University of Washington’s Foster School of Businessはシアトルにある2年制のMBAプログラムです。スモールスクールならではのクラスメートの一体感と、かつ総合大学のリソースやシアトル の地の利をフルに活用できる強みを持っています。当日は入学審査官が来日し、プログラム説明と入試情報をお伝えします。
日時: 8月20日 (木) 19:00 – 21:00
会場:アゴス・ジャパン 地図はこちら
Foster School of Businessプログラムについて
The University of Washington’s Foster School of Business Full-time MBA is a top ranked two-year program located in beautiful Seattle, Washington. Home to multinational corporations such as Microsoft, Starbucks, and Amazon, Foster is ideally situated in one of the most exciting cities in the US. The program offers small class sizes, taught by world renowned faculty, in state-of-the-art facilities. The Foster Full-time MBA Program was ranked #23 in the 2015 US News & World Report survey of “Best Business Schools”.
【Other facts】
Ranked #3 among Top 25 schools for MBA placement rates in the country by U.S. News:
100% of our international students received and accepted a job offer three months after graduation (for class of 2012 and class of 2013):
Daily direct flights between Seattle and Tokyo (via both Narita and Haneda)