Emory大学Goizueta Business School Full-Time MBAは、米国南部屈指の商業都市であるアトランタで開講されている1学年180人程度(2年制)の適度なサイズ感のMBAプログラムです。これらの特徴をいかし学生全員が実際の企業をクライアントとしてコンサルティングを行う機会(IMPACT)が得られます。そのため、経験に裏打ちされた知識を得ることができます。
日時: 9月12日(日)9:00 PM-10:30 PM(日本時間)
International Information Session – Japanese Applicants (emory.edu)
Emory University Goizueta Business School – International Information Session for Japanese Applicants
You are invited to join current Japanese Full-Time MBA students who will share their experiences as international students at Goizueta. Hear about their MBA search process, why they chose to apply to Emory and about their experiences in Goizueta’s community. They will share insights on relocating to Atlanta, and how to set yourself up for success both inside and outside the classroom. An Admissions Director will be available to answer specific application questions. We look forward to meeting you. Bring your questions!
International Information Session for Japanese Applicants
Sunday, September 12, 9 to 10:30 PM JST (8 to 9:30 AM ET)
Event Zoom Link: https://emory.zoom.us/j/93801611982
We look forward to sharing more with you about the Japanese student community at Goizueta!
Kate Piasecki
Senior Associate Director, MBA Admissions
Goizueta Business School | Emory University