry there. One new change for me is that I started drinking hot tea as a habit and I am enjoying it. I hope it broadens my world.
I finished laundry and met up with my friend Eliana to get lunch. We caught up about our summers and semesters. After that, I went to the JMG hall (the biggest hall on campus) for a ceremony featuring Brittney Cooper as the keynote speaker. The acapella group formed by black students also performed and it was beautiful. Music, in my opinion, is definitely an international language along with dance, laughter, and art. Back to the talk by Professor Cooper, she mentioned how joy is different from happiness, and how fighting for justice brings joy. As a person of color myself, it was very interesting to hear her powerful speech in a room full of white people. I had many emotions that were hard to express. I appreciated her thoughtful speech.
After stopping by the college museum to look at a gallery of artworks selected by the Black Students’ Association, I came back to my room, wrote a little bit of this update. Next, I went to see a dance performance by mostly black dancers (amazing), got dinner with another friend Simone, cooked food for an event (mentioned later), and came back home. I realized that I had not been able to reflect on the first half of my semester as a sophomore yet. October flew by. In September, I was trying to get settled and get used to my classes. In October, there were some breaks and some frisbee trips that were memorable, but I was very stressed with work and if I was doing well enough in my classes. Gradually, I got closer to my classmates and we have a better vibe now compared to the first day of classes. I understand my roommates better and we are establishing a nice relationship. (We clean our rooms together.) I also took part in 2 “sib weeks” which is a Smith tradition of matching one first-year student with one (or more) upper-class person and the older person gives presents secretly for several nights to create a connection. It was fun to make/give presents for someone I don’t know well yet.
For the frisbee club, I am currently in the B team (called Sola) and I decided to run for one of the captains for next semester because the current captains are going abroad. It was a big decision to make, but it would be a great opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and experience leadership. I will write updates on how it goes. Surprisingly, we got our first snow yesterday, as if it were waiting for Halloween to end. It was under zero Celsius today. Very cold. I hope the autumn season will last longer.
Lastly, I will attach some pictures from when I went to NY for a museum day trip (New Museum). It was my first visit to NY in many many years and I was excited but also overwhelmed. I wish I had a whole week to go to all of the museums. The food picture is something I cooked with my friend for a gathering?Soup Salad and Soul?happening every week where we discuss various topics related to life. I made really good flavored eggs and it was rewarding to see everyone enjoying the food we cooked. The photo of the animal is something I encountered on Halloween lunchtime called “Pet-a-pet Day” where students and faculties get to pet animals dressed up in costumes. They were very cute.
This is it for the past two months. Thank you for reading until the end!
I will be back in Tokyo from December 25th until January 12th so please let me know if you are available to meet.
November 2nd (Thursday), 2023
Joan Kobayashi
◇ 2023年9月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #7
◇ 2023年9月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #7
- 私の夏(約4ヶ月間)
- 2年生としてキャンパスに戻って感じたこと
- その他の考え
少し時間を巻き戻しましょう。8月26日の夜に日本を発った後、まずSan Franciscoに飛び、そこで友人や家族の友人たちと会いました。10時間飛んでも同じ日の朝10時に着いたのは不思議でした。
すでに受けた授業は美術(ARS274)Projects in Installation とコンピューターサイエンス(CSC120)Object Oriented Programmingです。それぞれ9人と16人の授業でした。どちらの教授も授業にとても情熱的で、教える!というよりもフラットな関係性を望んでいて、親切な印象を受けました。私はSmithで出会う教授たちが本当に大好きです。
金曜日は、取る予定の授業はなかったのですが、初めの週のためどの授業にも顔を出すことができるので、哲学「Valid and Invalid Reasoning: 何から何が導かれるのか」、SWAG(Study of Women & Genderの略)「Gender, Law and Policy」を見てみました。取らないと思いますが、他の授業がどんな雰囲気なのか知れてよかったです。魅力的な授業はたくさんありますが、全部をスケジュールに入れることはできないのが悔しいです。家族や応援してくれる人達、Smithを勧めてくれた人たちに感謝します。もうすぐアルティメットフリスビーの練習(約2時間)に向かい、ポール・カラニティの"When Breath Becomes Air"(今学期初めて図書館で借りた本)を読んで一日を終えたいと思います。最近読んだ本でも、昔読んだ本でも、お勧めの本があれば教えてください。ジャンルは問わないです。
Welcome back to Joan’s update!
I hope you’re having a good week and tolerating the heat (if there is any in your region). It’s been a long time since the last update (#6 was May 25th). I decided not to do updates during my summer break, but I am starting them again because classes started today!
