お名前:早川 千智 さん
合格校:Wesleyan University
入学校:Wesleyan University
I first read about Universities in the US on a magazine and the whole aspect of being able to study with people from all over the world appealed to me so I took it step by step from there.
2. なぜその進路にしようと思ったか
I chose to attend a University in the US because I wanted to be able to learn in a international environment. In this constantly globalising world, I think it is important to become accustomed to the divergent perspectives people have.
I chose to apply to a liberal arts school because I wanted the close knit student-teacher relationship and the small class sizes. I also wanted an open curriculum that would allow me to explore various fields so I narrowed my choices down with these points, then narrowed down my list further more with location and campus atmospheres.
I found the common application process very stressful because I didn't start writing my essays until my senior started. With school work and activities combined, I felt like I was overwhelmed by all the work. College search wise, I think I started fairly early which allowed me to visit campuses and really see which schools I could imagine myself going to.
The SAT course I attended was extremely helpful for attaining tips and skills to improve my scores. It was a lot of hard work inside and outside of class but I learned the importance of putting in the effort in both inside and outside of class to get the most out of the classes.
For me, it took around a year to reach my goal. After my course at AGOS ended, I did practice questions at home to make the tips and skills I learnt, second nature for me so that I will be able to apply them on the real test.
For me, the advise that stuck to me was " the schools want you, you just have to search for the reason why they would want you". Having to describe ourselves and our lives in a very limited word count, it was hard to explain why you weren't like the other candidates but I think it is very important to take the time to reflect back on your life and figure out what makes you unique.
The teachers and counsellors were extremely helpful and open. They shared their own experiences with me during their free time and set a very supportive atmosphere.
I think it is important to find the school that is the best fit for you than to find the most prestigious school that you can get into. There are so many schools out there and the best school on the rankings may not necessarily be the best school for you so researching your schools is very important.
In college, I want to study computer science and business while also exploring other fields to expand my interdisciplinary knowledge. I am looking forward to the research and projects that I will be able to do.
Good luck to everyone applying for college! Remember that a rejection letter from your dream school doesn't determine your future!
