2021-2022 Stanford GSB 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 Stanford GSB (MBA )の出願締切日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました。エッセイ課題は昨年と同様になります。

2021–22 Deadlines
Submit your application by We will notify you on
09 Sep 2021 09 Dec 2021
05 Jan 2022 31 Mar 2022


Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.


Both essays combined may not exceed 1,050 words. We recommend up to 650 words for Essay A and up to 400 words for Essay B. We often find effective essays that are written in fewer words.

Short Answers (Optional)
Optional Question A

In the Essays section of the application, we ask you to tell us about who you are and how you think Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. If you would like to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully, you are welcome to share up to three examples (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example).

Question: Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others?

Optional Question B

We know that each person is more than a list of facts or pre-defined categories. We are interested in how your background may have influenced your life experiences. In answering this question, consider how your background, such as your work, education, skills, interests, culture, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, where/how you grew up, and/or other factors had an impact on your recent actions and choices (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words).

Question: Tell us about a time within the last three years when your background influenced your participation in a situation, interaction, or project.


Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 UCLA MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

2021-2022 UCLA MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表が発表されました

All applicants must apply to the MBA program online. Applications will be accepted for Fall 2022 starting August 1, 2021.

Deadlines & Decisions
Application Deadline Decision release date
Roud 1 2021/10/5 2021/12/14
Roud 2 2022/1/4 2022/3/22
Roud 3 2022/4/12 2022/5/17

We look forward to learning about your perspectives and plans via your essay responses. Essays complement the answers you provide throughout the application to show us your whole profile. The best applications are introspective, genuine and succinct in directly answering our questions and showing clear plans for the future.

A) Essay: For the 2021-2022 application year, we have one essay question that is required for first-time applicants and optional for re-applicants:

How have recent events influenced the impact you would like to make in your community, career, or both? (250 words maximum)

We welcome reflection on any events that influenced you in your personal or professional lives, or in society in general, and look forward to learning about specific ways you want to leave your mark.

B) Optional Essay: No preference is given in the evaluation process to those who choose to respond to this optional essay, so please use your best judgment:

Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions committee should be aware? (250 words maximum)


Reapplicants are those who applied to the MBA program within the last two application years, so those who applied three or more years ago are considered new applicants.

Reapplicants may answer one or both of the essay questions above as options, and they must provide additional updates within text boxes given in the application for any new test scores, career developments, or other changes since their last application.


Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 Kellogg MBA 出願締切日発表

2021-2022 Kellogg MBA 出願締切日が発表されました。Early Julyにオンラインアプリケーションがアップされる予定です。

Application deadlines

Round 1: September 15, 2021
Round 2: January 5, 2022
Round 3: April 6, 2022

Decision deadlines

Round 1: December 8, 2021
Round 2: March 23, 2022
Round 3: May 11, 2022

Kellogg’s 2022 Full-Time MBA Application: What You Need to Know

Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 Michigan MBA 出願締切日およびエッセイ課題発表

Michigan Ross Full Time MBAの出願締め切り日およびエッセイ課題が発表されました!2021-2022シーズンの出願を目指す方、特に、round1を目指す方は本格的な出願準備開始ですね。



Application Due Decisions Released
Round 1 Sept. 20, 2021 Dec. 8, 2021
Round 2 Jan. 10, 2022 Mar. 18, 2022
Round 3 Apr. 4, 2022 May 11, 2022


Part 1: Short-answer questions

Select one prompt from each group of the two groups below. Respond to each selected prompt in 100 words or less .

