The Inconvenient Truth about TOEFL/IELTS Test Prep 〜英語試験対策におけるスコアアップの秘訣〜

The Inconvenient Truth about TOEFL/IELTS Test Prep
Why you can’t reach your target score in TOEFL or IELTS
The answer for most Japanese test takers is that your English level is too low. But what does that mean, and what can you do about it?
From this session, you’ll have a better understanding of:
  • What TOEFL and IELTS are really testing, and why this is difficult for most Japanese candidates
  • Why test strategy is vital, but is not enough if your English level is too low
  • What and how you should study English
  • How long it really takes to reach your target scores in TOEFL and IELTS, and what is ‘efficient’ studying
This session is essential for:
  • People who are planning to take TOEFL or IELTS to study abroad and need to make a realistic plan
  • Students currently studying for TOEFL or IELTS who feel ‘stuck’ and need to break through their score ceiling
Common study abroad preparation mistakes you should avoid:
Having unrealistic expectations about how quickly and easily you can reach your target scores. For most people, it takes longer than you think – so plan realistically.
Taking ‘short cuts’ to get a higher score. You’ll actually take more, money and energy than preparing properly.
Thinking you can ‘beat the test’. You can’t.
Assuming you only need strategy. Most people need to raise their English level first.
Assuming that your English level is already high enough. Unless you spent some time living/studying abroad, it probably isn’t.
For too many people, study abroad preparation is stressful, demotivating and ends in failure. This session will show you how to prepare properly and make your study abroad dreams a reality.

アゴスの英語試験対策の講師、Michael Thundercliffeが効率の良いスコアアップを目指すときの注意点、秘訣を語ります。
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