HKU Full-time MBA Student Sharing Webinar: Meet Our Japanese Students 11/11(土)開催

We invite you to join our upcoming sharing session where you’ll have the opportunity to interact with a group of current Japanese students from our Full-time MBA programme.

The session will provide valuable insights into their MBA journeys as they discuss a range of compelling topics, including:

– Reasons for choosing Hong Kong as the destination for their MBA studies
– Distinct advantages of HKU’s MBA over other international programmes
– Preparation and application process for admissions
– Student life experiences, including classroom dynamics, time management, cultural diversity
– Extensive career services that have equipped them for internships and career prospects
– Global educational opportunities through partnerships with renowned business schools

This webinar offers a unique and firsthand perspective on the programme from our students’ viewpoint. Reserve your seat now and gain insider tips for your MBA journey!

Date: 11 November 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 11:00 a.m. (Hong Kong)
12:00 p.m. (Tokyo)
Duration: 60 minutes
Remarks: confirmation email will be sent at a later stage

HKU Full-time MBA Student Sharing Webinar: Meet Our Japanese Students