Columbia LLM 12/21まで出願期限延長のお知らせ

いよいよ今年もあと残すところ数週間となりました。今月は中盤から後半にかけ、Berkeley, Chicago, New York, さらにはPennsylvaniaの締め切り日が続きますので、まさに出願の大詰めの時期ですね。Columbia Law Schoolより下記メールを昨日付けで受信しました。

メール内の(NY time)とは米国東海岸の時間帯 (Eastern Time)を指します。


Dear Eiki,

You asked, we listened! Given the volume of requests we received to submit a late application and our change to an earlier deadline this year, we will be reopening our applications to the Executive LL.M. and LL.M. programs. The application will open at 12:00am (NY time) on December 14 and close at 11:59pm (NY time) December 21.

Please continue to work with LSAC and your recommenders to submit your transcripts or letters of recommendation. Do not worry if there are slight delays with LSAC. We understand it takes time on their end to process as well, so as long as you submit the Columbia application by December 21, you have met the requirement. We cannot, however, review your application until we have all documents from LSAC.

Decisions for our Executive LL.M. program will be sent on a rolling basis through January. Decisions for our LL.M. program will be sent simultaneously the first week of March.

If you are having a technical issue with submitting your application, please contact LSAC at

As always, we are here to help if you have questions! You can reply directly to this email or contact us at

Office of Graduate Degree Programs
しかしながら、Columbia出願に際しては、Personal Statementに加えshort essayの提出が求められます。これらは同校の願書(アプリケーションフォーム)内の7. Educational Objectives欄でご確認ください。以下は設問内容(計2題)です。

Please choose ONE of the following questions to answer. (Maximum word count: 150/ character count:1000)
• What quality do you value most in a friend? Do you also value this quality in a classmate? Why or why not?

• If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would you choose? Please explain why.

• Which single line from a poem or song significantly impacted your perspective? Please share how these words changed you.

• What is a memory that is important to you? Please elaborate.

以下は別の設問です。(Maximum word count:250 / character count 1250)

A hallmark of the Columbia experience is being able to learn and thrive in an equitable and inclusive community with a wide range of perspectives. Tell us about an aspect of your own perspective, viewpoint, or lived experience that is important to you, and describe how it has shaped the way you would learn from and contribute to Columbia’s diverse and collaborative community.


Eiki Satori