2024-25 LL.M.出願:UC Berkeley Video Assessmentの導入

8月に入り、続々と米国ロースクールを中心に2025年入学用のLL.M.プログラムの出願要項が発表になっております。昨年との変更点として、University of California, Berkeley校が新たにVideo Assessmentの導入(オプショナル)を発表しました。その名前の通り、コンピューター相手によるインタビューとなり、Berkeley LL.M. Admissions Teamより提示されたURLにログインし、TOEFL Speakingテストのように画面上に表示される質問に対して時間内に回答します。

Video Assessment (optional)
Applicants will receive an email invitation after submitting their online application form to complete the video assessment through Kira Talent’s online platform. More information about the video assessment process will be provided in the email invitation.

今回導入されるVideo Assessmentは必須事項ではありませんので、自分の準備状況やスピーキングスコアを精査した上で受験の判断を決定していきましょう。あくまでも、’optional’扱いのため、パフォーマンスによっては審査上の‘加点’材料を増やすことになります。

今回のVideo Assessmentを審査においてどう評価するか、アドミッション関係者と直接コンタクトを取りたい場合は、同校が定期的に開催しているオンラインLL.M.プログラム説明会へ参加されることをお勧めいたします。

Eiki Satori

Harvard Kennedy School 2020-2021出願においてGMAT/GRE Policyアップデート

10/6にAdmission blogにてHarvard Kennedy School 2020-2021出願にむけたテストスコア提出ポリシーの変更が発表されました。以下をよく読んで、出願先のプログラムの要件の理解を深め、そのうえで、自分はどのような方法をとることが最適であるのか、出願戦略を考えることをお勧めします。

Harvard Kennedy School 2020-2021 GRE/GMAT Test Score Policy for 2021 Admission Consideration

Master in Public Policy (MPP)

Standardized tests are just one component of our holistic evaluation process, but we have found GRE or GMAT scores to be an effective way for applicants to document their preparation for the quantitative elements of the MPP core curriculum. We continue to believe that the GRE or GMAT is an important component of the MPP application and expect that applicants who have the ability to take the GRE or GMAT—or who already have valid scores no more than 5 years old—will submit scores accordingly. →この表現からテストスコアは審査において重要な位置付けてあることが記されています。
However, in light of this year’s exceptional circumstances HKS will consider applications to the MPP program, for the 2020-21 admission cycle only, without GRE or GMAT scores. Applicants who face major coronavirus pandemic-related obstacles to submitting scores should provide a brief explanation in the optional statement.

Two-Year Master in Public Administration (MPA)

Standardized tests are just one component of our holistic evaluation process, but we have found GRE or GMAT scores to be an effective way for applicants to document their preparation to be able to succeed in quantitative coursework. We continue to believe that the GRE or GMAT is an important component of the Two-year MPA application and expect that applicants who have the ability to take the GRE or GMAT—or who already have valid scores no more than 5 years old—will submit scores accordingly. →この表現からテストスコアは審査において重要な位置付けてあることが記されています。
However, in light of this year’s exceptional circumstances HKS will consider applications to the Two-Year MPA program, for the 2020-21 admission cycle only, without GRE or GMAT scores. Applicants who face major coronavirus pandemic-related obstacles to submitting scores should provide a brief explanation in the optional statement.

Master in Public Administration in International Development (MPA/ID)

GRE or GMAT scores are required of all applicants to the MPA/ID program, as they have been found to be useful indicators of potential success in the quantitative and analytic coursework in the MPA/ID core curriculum. Results must be less than 5 years old as of the application deadline. In general, you are most competitive for admission if you score in the 75th percentile and above on the GRE or GMAT quantitative section.→特にMPA/IDプログラムの特長としてquantitative sectionが重要となります

However, we understand it may prove impossible for some applicants who have not already taken these standardized tests to take them under current pandemic conditions. If you think you are in this category, contact us with a brief explanation of your circumstances that preclude taking the test. You may send your email to mpaid_program@hks.harvard.edu.

Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MC/MPA and MC/MPA Mason)

Harvard Kennedy School is offering a temporary suspension of the GRE or GMAT test score policy for all applicants to the Mid-Career MPA program, due to the unique challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. For the 2020-21 admission cycle only, GRE or GMAT score submission will be optional for applicants to the Mid-Career MPA program. Applicants may, if they choose, submit GRE or GMAT scores for consideration in the application process, but test scores are not required.


Chizuko Okada