I will mainly talk about these topics today:
- my summer (almost 4 months long!)
- what it feels like to be back on campus (as a sophomore)
- other thoughts
First, my summer.
After school was over, I moved to Boston to spend some days with my dad and then flew back to Japan (with a transit in Canada) where I submitted my last assignment of the first year using the airport wifi.
I was super duper excited to go back to my home country, and I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. As a result, it felt like 3 months were long enough to enjoy Japan again and miss some things from the US. Fortunately, I met my family, a lot of friends (more than I expected), and reconnected with some people too. I got to spend time (not enough though) with people I value. I had some short trips to some rural areas where I was able to get away from the city and enjoy nature.
In Tokyo, I was lucky enough to do an internship at a design office and I met great people there, learned many things about paper (because they handled a lot of projects related to books), and got an opportunity to contribute to a big project in collaboration with a famous fashion brand. I also worked a little as a staff member at concert halls (where I got to listen to artists and got paid) wearing my mom's black suits. I also helped out a few days at the bakery in Daikanyama (called Hillside Pantry Daikanyama, it's a wonderful place that not only sells bread but also fresh organic vegetables, delicious delis, and other imported goods such as wine and snacks).
While earning some pocket money, I used most of them for food. Because why not? I was presenting to my good friend at Smith (her name is Phoebe) my summer pictures and it occurred to me that literally 30% of my pictures are related to the food I had. I definitely had some good Japanese food, but I also had a lot of foreign food (Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, American, Greek, Italian, French, Mexican, South African...) which was interesting to notice. Japan has numerous restaurants with amazing food, regardless of where the recipe originated in. I will attach some memorable Japanese food I had.
Next, about my sophomore year at Smith College.
I will rewind time a little bit. After leaving Japan on the evening of the 26th of August, I flew to San Francisco and met some friends and family friends there (it was cool that I flew for 10 hours and still gained 6 hours. It was very nostalgic to go back to Berkeley and I cannot believe that it has been 10+ years since I first started living there in 2012. I loved the quiet city, both changed and unchanged, and the weather was just great, especially after experiencing the muggy Tokyo weather. I then flew to Boston where I spent almost a week with a family friend (thank you very much, O'Keefe family) and got used to the Eastern timezone. I moved in 2 days before classes started, and met with my new roommates who are my friends. I didn't have any problems with my old roommates, we just agreed on trying new environments.
Now that I am a sophomore, it feels like I know this school quite well but not well enough. I see some new faces but some people turned out to be juniors and seniors, so I still have plenty of people to meet. The dining hall foods seem less appealing than when I first came on campus (not that it tastes bad, just seems repetitive), but I now know the tips to get around them so I think it will be alright. Having no air conditioner at night is a big topic among students but hopefully, the cold air will become our complaint soon enough. I have met some new interesting people in my first two classes already and I am excited to get to know them more.
The classes I have had so far are Studio Art (ARS274): Projects in Installation and Computer Science (CSC120): Object Oriented Programming. They each had 9 students and 16 students (including me). Both of the professors seemed very passionate about their classes, interactive, and nice. I really love the professors I meet at Smith.
Tomorrow is a Friday and I don't have any classes that I plan to take, but since I can just show up to any class, I am planning on going to Philosophy "Valid and Invalid Reasoning: What follows from what?", SWAG (stands for Study of Women & Gender) "Gender, Law and Policy", and Landscape Design "Visual Storytelling: Graphics, Data and Design" (which I was planning on taking). So many classes that seem intriguing, but I cannot fit them all into my schedule:( I am so privileged to have a concern like this. Thank you to my family and people who support me and people who have suggested Smith to me. I will soon head to my frisbee practice (2 hours) and end my day by reading the book "When Breath Becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi (my first book borrowed from the library this semester) because I want to read more books this year. Please let me know if there are any books you have read, recently or a long time ago, that you recommend. All genres are welcome.
Finally, some lingering thoughts.
Why is it so hard to sleep right away and not look at your screens? Why are all cats (it will soon be all animals) so lovable? Why does it feel so good to hug someone?
Thank you for reading until the very end.
Joan Kobayashi
◇ 2023年3月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #6
◇ 2023年3月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #6
こんにちは、お久しぶりです。日記#6へようこそ。How are you?
