Expand Your Reach with Duke’s MMS Degree
Master of Management Studies (MMS) programsとは、大学卒業直後、もしくは職歴2年以内の方を対象に、10ヶ月でビジネスの基礎を習得するためのプログラムで、将来,、職歴をさらに積んだうえでMBAプログラムに進学できるようにデザインされています。
The program is designed for individuals who do not have extensive work experience. If you have more than two years of post-collegiate, full-time work experience, you are encouraged to continue working and apply for the MBA program at a later date.
Are you about to graduate from University – or have you recently graduated – and are looking for a way to jump start a career in business?
Join Associate Director of Admissions, Russell Davis, for a discussion on Duke University’s one-year Master of Management Studies (MMS) programs and learn how you can combine your academic background, skills AND passions with a graduate degree in business to begin a fulfilling career. Learn how students with a variety of academic backgrounds – including liberal arts, technical and science – have launched their careers in finance, consulting, marketing and management.
Russell will also discuss how the MMS degree differs from the traditional MBA degree. He will share with you how the MMS degree can prepare you to move ahead faster in your career, and also how the MMS education can help you become a more competitive MBA candidate later in your career.
Event Details
Friday, February 12, 2016
7:00 – 9:00 pm
AGOS Japan
18-4 Sakuragaoka-cho Shibuyu-ku
Tokyo, Japan
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For additional information, please contact us:
+1 (919) 660-7705
admissions-info@fuqua.duke.edu www.fuqua.duke.edu