Improve your pronunciation and get higher scores! – by Michael Thundercliffe

Hi everyone, welcome to the instructor blog! I hope the summer heat isn’t causing you too much夏ばて.  I’ve been living in Japan for 11 years, and I’m still not used to this weather! I miss the mild English summers…

I’m Mike, and today, I’m going to be talking about the importance of ‘delivery’ (pronunciation and fluency) in the TOEFL and IELTS speaking tests. A lot of test takers in Japan don’t realise how important this is, but delivery is a third of your mark in the TOEFL test, and in IELTS, pronunciation is 25% of your grade! In both tests, these areas tend to pull people’s scores down.

‘Delivery’ is probably the biggest difficulty for Japanese speakers – but why is this? Well, at school, you probably learnt a lot of grammar and vocabulary, and you probably did a lot of reading, writing, listening and speaking practice too. However, you probably didn’t learn that much about pronunciation.

Let’s listen to an example. Here’s a recording of a Japanese speaker and a native English speaker saying the same sentence:

‘I want to go out tonight to eat with my friends.’

Japanese speaker:

Native English speaker:

As you can hear, there’s a big difference! The native speaker sounds more like this:

‘ah wanna go wow tonigh tah wee wi mah frens’

Sometimes my students ask me – do I really have to sound like that? Well, you don’t need to be perfect, but you need to be as close as possible to improve your speaking scores!

So how can you improve? The most important thing is to listen to a lot of English. This could be recordings from your Agos class CDs, podcasts, radio programs, Youtube videos, films, TV shows, drama or anything else. Try shadowing to say the words exactly like native speakers, paying close attention to stress, intonation and how the speaker links words together smoothly. Becoming a good listener and a good mimic will really help – you can do it!

We also have a Pronunciation and Fluency class (発音矯正)at Agos – if delivery is a problem for you, then this would be a good place to start!

GMATスコア キャンセル方法 — by 中山道生



AWA 以外のGMATスコアは試験当日に見ることができますが、試験直後にスコアを確認してからキャンセルすることができます。





GMAT 学習体験談:610 → 700点


Verbal, Quantitative, IR 全てのスコアを順調に伸ばして目標スコアを達成された方から体験談を頂きましたので、ご紹介します。(公開のご承諾をいただいています)

V Q Total IR AWA
1回目(5/31) 29 43 610 4 5
2回目(7/30) 35 50 700 5 5




<W さん>



ポイント1: 1回目の受験結果の後に感じた課題をまとめ、対策に時間を割きました


① Quantitativeの点数が低い(定石に倣い、やはりほぼ満点近くを取る必要がある)

② Verbalの完成度が低い(SC,CR,RS すべてもう一段階レベルを上げる必要がある)

③ 時間管理がうまくできなかった(終盤のランダムクリック数が多くなったため、少なくする必要がある)

④ コンピュータのスクリーンに不慣れなせいか、書面の問題と比較して読解に時間がかかった


① ② ・不得意な分野の問題を集中的に反復して解いて苦手意識をなくす(例:不等式、複雑な文章問題)



・参考文献(Official, Prep, アゴス教科書等)を解き進め、スピードアップと底上げを図った

③ ④ ・GMAT Prep Exam Pack1&2を購入し定期的に問題を解くことで、問題慣れできる環境を作った

・GMAT WileyでOfficial問題をオンラインで解くことで、スクリーン慣れに努めた


ポイント2: 試験前の気負いと疲労を無くすことに努めました


