IEビジネススクール教授による模擬授業:Technology Leadership in Times of Disruption 11/8開催

IE Business SchoolのEntrepreneurshipの看板教授、Paris de L’Etrazが来日し、模擬授業を実施いたします。今回のトピックは、テクノロジー・リーダーシップです。
Paris de L’Etraz教授は、IEのMBAの中でも人気の高い、Venture LabプログラムのManaging Directorで、TED Talkなどでの講演経験も豊富です。

The entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem gravitating around IE Business School has entrepreneurs at its core. More than 250 startups every year become part of our ecosystem, which is also integrated by investors, programmers, public administrations, corporate partners and anyone enthusiastic about promoting entrepreneurship.
Paris de L’Etraz, professor of Entrepreneurship at IE Business School and Managing Director of IE Venture Lab, is visiting Tokyo to hold a master class for young professionals on November 8th.
In this master class, Professor de l’Etraz presents how innovation has changed today and what this means to traditional techie mindsets. Engineering leadership is now needed more than ever where user experiences and outcomes often mean more than better products.
This master class is offered free of charge. Please register from the registration link provided.

Dr. Paris de l’Etraz
Managing Director, IE Business School’s Venture Lab Accelerator
Professor of Entrepreneurialism

日時:2016年11月8日火曜日 19時~21時
場所:ビジネスエアポート青山 (港区南青山3-1-3スプライン青山東急ビル6階