突然ですが、アメリカで生活していてよく思うのは、“How are you?” と息をするように聞かれ、“I'm good, how are you?” と答えると、ほとんどの場合“I’m good, thank you.” で終わることです。最初はこれに慣れず、とてもぎこちなく感じていました。今は少し慣れてきましたが、それでも会話をしていないような気がしてあんまり良い気はしないです。台本のセリフを読んでいるような、指示に従っているような感覚になります。なのでもし誰かに“How are you?” と質問されたときには、その瞬間に感じていること、なるべくユニークなことを答えようと努力しています。
私のフリスビーチームは、High Tideという大会に参加するために、South Carolina州のMyrtle Beachに1週間ほど行ってきました。車で行き(片道14時間、途中1泊)アパートの1フロアで6泊しました。6つの部屋に36人以上の人がいたので、想像できるようにとても窮屈でした。暖かいシャワーを浴びることができたのは1回だけで、他は極冷か軽く冷たいシャワーでした。大会ではチームとして良いプレーができました(他チームは酔っ払っていたり、競争というよりはフリスビーを楽しむ雰囲気の大会でした。)チームメイトの新しい一面を知ることができたり、一緒に料理を作ったり、たわいもない話をしたり、ビーチパーティーをしたりしました。密着していたため、社会的にも肉体的にも疲れましたが、間違いなく忘れられない経験でした。
3年生の時に(1年または1学期)海外に応募するかどうか考えています。アメリカ事態がもう海外だし、Smithの授業料を払うことになるので、真剣に考えないといけないです。しかし交換留学生として全く違う文化の国の大学に行くことに興味はあります。他には、次のセメスターの登録が迫っているので、Studio Art をmajorにするのか、minorにするのか、それとも他のことをするのか、考えています。そして卒業後のキャリア・・・考えなければならないことが山ほどあります。
今回は、最近の写真に加えて「Art & Design: Future Beyond Capitalism (資本主義を超えた未来)」という美術の授業で知った、「世界観」の作り方に関するポッドキャスト(N.K. Jemisin's master class in world building|The Ezra Klein Show) へのリンクも添付したいと思います。
N.K. Jemisin が執筆時にどのように世界を作っているかが語られていて、1時間25分のポッドキャストとは思えないほどの期待以上の内容です。お薦めです。
“bgame” は、私たちのバスケットボールチーム(Division III)のスコアボードで、今回地域のチャンピオンになり、全米のトーナメントに進出し、Historically women’s college (*なぜこのような言い方をするのかは#1で説明しています) として初めてアメリカのファイナルフォーになりました。とても誇りに思います。“Sunset”と“sand”はフリスビーに行った時のものです。
Joan’s Update #6
Hello, long time no see. Welcome to update #6. How are you?
One thing I think about a lot in the U.S. is that people ask “How are you?” like they breathe and people answer “I’m good, how are you?” which most of the time ends with “Good, thank you.” At first I was very not used to this and found it very very awkward. Now I am a bit more used to it, but it still makes me uncomfortable because I feel like we are not evenhaving a conversation. It feels like we are just reading lines from a script, following the instructions. I have been trying to answer something unique and something that I am feeling at that moment when somebody asks me that question.
Anyways, I would like to list some things that I have been up to recently. Since the spring semester has started, I have been thinking about the frisbee trip I went to last week, about my next few years, and definitely about the summer since I am going back to Japan once the semester finishes.
Frisbee Trip:
Our frisbee team went on a week-long trip to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina to attend a tournament called High Tide. We drove there (14 hours drive one way with a night in between) and slept in one apartment floor for 6 nights. There were 36+ of us in 6 rooms so as you can imagine, we were very squished. I only got one chance to take a warm shower, and the others were cold or mildly cold. We played well in the tournament (it was a very chill, non-competitive tournament where other teams were drunk etc.) It was very restless but very fun! I got to know some new aspects of my teammates, we cooked food together, we shared stories, went to the beach and partied, and enjoyed frisbee! I was socially and physically tired but it was definitely a great experience.
Next few years:
I have been thinking about whether I want to apply to go abroad (either one year or a semester) in my Junior year. This is already abroad, and I will be paying the tuition for Smith, so I will have to think about it seriously. I do have interest in going to another country’s college as an exchange student. Also, I am considering if I want to major in Studio Art or minor in it or something else since the next semester’s registration is coming up (already.) And my career after graduating… So many things to think about!
Next summer:
I am already excited to go back to Japan once this semester ends. I miss my family, and I miss Japan. My friends will be in their second year of college already, and I get to meet them in person. I have been noticing the upsides and downsides of Japan, and I cannot wait to try out my critical lenses to observe the country from a new perspective. I heard the cherry blossoms are beautiful right now, and I am sad that I missed it. Oh and also, Japan became the WBC champion which is such a pride. And of course, I miss the food. I am so ready.
