【2024-2025】Columbia Business School Aug-intake の出願締切日とエッセイ課題発表

先日のJ-termの発表に続いて、CBSのAugust-termの応募要項が発表されました。昨シーズンからCBSの入試ではラウンド制が導入され、今年も引き続きこの制度が採用されています。さらに、今年は具体的なinterview decisions dateが発表されましたので、出願者は計画的に書類作成とインタビュー対策を進めることができるようになりました。

August 2025 Entry Application Deadlines
Round Application Deadline Interview Decisions Released Final Decisions Released
Round 1 September 10, 2024 at 12:00pm (ET) By November 15 By December 20
Round 2 January 7, 2025 at 12:00pm (ET) By February 20 By March 26
Round 3 April 1, 2025 at 12:00pm (ET) By May 1 By May 15
MBA Application Requirements

Essay課題に関しては、J-termと同じです。( J-term独自の1問を除く)

Applicants must complete two short answer questions and three essays.

Short Answer Question: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)

January Short Answer Question: Why do you prefer the January-entry term? (50 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:
“Work in business development for a media company.”
“Join a strategy consulting firm.”
“Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay 1
Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what is your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2
The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a co-curricular program designed to provide students with the skills and strategies needed to develop as inclusive leaders. Through various resources and programming, students explore and reflect on the following five inclusive leadership skills: Mitigating Bias and Prejudice; Managing Intercultural Dialogue; Addressing Systemic Inequity; Understanding Identity and Perspective Taking; and Creating an Inclusive Environment.

Describe a time or situation when you had the need to utilize one of these five skills, and tell us the actions you took and the outcome. (250 words)

Essay 3
We believe Columbia Business School is a special place with a collaborative learning environment in which students feel a sense of belonging, agency, and partnership–academically, culturally, and professionally.

How would you co-create your optimal MBA experience at CBS? Please be specific. (250 words)

Optional Essay
If you wish to provide further information or additional context around your application to the Admissions Committee, please upload a brief explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)


Chizuko Okada

【2024-2025】Harvard MBA 出願締切日&Essay課題発表

Harvard MBAが出願締切日とエッセイ課題を発表しました。以前にエッセイ課題の変更可能性を学校は示しておりましたが、結果的に昨年と変更なしという発表になりました。

The application dates for the MBA Class of 2027 (matriculating fall 2025) are:

ROUND 1 04 SEP 2024 10 DEC 2024
ROUND 2 06 JAN 2025 26 MAR 2025

Applications received after September 4, 2024 will be considered in Round 2. Applications received after January 6, 2025 will not be considered. Please note that each “round” represents a distinct period in which you may apply, not a succession of steps for your application. You may apply in one round only, one time in an application year.


There is one question for the Class of 2026 application:

As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (900 words)

We invite you to share personal or professional experiences from your background that give you a unique ability to contribute to HBS. Try to remember to not overthink or overwrite in this essay; it is best to answer the question in clear and concise language that those of us who don’t know your world can understand.

Joint program applicants for the Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Kennedy School must provide an additional essay: How do you expect the joint degree experience to benefit you on both a professional and a personal level? (400 words)


Chizuko Okada

Columbia MBA Admission Deadlines & Essays for 2022-2023

Columbia MBA(CBS)が応募要項を発表しました。M7プログラムの中でCBSのみがrolling admission(早く出願した方から随時審査を行う制度)を採用しております。また、CBSはJanuaryとAugustと年に2回のプログラム開始時期があり、それぞれのプログラムに特徴があります。応募者は自分に最適なプログラムを選ぶことができます。そしてAugust intakeのみEarly Decision(Early)と呼ばれるCBS第一志望者むけの出願締切が設定されています。


Application Deadlines

January 2023 Entry
Final:  September 28, 2022

August 2023 Entry
Early:  September 28, 2022
Merit Fellowship: January 11, 2023
Final:  April 5, 2023


Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:

    • “Work in business development for a media company.”
    • “Join a strategy consulting firm.”
    • “Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay 1

Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what is your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2 

We believe Columbia Business School is a special place. CBS proudly fosters a collaborative learning environment through curricular experiences like our clusters and learning teams, co-curricular initiatives like the Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership, which aims to equip students with the skills and strategies necessary to lead in an inclusive and ethical manner, and career mentorship opportunities like our Executives-in-Residence program.

Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you academically, culturally, and professionally? (300 words)

Essay 3

Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you. (250 words)

Optional Essay

If you wish to provide further information or additional context around your application to the Admissions Committee, please upload a brief explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)



【来校】【Skype】【Zoom】【お電話】留学アドバイザー 無料個別相談
火〜日 毎日開催!


Chizuko Okada

Harvard MBA Duolingo testの受け入れを開始

先日Harvard MBAの出願締め切りとエッセイ課題の発表をお伝えしましたが、英語テストの要件に変化がありました。Duolingo testの受け入れを開始します。

テストスコアメイキングについては、これまでのGMAT or GREどちらのテストが自分に最適であるか?という議論に加えて、英語のテストについても同様に自分の状況に合わせて適切なテストを選択することが重要です。自分の状況に合わせたテストスコアを選択することも重要な出願戦略です。

A TOEFL, IELTS, Pearson Test of English (PTE), or Duolingo English Test is required if you did not attend an undergraduate institution where the sole language of instruction is English.
If you completed a graduate degree which was taught in English, it is recommended you submit one of these tests, but it is not required.
Scores from ALL of these tests are valid for two years. These tests must be dated January 1, 2021 or more recently to be valid.
HBS only accepts the Internet-based (IBT) version of the TOEFL.
HBS does not have a minimum test score to apply, however, the MBA Admissions Board discourages any candidate with a TOEFL score lower than 109 on the IBT, an IELTS score lower than 7.5, or a PTE score lower than 75, or a Duolingo score lower than 130 from applying.


Chizuko Okada

2022年入学向け:Columbia LLM締め切り日発表!出願締切日まで残り4カ月でやらなければならないこと

Columbiaロースクール (LL.M.プログラム)のアプリケーションがアップされ、同時に出願締切日、出願要綱が発表されました

出願締切日:December 18, 2021


出願締切日まで残り4カ月で”やらなければならないことリスト“(THINGS TO DO LIST)を確認

1) LSACサービスの確認と必要情報の登録
2) 成績表の送付手配(LSAC宛)
3) 出願校の決定と出願締切日の確認
4) 出願校のカリキュラム調査からLLMで得たいものを整理
6) レジュメの作成
7) パーソナルステートメントの作成
8) 推薦者の選定と推薦状依頼
9) 各校の願書(アプリケーションフォーム)入力

1) LSACサービスの確認と必要情報の登録




Electronic Application Processing Service (EAPS) — $35 fee

    • Submit electronic applications to law schools.

Document Assembly Service (DAS) — $50 fee

    • Arrange for letters of recommendation (LORs) to be sent once to LSAC for forwarding to law schools.
    • Arrange for transcripts to be sent once to LSAC for forwarding to law schools (no evaluation is completed).
    • Complete and transmit admission applications online.
    • Arrange for TOEFL / IELTS scores to be sent once to LSAC for forwarding to law schools.

International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service (ITAES) — $135 in addition to $50 Document Assembly Service (for applicants educated outside the US only)

    • Have official institution documents sent once to LSAC for evaluation, authentication, and transmission to participating law schools.

Note: If you wish to purchase the international Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service (ITAES), you must also purchase the Document Assembly Service. When you click “Add ITAES to Cart” button, both services will automatically be added to your cart.


2) 成績表の送付手配(LSAC宛)

It can take up to two weeks for us to process your domestic transcripts once we receive them. Documents from undergraduate and graduate institutions located outside the United States may take longer to process.


4) 出願校のカリキュラム調査からLLMで得たいものを整理

Admissions Process Overview (Columbia Law Schoolサイトより)

Columbia Law School offers a general LL.M. degree, giving you the freedom to select your courses from an incredibly vast curriculum, and further specialize in your current field, transition to a new practice area, or use the program year as one of exploration.


