エモリ大学ゴイズエタスクールの学校説明会を開催します。ゴイズエタ・ビジネススクールは、ジョージア州アトランタにある名門MBAプログラムであり、US Business News MBA 2019年ランキングで21位になっています。当日は、Associate Dean of MBA AdmissionsのJulie Barefoot氏をお招きし、プログラムについて、入学審査について、ご説明いただきます。みなさまのご参加お待ちしています。
<<Julie Barefoot氏からのメッセージ>>
You are invited to meet Ms. Julie Barefoot, Associate Dean of Engagement and Partnerships at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, on Oct. 6 Sunday from 11:00-12:30. Ms. Barefoot will discuss the benefits of Goizueta’s MBA programs and offer advice on putting together a winning application to this top program.
Emory University has a rich tradition of enrolling MBA candidates from Japan and has a large and active alumni group in Tokyo. Goizueta’s MBA programs are small by design. The MBA program’s small size enables the school to deliver a powerful and personal academic experience.
Emory’s Goizueta Business School is located in Atlanta, Georgia, the #3 city in the US for Fortune 500 headquarters and a cosmopolitan city of over 5.6 million people. Our Japanese students feel right at home in Atlanta with our great shopping, direct flights to Tokyo, Asian grocery stores and attractive housing options.
開催日時:10月6日 (日) 11:00 – 12:30