本日は前回の続きとしてColumbia Law Schoolのサイトを引用しながら、LLM学校調査の確認ポイントについて解説いたします。
まずColumbia Law Schoolが注力している専門分野(教育内容の強み)を確認してみましょう。
Areas of Study
Constitutional Law, Regulation, and Public Policy
Corporate, Business, and Transactional Law
Criminal Justice
Data Analytics
Environment and Energy
Family, Gender, and Sexuality
Intellectual Property and Technology
International and Comparative Law
Law of the Workplace
Legal History
Litigation and Dispute Resolution
National Security and Privacy
Social Justice and Human Rights
Courses | Columbia Law School
★ Columbia Law’s New Courses (2020)
下記にコースは2020年秋にColumbia Law Schoolで新たに開講されたものです。このように生徒のニーズにあわせてコースが新設されることはよくあることです。
New Courses for the Fall 2020 Semester | Columbia Law School
Movement Lawyering: A Social Justice Critique, taught by Alexis Hoag, Associate Research Scholar and Lecture in Law
Comparative and International Law Workshop, taught by Anu Bradford, Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization
Advanced Issues in the First Amendment, taught by Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger
The Antimonopoly Tradition: Law, Policy and History, taught by Associate Professor Lina Khan
Columbia Law School and Slavery, taught by Katherine Franke, James L. Dohr Professor of Law
Constitutional Interpretation, taught by Philip C. Bobbitt, Herbert Wechsler Professor of Federal Jurisprudence
Global Political Thought, taught by Akeel Bilgrami and University Professor Michael W. Doyle
【Zoomにて開催】2022年トップLLM入学希望者対象 出願戦略コンサルティング個別クイックアドバイス~3-4月の出願戦略について~
Eiki Satori