Harvard Law School (HLS) LL.M. Deadlines: 2019-2020/早期出願準備計画の重要性

Harvard Law School (HLS)が2020年入学者用の出願締め切り日を発表しました。
The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2020 is December 1, 2019, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

HLS に限らず、12月に出願締め切り日を設定するLL.M. トッププログラムは他にもいくつもあります。

1. 仕事の繁忙期
2. 繁忙期期間における準備計画のシミュレーション
3. テストの最終到達地点をシミュレーション
4. TOEFL/ILETSの受験日程の把握と予約
5. 出願書類準備に必要な時間と自身が確保できる時間の確認
6. 学術推薦状(Academic Reference)を執筆いただく推薦者の選定
7. 上司以外の推薦者との打ち合わせ機会
8. TOEFL/IELTSの目標スコアを設定
9. 出願時期(Early RoundもしくはRegular Roundでの出願)の確認
10. LSACの利用方法を確認し登録作業を終了


I. Resume/Curricula Vitae (CV)
II. Personal Statement (Essay)
III. Letter of Recommendation
IV. On-line application form
V. Interview (If necessary)
VI. Campus Visit (If necessary)

アゴス・ジャパンでは、2020年の留学を目指す方のためにLLM出願戦略コンサルティング 個別クイックアドバイスを実施しております。早期出願を実現するために、学校選択、書類作成戦略、レジュメに対してアドバイスを差し上げます。ぜひご活用ください!

Eiki Satori

大学院奨学金獲得を目指す方へ 合格を勝ち取るための準備プランについて





-研究計画書(Research objective)
-Personal Statement(英語/日本語)
-TOEFLiBT80点以上/IELTS 6.0以上のスコア


-応募書類作成: 7月末に質の高い応募書類を用意するためには、少なくとも3か月程度は時間をかけて、研究テーマの明確化、最適な大学院プログラム選定(上述)、適切な推薦者選定とその依頼、そして応募書類作成が求められます。ということは、予備審査(一次審査)通過を目指すのではなく、最初から7月末の書類締切を目指した準備が必要になります。



Chizuko Okada

大学院奨学金獲得を目指す方へ 主な奨学金リサーチ方法のご案内






Education USA

British Council

Chizuko Okada

A Hidden Gem for Resume Writing

A Hidden Gem for Resume Writing

There are many excellent on and offline resources that guide you through the art of resume writing. No doubt you will utilize many of these to help develop ideas and draft your resume.

But in searching for “how to craft a winning resume” you may have overlooked one key resource that could provide you with that extra edge in targeting your desired degree program.

The online professional network, LinkedIn, is a hidden in plain sight gem for resume writing.

First, you can browse a countless number of resumes. Try this: Place yourself in the position of an Admissions Officer and look through several resumes for 60 seconds each. After, you will have a better idea of which ones leave an impression and those that are forgettable.

Second, you can direct your search to find some of the online profiles of students and alumni from the universities that you are applying to. Frequently, you will find that their resumes have been copied to their LinkedIn profile. Use this as a reference to gain a better understanding of what a successful applicant’s resume could potentially look like.

Finally, this experience of resume and profile viewing is a valuable opportunity to consider whether that specific program’s community is for you, or what you could bring to the table.

With all that being said, don’t forget to be youin both style and content! As with any other resource, use LinkedIn as a reference and not a template. The university doesn’t want a carbon copy of their exiting study body; they want the unique contribution that only you can provide. LinkedIn is an excellent resource to help package and present the best you.


Should I apply early?

As the cherry blossoms, apple blossoms and almost all other blossoms have gone with the wind that stirs up all-too-soon warmth in the air, it becomes inevitable that summer is upon us whether we are prepared or not. So are graduate school application deadlines. The heat is being turned up.

As someone who has applied to US graduate schools as an international student and someone who has both evaluated and consulted numerous applicants, I would venture that three or so months would be a legitimate period of time to prepare your application. That puts the next three summer months at the front line for beating the first round of application deadlines of at least most top business schools.

So, are you mentally prepared to submit your application to your dream schools in September or October? Why do admissions keep pushing their deadlines ahead? What are the pros and cons of applying early, say, first round?

According to my experience, Admissions tend to perceive first or early round applicants as typically more put together, more proactive and more focused. Admission rates are usually higher for first round than later rounds. As a result, it should be no surprise that they would want to compete for those applicants and push their early deadlines to stay ahead of the game.

So clearly there are advantages to applying early. The question becomes whether you would like to get ready, to rise up to the challenge.

Obstacles to applying early can seem insurmountable. Summer is your craziest time at work. Your employer is yet to announce its pick for sponsorship. Family events all happen in this season. Your TOEFL and other scores just aren’t there. Therefore, you need those heated months to get over all the above, and you secretly place your hopes on those last two holiday weeks of the year to catapult you to the second round in early January, to compete in a much bigger pool of applicants.

Understood and understood. Yet the fact of the matter is, if you do not prepare yourself early, if you do not aim for early round, chances are you might not ultimately prepare yourself in the most optimal way regardless of rounds. Or shall we say, if you do not prepare, how would you know whether you are prepared? You do not want your second round to be your test round, do you?

There will always be obligations and obstacles. The only time to lay the foundation of your application to your dream schools is nevertheless now, when things just start to heat up. Reflect on and summarize your experiences and accomplishments, clarify and broaden your professional and personal goals, research and connect with the schools and people, get your resume ready and write and rewrite your essays. And in case all those things are under control, start preparing for your interview! The saying is: it is never too early to start.