Also for this update, I would like to attach some of my recent pictures and a link to a podcast about world building (N.K. Jemisin’s master class in world building | The Ezra Klein Show) which I got to know through my Studio Art class which is called “Art & Design: Future Beyond Capitalism.” It talks about how N.K. Jemisin creates her world when writing and it was way beyond what I expected from a 1 hour 25 mins podcast, and I really recommend it.
“Sunset” and “sand” are from my frisbee trip. “Dinner” is a regular dinner (cheese quiche) at Smith. “Sushi” is a pack of sushi that we can order from one of Smith’s cafes for lunch. It is very competitive that it sells out in less than 30 seconds every day. Lastly, “bgame” is a scoreboard of our basketball team (Division III) who became regional champions and then became the first historically women’s college to be the Final Four of America, which is a great deal. I am so proud of our team.
Thank you again for reading until the end!
I hope you have a great rest of the month.
January 26th, 2023
Joan Kobayashi
◇ 2023年1月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #5
◇ 2023年1月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #5
Joan’s Update #5 です!
Joan’s Update #5
Happy (belated) New Year!
In 2023, I would like to try new activities/ways of thinking every week, preferably every day. Also, I want to be able to be a consistent person.
For the new year’s day, it was the first time to spend the new year's season away from my family. It was very strange.
However, thanks to the great power of technology, I was able to do Facetime with my family and friends. I am so grateful for the countless people who are willing to talk to me and support me.
I realized that I like new year’s day.
It’s a great opportunity to reconnect with people who you have lost touch with, and also thank the people who you have been keeping in touch with for being there.
I couldn’t send an actual new year’s card (Nengajo in Japanese) this year, so I sent some drawings online to friends and families. It was so nice to hear back from them, especially compliments about the designs (since usually you send Nengajo one way at the same time so it is just received and rarely discussed.)
Another interesting discovery was that I felt the time difference more than ever. I always knew that Japan was 14 (or 13 for summer time) hours ahead of me, but it was so weird to say “Happy new year” to my friends when it was still 10am on December 31st for me.
I felt the vastness of the planet we live on. The planet which is struggling with “un”natural disasters on a daily basis. Another goal for this year is to not be selfish, especially towards nature. And appreciate nature and prioritize them. My first step is to try to keep my plant in my room alive (so far, it is looking strong and healthy.)
January 8th. 19th Birthday.
Again, the day to thank people around me.
I have had school for the past 10+ years (since my birthday was always the day the new semester starts for Keio,) so it felt so weird not having school. I spent a relaxing day with several Facetimes and texts from my friends. I went out to town (to get the free sundae only for birthday people) with my friends and it was just a normal, though extraordinary, calm day. I did feel a little bit, but I think that’s part of the experience too. Next year, I will probably be spending time in Japan for my 20th birthday (which is supposed to be the big day for my grade since it is the coming-of-age celebration day.)
Winter Break
It was the longest winter break (from December 20th to January 25th.) I was able to spend a very relaxing and special time overall, seeing friends and my dad. Many friends were super kind to have me over. I again want to thank the people who had kindly accompanied me. I had a little bit of Osechi, traditional New year’s Japanese food, and more Japanese food such as sushi and udon. I wasn’t able to go skiing but I went ice skating and played tennis which was both so much fun.
And yes, my second semester at Smith started today.
Everybody was back in school, and the dining halls were back to its busy and noisy routines. I met many friends I haven’t seen for a long time and we caught up. It felt nice to be fully back again. It will definitely be hard to wake up early on a daily basis but it does feel good to be up early and do a lot of things like write in a journal.
I had an Art History class (which I am trying to get into) and a Philosophy + Design class which I found out that one of my teammates from frisbee is also in. I believe that such little coincidences create something special. More information about my courses are mentioned in #3.
I believe that this semester will be very busy and fast, so I will try to absorb/attend anything I can in the few months. I will try to update sometime in less than a month but in case I don’t, please think that I am studying and committing to my clubs and part-time job.
Thank you again for reading until the end!
