10/12 Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, NYU, Northwestern, and Penn LLM アジア地域向けバーチャル合同説明会 

Top LLMプログラムの理解を深める上で絶好の機会となります。ご興味のある方ぜひ参加ください。説明会の中ではQ&Aセッションもありますので直接学校関係者に質問をすることが可能です

Join representatives from Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, NYU, Northwestern, and Penn Law Schools for a dynamic joint information session about the LL.M. Program experience at a top U.S. law school, followed by individual Q&A breakout meeting rooms, where you may speak directly with the representatives from each school.

While these events are listed for specific regions (based on the time of day they are being held), all are welcome to participate from any corner of the globe.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 8:00 AM (Eastern Time)


Eiki Satori

2023年入学用:Georgetown/New York/ Pennsylvania LL.M.出願締切日発表

Georgetown LL.M.の出願締め切り日11/15 (Early Action), 2023/2/3 (Regular Deadline)が発表になりました。


Georgetown LL.M.の出願書類は以下の通りです。

    • Application for Admission to Graduate Study
    • Application Fee
    • Resume
    • Personal statement
    • Two Letters of recommendation
    • Official transcripts
    • IELTS / TOEFL score report

Personal Statement

All applicants must submit a detailed “personal statement” (a.k.a. motivation letter) describing your background, goals, and reasons for applying to Georgetown and your chosen program. You should include any information that you feel will assist the Graduate Admissions Committee in its decision. This information should provide the admissions committee with more depth than is available in your transcripts and resume alone regarding your fit for the program and school.
While there are no specific formatting requirements the personal statement should only be 1-2 pages (single spaced) or 2-3 pages (double spaced).

Personal Statementを書き始めるにあたり、フォーマット(フォントサイズや余白の長さを含))にも注意を払いましょう。各校で指定されるフォーマット内容が異なるケースもあります。

Georgetownの場合は、長さ:1-2 pages (single spaced) or 2-3 pages (double spaced)と指定されています。Double spaced・3 pagesという条件の元では、約1,000 wordsを使うことが可能です。

また、New York University, University of Pennsylvaniaの出願締め切り日も相次いで発表されました。

New York University


University of Pennsylvania

11月15日(Early Deadline)
12月15日(Regular Deadline)


Eiki Satori