第14回「アゴス・ジャパン MBA夏祭り」 一般の方専用ページ
〜欧米のトップスクール校の日本人卒業生・在校生が集結 〜
※ 一般の方専用の予約ページです。受講生の方はこちら
・MBA取得後のキャリア など
◇日時: 2017年7月17日(月・祝) 13:00〜15:00
*12:00〜 アゴス・ジャパン受講生 受付開始
*13:00〜 一般来場者 受付開始
◇会場: 大手町サンケイプラザ
(千代田区大手町1-7-2 ) 4階ホール 地図はこちら
【参加予定者出身校】 (2017/7/5現在)
1. Carnegie Mellon University / Tepper School of Business
2. Columbia University / Columbia Business School
3. Dartmouth College / Tuck School of Business
4. Duke University / The Fuqua School of Business
5. ESADE Business School
6. Georgetown University / McDonough School of Business
7. Harvard University / Harvard Business School
8. HEC, Paris
9. IMD
10. Indiana University, Bloomington / Kelley School of Business
12. London Business School
13. Massachusetts Institute of Technology / MIT Sloan School of Management
14. New York University / Leonard N. Stern School of Business
15. Northwestern University / Kellogg School of Management
16. Stanford University / Stanford Graduate School of Business
17. The University of Chicago / Chicago Booth School of Business
18. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill / Kenan-Flagler Business school
19. The University of Texas at Austin / McCombs School of Business
20. University of California, Berkeley / Haas School of Business
21. University of California, Los Angeles / UCLA Anderson School of Management
22. University of Cambridge / Judge Business School
23. University of Maryland / Robert H. Smith School of Business
24. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor / Stephen M. Ross School of Business
25. University of Navarra / IESE Business School
26. University of Oxford / Said Business School
27. University of Pennsylvania / The Wharton School
28. University of Southern California /Marshall School of Business
29. University of Virginia / Darden School of Business
30. University of Washington / Michael G. Foster School of Business
31. Vanderbilt University / Owen Graduate School of Management
32. Washington University in St. Louis / Olin Business School
33. Yale University / Yale School of Management
*Cornell University / The Johnson Graduate School of Management
7/23(日)開催 第5回 アジアMBA夏祭りもご予約受付中
※本イベントは学校説明会となります。ご予約の方の情報はアゴス・ジャパンと主催学校にて共有させていただきますので 、あらかじめご了承ください。
開催日一覧: 他の日には予定されておりません