Group 1
I want people to know that I:
I made a difference when I:
I was aware that I was different when:

Group 2
I am out of my comfort zone when:
I was humbled when:
I was challenged when:

Part 2: Career Goal Essay
What is your short-term career goal and why? (200 words)





Chizuko Okada

2021-2022 Harvard MBAエッセイ課題発表 Top MBAゼミシリーズでその対策をおさえる

先日の出願締切日発表に続き、2021-2022シーズンのエッセイ課題は2020-2021シーズンと変更なしであることが発表されました。正式な出願用のアプリケーションは6月中旬にアップされる予定ですが、現時点では、 Application Guideをダウンロードすることをお勧めします。

Harvard MBA Essay 

“As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA Program?” (no word limit)

2022年MBA留学に向けて 書類作成戦略と学校調査の開始の重要性


Top MBAゼミシリーズ

M7(US) Europe Top MBAに特化した出願傾向とその対策を理解するために、この度新設いたしました。


Harvard /Stanford       5月16日 Sun 15:00-16:30
Wharton/Columbia     5月22日 Sat 15:00-16:30
Kellogg /Chicago/MIT     5月29日 Sat 13:00-14:30
INSEAD/LBS                                5月29日 Sat 15:00-16:30



Chizuko Okada

MIT Sloan 2020-2021出願においてGMAT/GRE の提出をoptionalに変更

US Top MBAプログラムの中で、2020-2021の出願において、MIT Sloanが初めてGMAT/GRE の提出をoptionalに変更する方針が発表されました。


2020-2021 MBA出願戦略及び書類作成のコツを知る
9月23日 (水) 19:30 – 21:00

MIT Sloan admissionより

Standardized tests, such as GMAT, GRE, EA, TOEFL, IELTS, are a component of the application process and play an important role in our holistic evaluation process. However, in view of challenges brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, we will allow candidates for the 2020-21 admission cycle to submit their application without the test and review their submitted material as is and without negative inferences. If admitted, candidates will not be required to take a test.

Additionally, applicants are welcome to submit other pieces of evidence, such as expired test scores (GMAT, GRE, EA, etc.); MITx MicroMasters, CORe, edX, MBAMath, or any other non-degree coursework completed; or certifications earned such as CPA, ACCA, CFA, etc; all of which may assist the Admissions Committee in its evaluation process.



We are looking for individuals who demonstrate:

-Leadership and an ability to inspire others
-A collaborative spirit and focus on community
-Intellectual curiosity and analytical strength
-Creativity to generate new solutions to existing challenges
-Growth in both professional and personal endeavors

We seek applicants with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with inventive ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.


Chizuko Okada

The MBA Reality Check①/課外活動実績はMBAの審査においてどう見られるのか?








さらに、MBAの入学審査のアプローチについての理解を深めることも重要です。holistic review processにおいては、各項目に対して厳格な粗点が与えられる審査ではなく、出願者の強みにフォーカスをした審査を重視しています。詳細はMBA入学審査の考え方 A Holistic MBA Application Evaluationで解説しています



1. 大学時代に所属していたクラブ活動にOBとして参加し、学生コーチに関わる もしくはOB会の活動を開始する
2. 会社のCSR活動に参加し、地域の清掃活動に参加する
3. 社内で要求されている資格取得のための勉強会を、社内の同期とともに開催する
4. 課外活動実績を積むことよりも、TOEFL/GMAT学習に専念する

2020年MBA留学を目指す方で、課外活動実績も含め、自身のバックグラウンドの確認とその後の戦略アドバイスをご希望の方は、MBA出願戦略コンサルティング 個別クイックアドバイスをご利用ください。

Chizuko Okada

MBA入学審査の考え方 A Holistic MBA Application Evaluation

5/6に開催されました 「MBA留学準備の明暗セミナー」に多くの皆さんにご参加いただき誠にありがとうございました。


(セミナー内でご紹介させていただいた個々の事例については割愛させていただいております。セミナーのテーマであるA Holistic MBA Application Evaluationはデータだけでは説明が難しいため、あらかじめご了承ください。自分の状況に合わせた具体的なアクションを立案にむけては、以下の個別学習計画相談にお越しいただくことをおすすめいたします。)


・A Holistic MBA Application Evaluationとは、個々の強みをアピールすることが重要(-(弱み)を指摘するのではなく、+(強味)を探し、その点を強化する考え方)
・入学審査では個性が重視されるため、絶対的な合格のルール(こうすれば合格する)というものはない つまり、自分の強みを最大化することが最大の戦略となる

Next Actions:
Reality checkを行うこと(あなたの強み/弱みを認識すること)


Chizuko Okada