ロサンゼルスの南カリフォルニア大学(USC),Marshall School of BusinessのIBEAR MBAプログラムをご紹介します。
IBEAR (International Business Education and Research) MBAプログラムは、Mid-Career(中間管理職)マネージャー対象のインターナショナルビジネスにフォーカスした12ヶ月の集中プログラムです。世界各国から学生が集まり、多様性に富んだ環境で世界トップクラスの授業を受けることができます。
The IBEAR MBA is a full-time, 1-year MBA for mid-career professionals seeking leadership roles in international business. With a strong global focus, a typical IBEAR class features students from a diverse range of industries and professions. On average, IBEAR MBA students are 36 years old and have 12 years of work experience; 80% are in the 32 to 40 year age range and 30% are sponsored by their corporations or family-owned businesses. IBEAR students come from Asia, North America, Latin America, and Europe to earn the USC Marshall MBA.
12-month immersion with 55 mid-career international business professionals. The bios of the IBEAR-40 class, which graduated on July 12, are available at: https://www.marshall.usc.edu/programs/mba-programs/ibear-mba/class-bios/. This information gives you a good understanding of the diversity and range of experience of a typical IBEAR MBA class. The IBEAR class began on June. We will have their bios available soon.
International Business Case Projects. This is IBEAR’s capstone course. Over a 4-month period, teams of five students work with a client to develop proprietary recommendations for one of its important business challenges. Travel for research (international or domestic) is usually a component of each project; travel costs are paid by the clients.
International Experiential Learning Program. This is a required 10-day component of the IBEAR MBA Program; travel costs are paid by IBEAR. The 2018 program, titled “Doing Business in China,” will take the I-41 class to Shanghai and Shenzen. The 2017 program took the I-40 Class to Chengdu and Ho Chi Min City. The 2016 program took the I-39 Class to Shanghai and Nanjing. The 2015 program took the I-38 Class to Jakarta and Bangkok.
Career Exploration Treks to San Francisco/Silicon Valley and to Seattle. These experiential learning programs provide sponsored and self-sponsored students with opportunities to visit Fortune 500 companies, meet senior business leaders, and network with IBEAR and Marshall alumni. The I-41 Class will visit San Francisco / Silicon Valley (October 2 – 5) and Seattle (January 23 – 25). A substantial portion of the costs are covered by IBEAR.
Personalized Career Development Services. These are provided for all self-sponsored students. Tuned to the unique needs of mid-career international professionals, IBEAR’s dedicated career advisor provides students with highly personalized coaching in addition to a broad range of career development workshops and networking opportunities. Given IBEAR’s small class size, IBEAR’s career advisor is able to work closely with each student to enhance their career development, career search and career-capture capabilities.
Leadership & Executive Development Programs. These are provided for both self-sponsored and sponsored students. Programs include career development skill-building seminars, as well as executive speakers and roundtable discussions.
Professional Development Program. Awards of up to $500 are available to secure professional certifications or participate in conferences, career fairs, and networking events to enhance each student’s professional development.
Asia/Pacific Business Outlook Conference (www.apboconference.com). This conference attracts 200 to 250 business persons from around the United States and is a required component of the IBEAR MBA Program; $700 registration fee is paid by IBEAR.
Scholarships. IBEAR Global Business Fellows Awards of up to $50,000 are available for highly-qualified self-sponsored individuals.
IBEAR Residential Community. In order to encourage the development of a closely-knit community of IBEAR students, spouses and children, IBEAR provides rent subsidies ($6,000/year for single apartments and $9,000/year for family apartments) to self-sponsored students who live in the Park La Brea apartment complex http://www.parklabrea.com/. About 70% of the class lives in this complex, which is 7 miles west of campus.
For more information, please visit us at www.marshall.usc.edu/ibear. Explore IBEAR in the videos and learn what our alumni and current students have to say about their IBEAR experiences. Also, shown below is a link to IBEAR’s “Business Class” podcast series. Each 15-minute episode is an in-depth conversation with international business thought leaders, http://www.marshall.usc.edu/news/business-class-podcasts.
We are accepting applications for IBEAR-42, Class of 2020. Information about application rounds and submission deadlines is available Here.
開催日時:10月30日 (水) 19:00 – 20:30