LLM 2022年入学むけ入試の総括-2023 LLM入学を目指す方へのアドバイス-


■ テストスコア追求の重要性 -最後まであきらめない姿勢の重要性-
まず、総体的に出願者のTOEFL/IELTSスコアに対する要求度合が高まった印象を受けました。一例として、TOEFL 102-103点、そしてスピーキングスコアが21から22点で合格ラインに達していると見込まれていたプログラムへ出願された方が、例年以上にウェイトリスト通知を受領していたと感じました。

■ 進学希望理由の具体化の重要性



■ 自分に最適な準備プランを検討しましょう
【来校】【Skype】【Zoom】【お電話】留学アドバイザー 無料個別相談
火〜日 毎日開催!



Eiki Satori

Columbia MBA Admission Deadlines & Essays for 2022-2023

Columbia MBA(CBS)が応募要項を発表しました。M7プログラムの中でCBSのみがrolling admission(早く出願した方から随時審査を行う制度)を採用しております。また、CBSはJanuaryとAugustと年に2回のプログラム開始時期があり、それぞれのプログラムに特徴があります。応募者は自分に最適なプログラムを選ぶことができます。そしてAugust intakeのみEarly Decision(Early)と呼ばれるCBS第一志望者むけの出願締切が設定されています。


Application Deadlines

January 2023 Entry
Final:  September 28, 2022

August 2023 Entry
Early:  September 28, 2022
Merit Fellowship: January 11, 2023
Final:  April 5, 2023


Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:

    • “Work in business development for a media company.”
    • “Join a strategy consulting firm.”
    • “Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay 1

Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what is your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2 

We believe Columbia Business School is a special place. CBS proudly fosters a collaborative learning environment through curricular experiences like our clusters and learning teams, co-curricular initiatives like the Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership, which aims to equip students with the skills and strategies necessary to lead in an inclusive and ethical manner, and career mentorship opportunities like our Executives-in-Residence program.

Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you academically, culturally, and professionally? (300 words)

Essay 3

Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you. (250 words)

Optional Essay

If you wish to provide further information or additional context around your application to the Admissions Committee, please upload a brief explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)



【来校】【Skype】【Zoom】【お電話】留学アドバイザー 無料個別相談
火〜日 毎日開催!


Chizuko Okada

2021年LLM入学希望の方へ Early Review締切まで5カ月 効果的な準備方法を検討しましょう


一方で、Columbia, Harvardは2021年秋入学用の締め切り日を発表しました。Columbiaを例にとると、Early Reviewの締め切りは2020年11月1日です。そして夏場以降にかけて多くのロースクールにおいて出願情報が発表されます。上述の2校の発表内容から推察するに、出願締め切り日は例年と変わりがないと考えられます。

来週からは6月へと突入します。11月のEarly Review出願締切日から逆算した5カ月間の活用方法の検討が重要です。特に、6月以降に仕事の繁忙期を迎える方々は、準備スケジュールを週単位で作成していくなど、常に一歩先を読んだ計画が必要になります。

■【Skypeにて開催】LLM専任出願戦略コンサルタントによる個別クイックアドバイス 実施中




Eiki Satori

大学院留学希望者対象 奨学金対策セミナーダイジェスト

4/25大学院留学希望者対象 奨学金対策セミナーを開催いたしました。



















Study Objectiveは、大学院での研究プランを記すことが求められており、あなたのFutureを具体化することが求められています。この書類は、審査において最も重要な書類です。十分に研究テーマ、その研究のアプローチに必要なリサーチを行い、具体的な研究内容/研究プランを示すことを意識ください。

Study Objective(研究計画書)(英語)
Write a clear and detailed description of your study objectives, giving your reasons for Wanting to pursue them. Please include or attach a bibliography. Be specific about your major field and your specialized interests within this field. Describe the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan fits in with your previous training and your future objectives. This statement is an essential part of your application.


Personal statementでは、Study Objectiveで述べる大学院での研究を設定したこれまでの経緯について述べることが求められています。つまり、あなたのPast-Presentを述べていくことです。そして、Personal statementという名前の通り、あなた自身のことについてをストーリーとして描くことが必要です。

Personal statement(英語/日本語)
This personal statement should be a narrative statement describing how you have achieved your current goals. It should not be a mere listing of facts. It should include information about your education, practical experience, special interests, and career plans. Describe any significant factors that have influenced your educational or professional development. Comment on the number of years of practical experience already completed in the field in which academic work will be done in the U.S. Do not mention specific U.S. universities at which you would like to study.



4:大学院出願準備とのバランスのとり方 効果的な準備プラン





大学院奨学金獲得を目指す方へ 合格を勝ち取るための準備プランについて

5月末日本人対象フルブライト奨学生応募書類作成チェックポイント よくある質問①②



大学院奨学金獲得を目指す方へ 主な奨学金リサーチ方法のご案内

Chizuko Okada

Standing Out at Admissions Events


How to ask good questions at school fairs and information sessions?

As someone who once stood by a school table/booth or a podium answering all sorts of questions from applicants, I can’t help asking myself:  So do I remember any of those questions, any of those names or faces?

The purpose of those fairs and info sessions is to help the school staff and prospective students to get to know each other face to face, at a personal level. While there’s plenty to say about how much a prospective student might get to know the school and its people, including staff, alumni and perhaps even a couple of current students, how much the school staff or school representative might get to know a certain prospective student, remains dubious in most circumstances.

The good news is that, the outcome of such an encounter depends mostly on you, the prospective student or applicant. Yes, you do go to those events to listen and to ask questions about the school. However, depending on the quality of your questions, there’s also a fantastic opportunity for you to help the school staff remember you, in a positive way, which could go a long way for your application when it comes to be assessed.