January 26th, 2023
Joan Kobayashi
3 of my new year cards
A pretty ice skating rink in Stowe, Vermont
◇ 2022年12月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #4
◇ 2022年12月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #4
そしてThanksgivingには、シカゴでルームメイトとその家族、友人と一緒に楽しい盛り沢山な4日間を過ごしました。私はルームメイトの一人、Hannahの家に滞在し、伝統的なthanksgivingディナーを体験しました...! 大きな七面鳥、スタッフィング、マッシュポテト、クランベリーソース、グレービーソース、そしてデザートのパイ...私は今までスタッフィングを七面鳥の中に入れるものだと思っていたので、スタッフィングを中に入れない家庭があることに驚きました。別の友人の一人が、倫理的な理由やベジタリアンやビーガンの人が多くなった背景も関係しているのではないかと言っていてなるほどと思いました。
It’s already December.
Today (December 6th, which is the day I started writing this update), I worked for 4 hours in one of the dining halls from 7:30-11:30am and helped the chefs make grilled cheese. The payment is $12/hour after excluding the tax, which is \1620 (if $1 is equivalent to \135.) In one room, the background music was a Holiday playlist, and another room had a live narration of the World Cup game between Spain and Morocco. Yesterday was a sad day for Japan because they lost in the Penalty Shootout against Croatia. However, I am so proud of the Japan team making it this far (best 16) and winning against Germany and Spain, both strong teams.
Just a little talk I had with one friend: they said it was weird that the Japan team wore blue uniforms with yellow lines even though either of the colors are in the Japanese flag. I have never thought of that since the color “Samurai Blue” was what I grew up seeing in Japan. These little things that my friends say and wonder gives me so many things to think about and I appreciate being away from Japan to have a third-person point of view in my own country. (And also because I feel more happy when I go back or even think about going back.)
Speaking of home, my homesickness has been better now compared to last month. When it was really bad, I even started crying (silently) in the middle of meditating with many other people since I had so much time to think about home. I actually made a video project with the theme of “homesickness” for one of my art projects which filmed me crying along with the audio sounds of my family talking. It was something I have never done before, but it turned out to be interesting and emotional.
Speaking of my family, last week, I took the bus to go to Cambridge to see my dad who was visiting for about a week. I had a nice weekend with some greetings with my dad’s friends and their children. It is really nice to meet friends and catch up with what we’ve missed out on.
My dad brought me lots of things I needed (such as a big long bench coat and udon packs) from Japan, along with Christmas/birthday gifts from my mom. My dad and I went downtown Boston and went shopping (I got a frisbee!), ate lunch, talked, and relaxed. It was very sad to say goodbye again.
And for thanksgiving break, I had an exciting 4 days in Chicago with my roommates and their families and friends. I stayed with one of my roommates, Hannah, and I experienced the traditional thanksgiving dinner..! A big turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, and many pies for dessert… It was surprising to know that some families do not put the stuffing inside the turkey since I have always thought that stuffing goes inside the turkey. They cook it separately, and one of my friends mentioned that it might be related to the ethical reasons and also the background of many people becoming vegetarians/vegans.
Currently (December 17th, which is when I am writing the second half of this update), it is the period called the “reading period” where all of the classes are finished and we have 4 days to study for our exam period which is 4 days long. Some professors assign final projects, some assign essays/presentations, and some have regular sit down tests. If you have a test you have to take during the exam period, you have to stay on campus at least until the 18th, but if you don’t, you can leave right after the class finishes. I only have one sit down test (and one essay and two projects which I have already finished) so I am not so stressed about this whole studying period.
For winter break, I am sadly not going back to Japan, but when I do go back, there are so many things I want to do. Definitely catch up with my family members, friends, and go see places and do Japanese experiences such as making my own soba noodles. (I have always wanted to do that but I didn’t have the chance to before flying.)
I am attaching some pictures from Chicago! (Some pictures from the architecture boat tour that I went to, the famous deep dish pizza, and the thanksgiving dinner.)
I hope you have a wonderful last several days of 2022!
Thank you again for reading!
