

TOEFL/IELTSのSpeaking Sectionで伸び悩む大きな理由は、自然な英語、流暢な英語など、デリバリーが原因となっています。

受講生限定のイベントです! ぜひご活用ください!


‘Speed Chatting’

What is it?

This is a chance for students to practice speaking for TOEFL or IELTS in a relaxed, informal environment. They will also have the opportunity to hear native speakers talking on the same topics in a natural way, and get some feedback and advice from teachers.

How does it work?
Students will be in small groups with one native speaker instructor. They’ll be given a topic (common TOEFL/IELTS topics) to talk about, and will first listen to their teacher speaking, then have the opportunity to practice themselves without the pressure of a class/test environment. The teacher will give some feedback and advice. The groups will be mixed up regularly throughout the event so that students have the chance to work with different people and different teachers. Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be included.

How do the students benefit?
Many of our students struggle with fluency because they rarely have the opportunity to use English outside of the classroom. So they often have difficulties expressing themselves naturally and spontaneously, even on personal, ‘easy’ topics (such as TOEFL Independent Tasks and IELTS Part 1 and Part 2). This will give them the opportunity to improve their fluency and become more confident in speaking in a relaxed, lively and fun environment.

Who should come?
Any TOEFL or IELTS speaking students at any levels who want to improve their fluency and confidence – everyone is welcome!


開催日一覧: 他の日には予定されておりません