Columbia SIPA Update for 2021 application period: GRE/GMAT test waiverを認める発表

Update for 2021 application period: GRE/GMAT test requirements

コロナウィルスの影響をうけて、Columbia SIPA ではGMAT/GRE試験の提出を免除することができることを


7月29日 (水) 19:30 – 21:00

■Columbia SIPAの発表
GRE or GMAT scores are required of all applicants, as we have found them to be useful indicators of academic ability.

In light of disruptions caused by COVID-19 to the administration of these tests and the ability of many applicants to prepare for them, SIPA will accept applications for admission for January 2021 and September 2021 without GRE/GMAT scores.

Applicants who do not submit GRE/GMAT scores must inform the Admissions Committee of the reason for the omission and provide other evidence not already apparent from their files of their ability to successfully complete SIPA’s program, such as coursework requiring significant quantitative capabilities taken after their undergraduate studies.

SIPA still has no minimum GPA or GRE/GMAT scores. The Admissions Committee carefully reviews every application in its entirety, including test scores, grades (particularly those in relevant coursework), letters of reference, and the applicant’s personal statement and work experience.

You can find the waiver request form on the Admissions FAQs page. Please note that this update is just for the 2021 application cycle. You can only request a waiver once you have created an application for the 2021 cycle. At this time, we expect the 2021 application to go live this August.

Chizuo Okada

Before you apply….

MPP, MPA, MIA, MIR, MTop 3 resourcesSFS, MALD….Where to start? Which degree do you need? What do people  with these degrees do? Applying to Grad school can be daunting, but here are 3 resources to make it less so…..

  1. Careers in International Affairs. Published by Georgetown University Press, this book provides an overview of the wide variety of careers available under the very big umbrella of international affairs. From governments to multinational corporations to media, this book provides insights on the jobs available, and how to get them.
  2. APSIA. Featuring profiles of over 60 member schools, admissions events, and career resources, APSIA is a great first step on your admissions journey.
  3. NAASPA. A great search tool that uses your potential specialisation and interests to suggest schools.

Posted by Faye