Started on 2022 December 6th but today is December 17th
Joan Kobayashi
◇ 2022年11月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #3
◇ 2022年10月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #2
◇ 2022年10月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #2
4週目の学校が終わりました。 正直なところ、短かったのか長かったのかよくわかりません。Smithのキャンパスや授業には少しずつ慣れてきました。(始めのほうはGoogleマップに沢山お世話になりました。)
また、週に2時間程度、食堂で仕事をしています。お皿洗いを基本的にして、暇な時は料理の手伝いをさせてもらえます。食堂の人たちはとても親切で、作られる料理は本当においしいです。まあまあだと言う人もいるかもしれませんが、私はそうは思いません。毎日7つの食堂から選ぶことができ、全て異なるメニューで、全ての食堂にサラダバーがあります。もちろんベジタリアンやビーガン、グルテンフリー、Kosher food(正しく調理された食事法)もあります。それとは別に、ほぼ一日中開いているカフェ(2カ所)では、ピザやお寿司などの食事も注文できます。*まだカフェは使ったことがないのでレポはできないです。ここは無料ではないのですが、毎年学校が$110くれるので、そのお金から使えるのでほぼお金は使わないです。
授業外の勉強で活用しているのは、tutoring systemです。平日はほぼ毎日、プロの先生や上級生の家庭教師を予約することができ、コンピューター、外国語、ライティング、数学などのSTEMなど、さまざまな分野に対応しています。また、学校から無料で借りられる一眼レフで写真やビデオを撮ることに最近はまっています。壊さなければ無料って凄くないですか?種類も沢山あって、フィルムカメラや白黒など沢山あるので今後も気をつけながら使っていきたいシステムです。
データサイエンスに関するリーディングHW 3回
+ 食事シフト6時間 + フリスビー10時間程度 + tutoring時間など
自由時間には、ジムでやっているバレーボールの試合を見に行ったり、カヤックに乗ったり、新しい人と出会える小さなarts&craftsのイベントに行ったりします。スポーツはdivision 3です。
◇ 2022年8月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #1
◇ 2022年8月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #0
◇ 2022年8月 Smith College 小林如晏 Update #0
1. 全てのアメリカの受験生が経験することだと思いますが、日本の受験(AOなどのタイプを除く)とは全く違い、自分にまつわるエッセーがとても大事になってくるのが本当に大変でした。(TOEFLやSATも必要でしたが、個人的にはそんなにそこはストレスではありませんでした。公開して失うものはないので点数も参考までに書きますが、やっぱりエッセーが大事だと思います。TOEFLは106でSmithに入学できました。SATは1330で提出しなかったと思います。)
もうご存知かもしれませんが、大学のPersonal Essayは大体の大学に提出しなくてはいけないもので、自分の個人的なことをアピールもこめて書かなくてはいけないです。自分はバレエの大きな大会で優勝をしたり、ディベートの大会で優秀な成績をおさめたりなどの大きな肩書きがありませんでした。でも、大丈夫です。それでも大学に入学することはできます!笑 自分は祖父母と一緒に三世帯で暮らしていたので、その大変さを赤裸々に書きました。今までそれが自分のパーソナリティーだと思ったことはありませんでしたが、ふとある時その案が浮かんできました。
2. 奨学金への応募は本当に本当に辛かったです。合計6回ほど応募し、進んだものもありましたが、結局どこもマッチしませんでした。自分のやりたい事を頭が痛くなるほど掘り下げて、めいいっぱい伝えて、落とされるのはとても辛かったです。必要な書類も多く、ぱっと応募できるものではないので、精神的に追いやられていました。
3. 学校のサポートが少なかったのも辛かったです。私立の高校に通っていて、そのまま大学に上がれるシステムだったこともあり、私の学年約240人中、大学を抜けて海外受験をした人は私一人でした。先生にも驚かれましたし、様々なことを説明しお願いしなくてはいけなかったです。しかしそのおかげで距離が近くなり、今でもお世話になった先生方と連絡を取っていますし、大人の人と接する時のマナーなどを学ぶいい機会でした。特にこの日本独特の上下関係の力はアメリカに行ってしまってはしっかり学ぶ機会が少ないので、行く前に知れて良かったです。
マサチューセッツ州のNorthamptonという街にある、Historically Women’s Collegeで、Seven Sistersの一校です。生徒数は約2500人で、コンソーシアムの一部なので、Umass Amherst, Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke の5校のうちどこからでも授業がとれます。SmithとMount Holyoke以外は共学です。Umassだけ大きく、30,000人ほど生徒がいます。なんと、1871年に設立されたので、今年で151年目です。1年目は寮に住むようで、特別な理由がなければ、基本的には1年目はルームメイトがいるみたいです。
言い忘れていましたがリベラルアーツ大学で、Acceptance rateは37%ほどです。学費はとても高いです(書くのは悔しいので気になったら調べてください、、、)生徒と先生の比率はサイトによって異なりますが10:1ほどです。エンジニアメジャーが有名で、アメリカの女子大学のABET(Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technologyの略で米国の技術者教育認定会議)の承諾を得た学校で初めてエンジニアメジャーが作られた学校です。また、リベラルアーツならではの教授との距離の近さや発言量の多さも魅力の一つです。