ロサンゼルスの南カリフォルニア大学(USC),Marshall School of BusinessのIBEAR MBAプログラムをご紹介します。
IBEAR (International Business Education and Research) MBAプログラムは、Mid-Career(中間管理職)マネージャー対象のインターナショナルビジネスにフォーカスした12ヶ月の集中プログラムです。世界各国から学生が集まり、多様性に富んだ環境で世界トップクラスの授業を受けることができます。
The IBEAR MBA is a top-ranked, full-time, one-year MBA for mid-career professionals seeking leadership roles in international business. With a strong global focus, a typical IBEAR class features students from 12-16 countries and a diverse range of industries and professions. With an average age of 35 and 11 years of work experience, IBEAR participants come from Asia, North America, Latin America, and Europe to earn the USC Marshall MBA degree in 12 months of intensive study. A list of the IBEAR-39 Class (recently graduated class) is available at http://www.marshall.usc.edu/ibear/class-bios
Some unique features of the IBEAR MBA Program are:
-12-month immersion with 55 mid-career international business professionals
-International Business Consulting Projects (IBCP): IBEAR’s capstone course. Over a 4-month period, teams of 5-6 students work with a client to solve one of its important business challenges. Travel for research (international or domestic) is usually a component of projects; travel costs are paid by the program.
-10-day international experiential business-learning trip is a required component of the IBEAR Program; paid for by the program. The 2014 trip was to Singapore and Yangon. The 2015 trip, titled “Doing Business in Southeast Asia,” brought the class to Jakarta and Bangkok. The 2016 trip compared Shanghai to Nanjing in China. The 2017 trip, titled “Doing Business in China and Vietnam,” will take the class to Chengdu in China and Ho Chi Min City in Vietnam.
-3-day domestic trip to a key business city in the United States as part of our domestic experiential learning program, titled “Doing Business in the United States.” Cities visited have included Seattle, San Francisco, and New York. Students have the opportunity to visit Fortune 500 companies and cutting-edge start-ups to gain insights into the companies and industries. These trips are an excellent way for participants to expand their professional networks; travel costs paid by the program.
-Personalized Career Development Services are provided for all self-sponsored students. Tuned to the unique needs of mid-career global professionals, IBEAR’s dedicated career advisor creates career development workshops and year-round networking opportunities. Given IBEAR’s small class size, the career advisor is able to work closely with each individual participant, helping them develop their career development, career search and career-capture capabilities.
-Professional Development Program Awards provide all student with $500 to participate in conferences, networking events and other activities that enhance their professional development.
-Two-day Asia/Pacific Business Outlook Program (www.apboconference.com) is a required part of the IBEAR Program; registration fee paid for by the program.
-Scholarships (IBEAR Global Business Fellow Award) of up to $45,000 available for highly-qualified self-sponsored individuals.
-Rent subsidies of $9,000/year for single apartments or $15,000/year for family apartments are available to self-sponsored participants in the “IBEAR Residential Complex”. About 80 percent of the class chooses to live in this complex.
For more information, please visit us at www.marshall.usc.edu/ibear
Explore IBEAR in the videos on our website. Learn what our alumni and current students have to say about how they benefitted from their IBEAR experience. Also appended here is a link to IBEAR’s new Business Class Podcast series. Each 15-minute episode is an in-depth conversation with thought leaders, captains of industry and policy makers on global politics and the impact on key business issues. http://www.marshall.usc.edu/news/business-class-podcasts
※本イベントは学校説明会となります。ご予約の方の情報はアゴス・ジャパンと主催学校にて共有させていただきますので、あらかじめご了承くださ い。
開催日時:9月20日 (水) 19:00 – 21:00