11/24(火)MIT Sloan Society of Japan年次総会に、
・LIXIL藤森社長(元GE Japan社長)
・BCG秋池シニアパートナー(TV東京 ワールドビジネスサテライト
It is the MIT Sloan Society of Japan’s great pleasure to announce that we will hold this year’s General Assembly 2015 of MIT Sloan Society of Japan (SSJ), on Tuesday, November 24th 2015.
This year, we are happy to welcome:
– Mr. Yoshiaki Fujimori, President & CEO of LIXIL Group Corporation (former CEO of GE Japan Ltd.) and
– Ms. Reiko Akiike, Senior Partner & Managing Director of Boston Consulting Group of Japan (MIT Sloan MBA ‘96),
for a panel discussion “Insight Creating a Global Enterprise from Japan.”
19:00 ~21:30, Tuesday, November 24th
901 (9th floor), Shin Marunouchi Building
1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
In this year’s event, we will hold:
– Sloan Society of Japan General Assembly 2015
– Panel Discussion by Mr. Yoshiaki Fujimori and Ms. Reiko Akiike
– Reception
MIT-SSJ Members (annual fee paid): USD 60.- per person
Others: USD 70.- per person
Please register for this event by Nov 19th online via Encompass by clicking here:
Once registrations reach the capacity of the venue (up to 130 attendees), reservations thereafter would not be accepted.
*: Your seat would be reserved whenever you completed the payment.
**: Payment would be non-refundable and automatically donated to SSJ in case of no-show.
*** SSJ will not suppose to admit participants who works for mass media or whose purpose is to gather information for any publicity.
Warmest regards,
MIT Sloan Society of Japan
For questions, please contact Kohei Wakayama (wakayama@musicranch.jp)