CUHK Business School Seminar & MBA Information Session
Does Passion Cross Border?
Sept 6, 2014 (Sat) 2:00 – 4:00PM (Registration starts at 1:45PM)
Collaboration Room 3, Roppongi Academyhills,
49/F, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, Tokyo
– “Does Passion Cross Border?” -Seminar by Prof. Shige Makino (conducted in Japanese)
– MBA Programs Introduction – Mr. Lawrence Chan, Admissions Director
– Alumni Sharing
– Networking Session
“Does Passion Cross Border?”
Japan, as the one of the earliest economies that embarked on the internationalization of businesses, has successfully left footprints in almost every continent of the world by setting up subsidiaries in overseas countries. While the top management in Japan headquarters certainly possess strong visions and passions which will be developed into company strategies, how well are these values received and shared in their overseas subsidiaries? Are the leaders aware of the importance?
~Professor Shige Makino~
Shige Makino is currently Professor of Management and Director of the Center for International Business Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has LLB and MBA degrees from Keio University, and PhD from the Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University (former University of Western Ontario). His current research focuses on strategies and performance of multinational corporations in emerging economies. He served as the President of the Association of Japanese Business Studies and has been serving as a senior editor and an editorial and advisory board member in a number of local and international journals. He is an AIB Fellow and the first recipient of the title of the Outstanding Fellow from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
CUHK Business School
As the longest established business school in Hong Kong, CUHK offers you invaluable insights to the Asian market as well as unique connection to the active business communities across all different industries. Our MBA Programs and EMBA Programs were ranked 27th and 13th worldwide respectively by Financial Times 2013.