• Bankruptcy Law
• American/US Law/Legal System
• Comparative Law
• Business/Corporate Law
• Labor/Employment Law
• General
• Health Law
• Real Estate Law
• Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
• Sports/Entertainment Law
• Criminal Law
• Family/Juvenile Law
• Environment/Energy/Natural Resources Law
• International Law
• Intellectual Property/Technology Law
• Civil/Human Rights Law
• Tax and Estate Planning
• Banking/Finance/Securities Law


How We Decide
Holistic review. No one factor on your application is more important than another; we approach each application individually and holistically, and carefully review each component.
Holistic Approachでは、成績やテストスコアといった定量面以外の定性面(レジュメ、パーソナルステートメント、推薦状、願書)といった書類も重要な審査項目となります。


Eiki Satori

2022年MBA留学希望 1stラウンド出願者むけ 出願書類作成準備のアドバイス


Top MBAエッセイ課題分析ゼミ7月開催決定


Harvard Stanford Wharton Columbia Kellogg Chicago Booth MIT
Berkeley Haas UCLA Anderson Cambridge Oxford INSEAD LBS




Vision essay

How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Strengths essay
Leadership/Teamwork/Problem-solving/Creativity など実に幅広い領域で出願者の強みを問う課題になります。

Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)

Personality essay
MBA留学を有意義にするためには。クラスで知識を向上させるだけではなく、積極的にMBAコミュニティ活動に所属し、クラスメートとの交流を図り、自己成長(personal growth)やネットワーキングの機会を得ることも重要です。このMBAコミュニティの意義を理解しているか、そのコミュニティにあなたがふさわしいか、適正があるかを問う課題になります。

An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are… (Minimum 250 words, no maximum.)


• Post MBA Career goalsはクリア?short term and long term に分けて説明できる?
• MBAで得たいものを具体的に知識/スキル/経験の観点から整理ができている?
• MBAで得たいものを 志望校MBAプログラムで提供されるコースワーク、体験学習(Experiential learning opportunities)、クラブ活動やインターンシップなどの具体的な材料を使って説明ができる?
• 自身の強み/弱み(改善ポイント)/自分の特徴について整理ができている?
• 自身の強み:MBAコミュニティに貢献できる強みが整理できている?
• 自身の弱み:MBA学習の経験を通じて改善するための努力をしている?
• 自分の特徴:MBAコミュニティを理解し、自身の特徴を活かした貢献をイメージできている?



Mission Statement/Admission Criteriaの理解




Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 Oxford MBA出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 Oxford MBA出願締切日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました。オンラインアプリケーションは30 July 2021にアップされる予定です。

Application deadlines

Stage 1: Wednesday, 1 September 2021
Stage 2: Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Stage 3: Wednesday, 12 January 2022
Stage 4: Wednesday, 23 March 2022


Written work

Tell us something that is not covered in your application which you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you. (Maximum 250 words)
If you are applying under the Oxford 1+1 MBA scheme you also need to submit the following essay:

Explain why you see this as particularly beneficial for you and how it fits with your career and personal development aims. (Maximum 250 words)



Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 MIT Sloan (MBA)出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 MIT Sloan  (MBA)出願締切日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました

2021-2022 MIT Sloan(2-year program)
MBA Round 1 September 28, 2021
MBA Round 2  January 19, 2022
MBA Round 3 April 12, 2022

Applications must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. EST

Cover Letter

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Assistant Deans of Admissions, Rod Garcia and Dawna Levenson (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).

Video Statement

Applicants are required to upload a 1 minute (60 seconds) video as part of their application. In your video, you should introduce yourself to your future classmates, tell us about your past experiences, and touch on why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your degree.

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length
  • Single take (no editing)
  • You should be speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles

We recommend using applications such as QuickTime or iMovie to record yourself.  Upload the video file according to the detailed instructions within the application.

We support the following file formats: .avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .webm, .wmv. Apple ProRes is not currently supported. If uploading a .mov, please use an alternate codec.

Should you experience difficulties uploading your file, please ensure that you’re using a modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) on the fastest wired internet connection available. An intermittent or slow internet connection can cause uploads to timeout.



Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 NYU Stern(MBA)出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 NYU Stern(MBA)の出願締切日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました。オンラインアプリケーションも更新されておりますので、NYUに興味がある方は、ぜひオンラインアプリケーションも含めて出願要綱を確認しましょう。


Full-time MBA

Deadline Initial Notification* By
1st Deadline September 15, 2021 December 1, 2021
2nd Deadline October 15, 2021 January 1, 2022
3rd Deadline January 15, 2022 April 1, 2022
4th Deadline March 15, 2022 June 1, 2022

 *You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer, or denial of admission

Fashion & Luxury MBA

Deadline Initial Notification* By
1st Deadline September 15, 2021 December 1, 2021
2nd Deadline November 15, 2021 February 1, 2022
3rd Deadline January 15, 2022 March 1, 2022
4th Deadline** February 15, 2022 April 1, 2022

*You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer, or denial of admission

**Only U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents may apply by this deadline. Applicants who are non-U.S. citizens at the time of submitting their application must apply no later than the January 15 deadline.

Andre Koo Tech MBA

Deadline Initial Notification* By
1st Deadline September 15, 2021 December 1, 2021
2nd Deadline November 15, 2021 February 1, 2022
3rd Deadline January 15, 2022 March 1, 2022
4th Deadline** February 15, 2022 April 1, 2022

*You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer, or denial of admission

**Only U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents may apply by this deadline. Applicants who are non-U.S. citizens at the time of submitting their application must apply no later than the January 15 deadline.


Our Stern essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals, and thought processes.

Your essays must be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be rescinded if you did not write your essays.

Short Answer: Professional Aspirations
(150 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)
What are your short-term career goals?

Essay 1: Change: _________ it
(350 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

In today’s global business environment, the only constant is change. Using NYU Stern’s brand call to action, we want to know how you view change. Change: _____ it. Fill in the blank with a word of your choice. Why does this word resonate with you? How will you embrace your own personal tagline while at Stern? Examples:
Change: Dare it.
Change: Dream it.
Change: Drive it.
Change: Empower it.
Change: Manifest it.
Change: [Any word of your choice.]

Essay 2: Personal Expression (a.k.a. “Pick Six”)
Describe yourself to the Admissions Committee and to your future classmates using six images and corresponding captions. Your uploaded PDF should contain all of the following elements:
A brief introduction or overview of your “Pick Six” (no more than 3 sentences).
Six images that help illustrate who you are.
A one-sentence caption for each of the six images that helps explain why they were selected and are significant to you.
Note: Your visuals may include photos, infographics, drawings, or any other images that best describe you. Your document must be uploaded as a single PDF. The essay cannot be sent in physical form or be linked to a website.

Essay 3: Additional Information (optional)
(250 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE, Executive Assessment, IELTS or TOEFL, or any other relevant information.


Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 UC Berkeley Haas出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 UC Berkeley Haas出願締切日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました

2021-2022 Application Deadlines

Round 1
Deadline: September 23, 2021
Decision: December 16, 2021

Round 2
Deadline: January 6, 2022
Decision: March 24, 2022

Round 3
Deadline: April 7, 2022
Decision: May 12, 2022


Essay topics

#1: What makes you feel alive when you are doing it, and why? (300 words maximum)

#2: The definition of successful leadership has evolved over the last decade and will continue to change. What do you need to develop to become a successful leader? (300 words max)

Optional Information #1

We invite you to help us better understand the context of your opportunities and achievements:

1. What is the highest level of education completed by your parent(s) or guardian(s)?

Did not complete high school
High school diploma or equivalency (GED) Associate’s degree (junior college) or vocational degree/license
Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)
Master’s degree (MA, MS)
Doctorate or professional degree (MD, JD, DDS)
2. What is the most recent occupation of your parent(s) or guardian(s)?

Skilled worker
3. If you were raised in one of the following household types, please indicate:

Raised by a single parent
Raised by an extended family member (grandparent, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, cousin)
Raised in a multi-generational home
Raised in foster care
4. What was the primary language spoken in your childhood home?

5. If you have you ever been responsible for providing significant and continuing financial or supervisory support for someone else, please indicate:

Extended family member (grandparent, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, cousin)
6. Please elaborate on any of your above responses. Alternatively, you may use this opportunity to expand on other hardships or unusual life circumstances that may help us understand the context of your opportunities, achievements, and impact. (300 words maximum)

Optional Information #2

This section should only be used to convey relevant information not addressed elsewhere in your application. This may include explanation of employment gaps, academic aberrations, supplemental coursework, etc. You are encouraged to use bullet points where appropriate.


Chizuko Okada