So why did I barely remember any of the questions, or faces or names that matched the faces at a fair or an info session? I typically came back to my office with a stack of business cards and another stack of resumes, most if not all of which were recycled. It was a one-way communication, me to you, but rarely both ways, you and me, you to me. My suggestions for avoiding such a lost opportunity are:

  1. Do not walk up to me with a straight face, with the look of a serious professional from an office meeting, even though you are legitimately tired after a long day of work. Remember I might have just arrived in Tokyo the night before and I’m really tired, too and jet lagged. Your relaxed, smiling face refreshes me in this pretty loud and busy hall.
  1. Do not simply hand me your business card and your resume right away. I actually do not collect those papers and I’m accepting the ones from those ahead of you mainly as a courtesy. Say hello to me, chat and genuinely ask how I’m doing today. Give me positive feedback if I just gave a presentation by the way. Appreciation goes both ways.
  1. Do not ask generic simple questions, questions that you can find the answer to on the school’s website, such as what the ratio of international students is, or whether the school has a Japan Club. Unfortunately, lots of prospective students do ask those “dumb” questions. You don’t want to be among one of them, which guarantees a one-way communication.
  1. Moreover, do not ask me super “intelligent” questions either, questions that I would struggle to answer as well, such as what the future strategy of the school is, or how the school plans on improving its leadership program. There are always one or two people who appear intent on outsmarting the school representative. Remember it’s supposed to be a two-way communication, not a competition. I wouldn’t remember you, and if I do, it’s less likely to be in the way you want.
  1. So, ask questions that are specific, that demonstrate your research and understanding of the school and its program, and that even better, tie in your interest with the specifics of the school and program. Share your interest, succinctly, with me, and help me see how it is interesting to me and my school. If you do that, chances are I will look at your business card and resume afterwards, and remember you as one of the few outstanding/interesting prospectives that I have met on the road.

Parting message: The key is to do research before you go to any event, ask any questions. Once you’ve done your research and come up with your specific interesting/relevant questions, approach the school representative in a very friendly manner. Go for it.


The Millennial Paradox

One thing MBA applicants (rightly) hear again and again is how important it is to really get to know your business school, but which ones do the best job of getting to know you as a prospective student? Every year, the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants (AIGAC) surveys MBA applicants on their experiences during the admissions process. Here are the most recent findings:


Its worth keeping this information in mind as you determine your fit with your prospective schools, and also as you consider what you want them to know about you. What are your unique skills and experiences? What value will you add to the class? What makes you stand out among the crowd?

As you narrow down your list of schools, this is a good time to get on the mailing lists to keep up to date with any webinars, coffee chats in your city, or admissions events. The next step would be to reach out to current students and alumni to hear their first-hand experience of the programmes. Finally, if time and finances allow, visiting the school will give you insight into its culture and opportunities.


Questions to consider when developing an MBA resume

An HR professional or Admissions Officer will spend no more than 60 seconds looking through your resume. It is therefore important that your resume be strategically and structurally composed to showcase your skills and maximize impact to the reader.

Think of the resume as a marketing tool for your personal brand that is used to entice AND engage the reader and a means for differentiating you from the competition.

To distinguish yourself, start by asking yourself and thinking through the following:

1. What one or two words best describe you?

2. What kind of leadership skills have you demonstrated and how were they measured?

3. Are you a good listener? Are you articulate? Are you comfortable expressing your opinion in a group setting?

4. What makes you different from the competition? Do you have bi-lingual capabilities? What certifications do you have?

These are just some questions to help you get going.  Please visit the following for more tips on building an effective resume.



Posted by Jumet

Developing a Personal Brand in MBA Applications

In the competitive world of MBA applications, it is now more important than ever to stand out among other exceptional candidates. Top grades, GMAT scores and strong career growth are no longer sufficient.  Nor is being an engineer with excellent technical skills enough. Now applicants must think beyond their skills and qualifications and develop an application that reflects their personal brand. This personal brand is the key factor that differentiates them from others.

To understand what a personal brand entails, it requires a definition. To many people, a personal brand is an image a person exudes to others. In the context of the MBA application, it is the impression a person leaves with the reader. This impression is critical, as it will impact the result. Since most readers take roughly between 15 to 20 minutes to read through one application, the applicant has a short time to make a lasting impact.

Given this, for many people, the task of creating a personal brand is challenging. To ease this process, the following tips are useful.

1. Reflection

To create a strong personal brand, a person should reflect on his/her professional and personal life and identify reoccurring themes. These themes can be used to contextualize the applicant’s impression to others. For example, even though an applicant worked as an analyst, his area of focus may have been mainly in medical technology. As such, framing the application within the area of medical technology helps the reader visualize the applicant’s background and personal brand.

2. Strategy

Since people are always changing and growing from their experiences, their personal brand can change as well. Given this, it is necessary to be strategic in choosing a personal brand. This process involves an applicant to think beyond his/her own comfort zone and bubble. For example, for most system engineers, their work often requires concentration and singular execution. This profession can be isolating and individualistic. To balance out such an image, an applicant may want to choose a story in his/her MBA essay that connotes strong communication and collaboration skills.   This balanced application creates the personal brand of a well-rounded applicant.

3. Marketing

In MBA applications, marketing one’s personal brand requires tact and lexical awareness. When developing an image to the reader, the applicant should carefully construct the resume, essays, and application using vocabulary that is reflective of the personal brand he/she wants to convey. For example, if the person wants to present an image of a leader, using vocabulary such as directed, managed, and oversaw paints the picture of the brand to the reader. This tactic is important to shape and construct a meaningful personal brand.

Posted by Lee Moua