LLM出願書類対策:Harvard編 Part-2 Personal Statementの重要性

今回は2020-21 Application Sample(昨シーズンのもの)使って、Personal Statementで求められることを一緒に考えていきたいと思います。

The Personal Statement is an essential component of your application. It provides an opportunity for you to present ideas and demonstrate your writing ability to the Committee on Graduate Studies. Please limit your statement to no more than 1,500 words, anything exceeding this limit will be disregarded, Please note that footnotes do not count towards the overall word limit as long as they are limited to providing sources and citations.
Harvard Law Schoolに限ったことではありませんが、各スクールから指定される字数制限(Word Limit)は厳守してください。字数を指定し、その範囲内で自らの意見をまとめる力(ライティング力)も評価の対象となります。

The Personal Statement must be solely the product of your own efforts. We reserve the right to disqualify the application of a candidate who has submitted a Personal Statement written by, or with the help of, someone other than the candidate.

Personal Statementのドラフトを日本語で完成させ、翻訳会社に英訳を依頼する方法について質問を受けることがあります。”The product of your own efforts”の解釈として、自分でドラフトを作り上げる(第三者によるproof readingは除く)ようお願いします。第三者が英訳しますと、アドミッション側はアプリカントの英語力に関して評価のしようがありません。こうした行為は行わないようくれぐれもご注意ください。

Your personal statement should address both of the following questions specifically, with Part (A) constituting at least half of the total length.

(A) Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a legal analysis or strategy to address this issue.

(B) Please tell us something about yourself- in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M degree at Harvard and how dosing so connects with what you have done in the past and what your plant to do in the future.

今回はPart (B)を取り上げます。

My wish to pursue an LL.M. Degree at Harvard Law School
i) Criminal Law and Policy
ii) International and Comparative Law
iii) Law and Business
iv) Law and Government
v) Law and History
vi) Law and Social Change
vii) Law, Science, and Technology


How studying at Harvard connects with what I have done in the past and what my plan to do in the future.
→My planとは、アプリカントが短期および長期目標を達成することで得られる、こうありたい/こうなりたい姿(ビジョン)に言及しています。このビジョンには自分の大切な価値観や考え方を反映されていることが重要なポイントです。その姿にたどり着くためのマイルストーンが目標になります。このビジョンを明確にすることで、そこへ辿り着くまでに具体的に数値化した目標やアクションプランを設定していきます。そのため、同校のApplication Form内では以下のような設問が出題されています。

Career plans: What are your career plans (both short-term and long-term goal) after your complete your graduate law studies?


Current occupation: _______
Year 1-3:短期目標        
Year 4-6:中期目標        
Year 7 and beyond: 長期目標   

Please elaborate on your plans. In which country (or countries) do you intend to pursue your career? (Please limit your response to no more than 1500 characters.)

Application を作成する上では、複数の書類でLL.M.取得後の目標について記述するといった重複する行為は回避しなければなりません (Personal Statementで短期目標等を言及する必要はありません)。

同校を卒業した学生がLegal Professionalとして、さらなる成長を遂げるための原動力として、ビジョンを描く力がを求めていることが読み取れます。法曹界におけるリーダーを育成する同校の教育方針がエッセイ課題に反映されています。

Eiki Satori

2021-2022 MIT Sloan (MBA)出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 MIT Sloan  (MBA)出願締切日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました

2021-2022 MIT Sloan(2-year program)
MBA Round 1 September 28, 2021
MBA Round 2  January 19, 2022
MBA Round 3 April 12, 2022

Applications must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. EST

Cover Letter

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Assistant Deans of Admissions, Rod Garcia and Dawna Levenson (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).

Video Statement

Applicants are required to upload a 1 minute (60 seconds) video as part of their application. In your video, you should introduce yourself to your future classmates, tell us about your past experiences, and touch on why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your degree.

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length
  • Single take (no editing)
  • You should be speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles

We recommend using applications such as QuickTime or iMovie to record yourself.  Upload the video file according to the detailed instructions within the application.

We support the following file formats: .avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .webm, .wmv. Apple ProRes is not currently supported. If uploading a .mov, please use an alternate codec.

Should you experience difficulties uploading your file, please ensure that you’re using a modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) on the fastest wired internet connection available. An intermittent or slow internet connection can cause uploads to timeout.



Chizuko Okada

AGOS 奨学金対策ワークショップ報告と奨学金対策のアドバイス



Study Objectives/研究計画書の重要性

2) 留学先大学院での具体的な研究/学習プランの策定
3) 上記研究/学習計画実施後における国内学術/産業界への影響の設定
4) 研究/学習計画実現のために国内大学院ではなく、海外大学院への進学が必須である理由の説明

そして、上述の研究/学習目標達成のために、海外大学院で活躍できるだけの「学力」や、学習/研究に関連した職務実績などを十分に有していることを示すエビデンスの証明が重要です(Resume/CV/推薦状の活用が効果的)。さらには、そのエビデンス(これまでに自身がそれらの能力をどのように築いてきたか)を「Personal statement」の中で、具体的なエピソードを使用して伝えていきます。


奨学金獲得は、留学資金の負担の軽減だけではなく、奨学金団体を通じた留学中/帰国後のネット ワークの拡大、奨学生に選抜されたという実績が大学院入学審査へのアピールにつながるなど、様々なメリットを享受できます。しかし、競争倍率が高いもの多く、入念な準備が必要です。

MBA・LLM・大学院 奨学⾦応募戦略パッケージで万全な対策を

Eiki Satori

LL.M. Personal statementを分析 Columbia LL.M. 2021年入学に向けて

前回の投稿に続き、Columbia LL.M.のFAQサイトから重要ポイントを確認していきたいと思います。

Q, Do you have any tips for the personal statement?

Your personal statement should describe your background, academic interests, the program of study you wish to follow, and your reasons for pursuing that program. Because you are also submitting a résumé or CV, your personal statement should not simply be a restatement of that information.

Formatting requirements:
• Double-spaced
• 12-point font
• Standard margins
• No more than three pages

上記Personal Statement課題で問われていることを細分化してみます。
1) Your Background
2) Academic Interest
3) The Program of study you wish to follow
4) Your reasons for pursuing that program

1) Your Backgroundという表現自体は広範囲なキャリアへ言及しているように思われますが、ここでは大学以降の経験に絞りましょう。その一方で、Because you are also submitting a résumé or CV, your personal statement should not simply be a restatement of that information.と記されています。Resume/CVに記した数多くの実績を単に重複させるのではなく、これらの実績をさらに掘り下げてPersonal Statementで使用することが求められています。この点から、まずResume/CVのコンテンツからあなたにとって重要な実績を選定することから作業をスタートしましょう。

2) Columbia LL.M.プログラム入学後に学びたい分野(例:Litigation & Dispute Resolution)へ興味/関心を抱いた経緯を考えてみましょう。

3) ここではLL.M.を取得するきっかけとなったエピソードを考えましょう。

4) Columbia LL.M.への出願理由を考える際は、まず” Course Selection Tips”をご覧ください。

そして、1) 専門分野 (Areas of Study)と 2) 関連科目をご確認ください。

Personal Statementを書き始める手順として以下のステップをお勧めします。

i) エッセイ課題内容の把握
ii) 使用するコンテンツの選定(ネタだし)
iii) カリキュラムの調査
iv) Personal Statementアウトラインの作成
v) 書き出し

当セミナーでPersonal Statement作成のコツを丁寧に解説します!

セミナー参加後は、LLM出願戦略コンサルティング 個別クイックアドバイスで個別のアドバイスをお受けください。


Eiki Satori

MBA Applications: Deciding between Round 1 and 2 for International Candidates

One of the challenges with the MBA application is choosing which round or deadline to apply.  Generally, US MBA programs have up to four application rounds.  However, these rounds are mostly applicable for US applicants.  For international candidates, a different approach is necessary because there is a visa requirement that they must adhere.  Given this, most international candidates are encouraged to apply to either Round 1 or 2.

Regarding choosing between Round 1 and 2, the best advice is to self-assess one’s own background and application progress; then, select the round in which he feels most comfortable applying.  Since candidates only have one application opportunity per school each year, they should ensure that their application is at its highest potential before submitting.

To distinguish the advantages and disadvantages between these two rounds, use the following descriptions as guidance.

Round 1 Analysis

Benefit:  Since Round 1 applications are early, one of the benefits of applying in this round is that an applicant will get his results early as well.  This will provide him with the flexibility to apply to additional MBA programs in Round 2 if his results are not satisfactory.  As such, those who apply in Round 1 with unfavourable results will be able to reassess their application, strengthen any areas of weakness, and develop a stronger application for Round 2.  In essence, they will be able to pace their applications better.   Another benefit is that generally in Round 1, there are fewer people who apply.  Given this, the opportunity to stand out is stronger.

Challenge:   Conversely, the main challenge with Round 1 is that it is an early deadline.  Therefore, depending on when an candidate started his application, he may have less time to develop his goals and essays, strengthen his test scores, and request letters of recommendation.  Also, since most international MBA information sessions and events happen later in the year, this might present a dilemma for the candidate in terms of researching about a school and figuring out his “fit.”

Suggestion:  An international candidate should only apply for this round if he has strong test scores (GMAT/GRE and TOEFL), a clear sense of his goals and aspirations, and sufficient time to research about a school beforehand.    This round is also recommended for re-applicants as it will show their dedication to the school.

Round 2 Analysis

Benefit:   The main benefit of Round 2 is that an applicant is given more time to strengthen his MBA application.  This entails more time to develop his MBA goals and essays, to improve his test scores, to request letters of recommendation, and to research schools.    This extra time may be critical for many candidates as it helps to develop their competitive advantage.

Challenge:  The primary challenge with this round is that most MBA applicants (both domestic and international) will apply during this time.  Therefore, the competition is intense.  Also, given that most schools do not encourage Round 3 for international candidates, this means that applicants who apply solely in Round 2 may need to apply to more schools to increase their chances of admittance.   As such, the pacing of these various applications may be challenging.

Suggestion:  Besides having a strong application (i.e. test scores, letters of recommendation, etc.), an applicant needs to develop stories that help differentiate him from the rest of the MBA applicant pool.  This requires self-analysis and reflection.  Thus, personal branding becomes a critical part of the application even more so than in Round 1.

Posted by Lee Moua